Pastor Archive

Alex also talks with pastor and former Alaskan pipeline missionary Lindsey Williams. In 2010, Williams, using oil industry insider sources, predicted the rise in oil and gas prices we are […]

Pastor Lindsey Williams: Day of RAGE and The MI6/CIA Controled ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ 1/3

Alex also talks with pastor and former Alaskan pipeline missionary Lindsey Williams. In 2010, Williams, using oil industry insider sources, predicted the rise in oil and gas prices we are […]

Alex talks with James David Manning, chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City. Manning has provided evidence that Obama is not qualified to be president. […]

Pastor James Manning Discusses Our First “Illegal Alien” President on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

Alex talks with James David Manning, chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City. Manning has provided evidence that Obama is not qualified to be president. […]

Airing Date May.14, 2009 CNN Report On Arizona Pastor Tazering By Border Patrol Check Point Only ONE MONTH LATE CNN nice work    

CNN Report On Arizona Pastor Tazering By Border Patrol Check Point

Airing Date May.14, 2009 CNN Report On Arizona Pastor Tazering By Border Patrol Check Point Only ONE MONTH LATE CNN nice work    

I was on a business trip. I told them I had no drugs or humans in the car. That wasn’t enough. They wanted to search the car, and I invoked […]

Baptist pastor beaten + tazed by Border patrol – 11 stitches

I was on a business trip. I told them I had no drugs or humans in the car. That wasn’t enough. They wanted to search the car, and I invoked […]

 ATLANTA-Associated Press and others are reporting that undercover plainclothes police officers shot and killed a pastor when according to police the 28-year-old father-to-be resisted efforts to question him about a […]

Pastor shot and killed by police

 ATLANTA-Associated Press and others are reporting that undercover plainclothes police officers shot and killed a pastor when according to police the 28-year-old father-to-be resisted efforts to question him about a […]