definition Archive

Cop uses his roofbar light, not following anyone, not pulling anyone over, etc… It was very dangerous, ‘cuz if someone was following him, they would have been distracted on this […]

Cop uses illegal lighting without reason -low definition

Cop uses his roofbar light, not following anyone, not pulling anyone over, etc… It was very dangerous, ‘cuz if someone was following him, they would have been distracted on this […]

In OREGON, the Law states: “You must signal ATLEAST 100′ BEFORE the turn” This cop hit his blinker 30′ before the turn, AND doesnt come to a complete stop! Where’s […]

Cop fails to signal 100 feet before the turn -low definition

In OREGON, the Law states: “You must signal ATLEAST 100′ BEFORE the turn” This cop hit his blinker 30′ before the turn, AND doesnt come to a complete stop! Where’s […]