Government Archive

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones November 11, 2010 I would like to put forward the idea that a false flag event could also be a good […]

Alex Jones_ Glenn Beck Says Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition!!.flv

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones November 11, 2010 I would like to put forward the idea that a false flag event could also be a good […]

Paul Craig Roberts March 2, 2011 This essay is about three recent books that explain how we lost our economy, the Constitution and our civil liberties, and how […]

Paul Craig Roberts: The Perfidy of Government – Evidence v. Denial 1/2

Paul Craig Roberts March 2, 2011 This essay is about three recent books that explain how we lost our economy, the Constitution and our civil liberties, and how […]

Read the Transcript: Jeffrey Brown talks to Bill Keller, executive editor of The New York Times, about the decisions the newspaper faced in negotiating with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange […]

For New York Times, a Complex Relationship With Wikileaks, Government

Read the Transcript: Jeffrey Brown talks to Bill Keller, executive editor of The New York Times, about the decisions the newspaper faced in negotiating with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange […]

Alex welcomes back to the show physician, Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas, and former presidential candidate, Ron Paul. He is the founder of the advocacy group […]

Ron Paul: Fear is The Tool of The Thugs in Government – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Alex welcomes back to the show physician, Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas, and former presidential candidate, Ron Paul. He is the founder of the advocacy group […]

Douglas Bickford 360-773-1318    


Douglas Bickford 360-773-1318    

Think Government Is Corrupt? You May Face 10 Years In Jail Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, February 8, 2010 Subversives who think government is corrupt and should be controlled […]

Alex Jones Tv: Think Government Is Corrupt? You May Face 10 Years In Jail

Think Government Is Corrupt? You May Face 10 Years In Jail Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, February 8, 2010 Subversives who think government is corrupt and should be controlled […]

Paul Craig Roberts March 2, 2011 This essay is about three recent books that explain how we lost our economy, the Constitution and our civil liberties, and how […]

Paul Craig Roberts: The Perfidy of Government – Evidence v. Denial 2/2

Paul Craig Roberts March 2, 2011 This essay is about three recent books that explain how we lost our economy, the Constitution and our civil liberties, and how […]

Alex covers the Goldman sachs situation and the total failure of the Federal Government to do it’s duty in protecting our borders.    

The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: Inept Government at it’s Best!! 1/4

Alex covers the Goldman sachs situation and the total failure of the Federal Government to do it’s duty in protecting our borders.    

Boston Herald | Logan airport security just got more up close and personal as federal screeners launched a more aggressive palms-first, slide-down body search technique that has renewed the debate […]

Government Now Really Invading Personal Space at Airports Across America – Alex Jones Tv 2/2

Boston Herald | Logan airport security just got more up close and personal as federal screeners launched a more aggressive palms-first, slide-down body search technique that has renewed the debate […]

Alex talks with special guest David Hammer, death row inmate and author of Deadly Secrets: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing. In his book, Hammer discusses the mysterious Major […]

David Hammer Talks About McVeigh and Government Prior Knowledge of OKC Bombing on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

Alex talks with special guest David Hammer, death row inmate and author of Deadly Secrets: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing. In his book, Hammer discusses the mysterious Major […]

Alex talks with special guest David Hammer, death row inmate and author of Deadly Secrets: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing. In his book, Hammer discusses the mysterious Major […]

David Hammer Talks About McVeigh and Government Prior Knowledge of OKC Bombing on Alex Jones Tv 5/5

Alex talks with special guest David Hammer, death row inmate and author of Deadly Secrets: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing. In his book, Hammer discusses the mysterious Major […]

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show Kurt Nimmo July 23, 2010 The military attempted to prevent Ventura and his crew […]

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show 2/2

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show Kurt Nimmo July 23, 2010 The military attempted to prevent Ventura and his crew […]

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show Kurt Nimmo July 23, 2010 The military attempted to prevent Ventura and his crew […]

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show 1/2

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show Kurt Nimmo July 23, 2010 The military attempted to prevent Ventura and his crew […] – drop the coolaid and wake the fawk up sheeple the answer the 1984 is 1776 boston teaparty gun control illuminati nazis nazi socialists the word nazi means national […]

NWO Illuminati Banksters Secret Societies Shadow Government Human DNA Gulf Oil Greed WW3 Bohemians – drop the coolaid and wake the fawk up sheeple the answer the 1984 is 1776 boston teaparty gun control illuminati nazis nazi socialists the word nazi means national […]

The United States demands a degree of secrecy concerning foreign policy that would not be tolerated if applied to any other aspect of government. Is it to protect national security? […]

SA@TAC – How Wikileaks Fights Big Government

The United States demands a degree of secrecy concerning foreign policy that would not be tolerated if applied to any other aspect of government. Is it to protect national security? […]

A whistleblower nicknamed “Victor Martinez”, that claims to be a former US government employee, with contacts inside the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), alleges that on Nov. 12, 2009, occured a […]

ETs COVER UP AGENDA: Secret diplomatic meeting between aliens and government representatives???

A whistleblower nicknamed “Victor Martinez”, that claims to be a former US government employee, with contacts inside the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), alleges that on Nov. 12, 2009, occured a […]

george4title | October 07, 2010 Government Agents Seize Oath Keeper’s New Born From Hospital Concord Hospital, NH, Wed. Oct. 7th, 2010 Last Night John Irish & Stephanie Janvrin had […]

Government Agents Seize Oath Keepers Couple’s Newborn From Hospital in New Hampshire

george4title | October 07, 2010 Government Agents Seize Oath Keeper’s New Born From Hospital Concord Hospital, NH, Wed. Oct. 7th, 2010 Last Night John Irish & Stephanie Janvrin had […]

Microsoft Proposes Government Licensing Internet Access State should have power to block individual computers from connecting to world wide web, claims Charney Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, […]

Microsoft Proposes Government Licensing Internet Access! – Alex Jones Tv

Microsoft Proposes Government Licensing Internet Access State should have power to block individual computers from connecting to world wide web, claims Charney Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, […]

WELL TELL ME WHY THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CHIEF CONSTAble after all you’ve had more than enough evidence from me that they have perverted the course of justice or else […]

local government ombudsman arrested

WELL TELL ME WHY THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CHIEF CONSTAble after all you’ve had more than enough evidence from me that they have perverted the course of justice or else […]

Alex talks with the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, in-studio. Adams, a former high-powered software executive, began his mission as the Health Ranger in response to his own failing health. He […]

Mike Adams in-Studio: FDA, The Most Dangerous Agency in Government! 5/6

Alex talks with the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, in-studio. Adams, a former high-powered software executive, began his mission as the Health Ranger in response to his own failing health. He […]