Alex Jones Archive

On this Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the efforts of the corporatist and bankster warmongers to take their destabilization campaign into Pakistan and crank up the […]

The Alex Jones Show: The Mafia Government We Live Under 2/2

On this Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the efforts of the corporatist and bankster warmongers to take their destabilization campaign into Pakistan and crank up the […]

On this Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the efforts of the corporatist and bankster warmongers to take their destabilization campaign into Pakistan and crank up the […]

Gangster James “Whitey” Bulger Was in FBI Witness Protection Program – Alex Jones Tv

On this Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the efforts of the corporatist and bankster warmongers to take their destabilization campaign into Pakistan and crank up the […]    

Prof.Roger Masters on Alex Jones Tv:”Water Fluoridation”3/4    

On this Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talk about World War 3, now in implementation stage as Obama ignores the Constitution and Congress in Libya and the […]

I’m Labeled an Extremist for Telling The Truth – Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/3

On this Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talk about World War 3, now in implementation stage as Obama ignores the Constitution and Congress in Libya and the […]    

Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: The Blind Watch Maker 1/2    

On this Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the efforts of the corporatist and bankster warmongers to take their destabilization campaign into Pakistan and crank up the […]

The Alex Jones Show: The Mafia Government We Live Under 1/2

On this Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the efforts of the corporatist and bankster warmongers to take their destabilization campaign into Pakistan and crank up the […]

On the Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about transhumanism and the plan by the elite to evolve while they implement their eugenicist nightmare for the rest […]

The Transhumanist Cult That Runs Our Planet – Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/3

On the Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about transhumanism and the plan by the elite to evolve while they implement their eugenicist nightmare for the rest […]

Paul Joseph Watson April 18, 2011 A new program being touted by the Obama administration as a solution to online identity theft actually increases the risk […]

Obama Pushes Chinese-Style Internet ID System – Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/3

Paul Joseph Watson April 18, 2011 A new program being touted by the Obama administration as a solution to online identity theft actually increases the risk […]

Max joins Alex to discuss how all this madness started in Greece and who is to blame for it.    

Max Keiser & Alex Jones: The History of What Happened to Greece 2/2

Max joins Alex to discuss how all this madness started in Greece and who is to blame for it.    

On this Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the outlawing of embedding YouTube videos, the criminalization of the gold trade, and the war clouds growing over […]

Alex Jones Show June 20 2011 – YouTube Embedding And Gold Trade Outlawed, War

On this Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the outlawing of embedding YouTube videos, the criminalization of the gold trade, and the war clouds growing over […]    

Alex Takes Calls on Americas War on The Middle East and TSA Gone Wild 1/2    

Alex talks with regular guest Bob Chapman, the former stockbroker and editor of The International Forecaster, a twice weekly compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political […]

Bob Chapman’s Friday Report on Alex Jones Tv A Consolidation of Power!! 1/6

Alex talks with regular guest Bob Chapman, the former stockbroker and editor of The International Forecaster, a twice weekly compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political […]

Alex welcomes back to the show activist Karen Quinn-Tostado of Tax Free 15, an organization dedicated to national strike and education days on the 15th of every month in response […]

Karen Quinn-Tostado Calls for A “Tax Holiday” on The Alex Jones Show 1/2

Alex welcomes back to the show activist Karen Quinn-Tostado of Tax Free 15, an organization dedicated to national strike and education days on the 15th of every month in response […]

The photographs here show long time Bilderberg attendee David Rockefeller arriving at Suvretta House earlier today ahead of the secretive confab.    

Paul Joseph Watson Updates Alex on Bilderberg Attendees for 2011

The photographs here show long time Bilderberg attendee David Rockefeller arriving at Suvretta House earlier today ahead of the secretive confab.    

Paul Joseph Watson April 18, 2011 A new program being touted by the Obama administration as a solution to online identity theft actually increases the risk […]

Obama Pushes Chinese-Style Internet ID System – Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/3

Paul Joseph Watson April 18, 2011 A new program being touted by the Obama administration as a solution to online identity theft actually increases the risk […]

Alex breaks down the hidden agenda behind the BP Oil spill and shows how all the Elite families of the world have secret ties to each other and their nwo […]

The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: Globalist Family Ties & Obama’s Hidden Agenda 1/4

Alex breaks down the hidden agenda behind the BP Oil spill and shows how all the Elite families of the world have secret ties to each other and their nwo […]

Lindsey Williams reveals new bombshell information on the Alex Jones Show today. Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for nearly 30 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as […]

Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist “Spills Gut” On Plan to Destroy America – Alex Jones Tv 4/6

Lindsey Williams reveals new bombshell information on the Alex Jones Show today. Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for nearly 30 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as […]

Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation NEWS ALERT: Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen is scheduled to appear live on the Alex Jones Show tomorrow THURSDAY AUGUST 19 at 1 […]

Wayne Madsen Bombshell: Barack Obama Conclusively Outed as CIA Creation – Alex Jones Tv 3/3

Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation NEWS ALERT: Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen is scheduled to appear live on the Alex Jones Show tomorrow THURSDAY AUGUST 19 at 1 […]

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones November 11, 2010 I would like to put forward the idea that a false flag event could also be a good […]

Alex Jones_ Glenn Beck Says Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition!!.flv

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones November 11, 2010 I would like to put forward the idea that a false flag event could also be a good […]

Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Tuesday, Jun 8th, 2010 – Sales of shares and stocks in days and […]

Paul Watson Breaks Down BP Oil Spill as A False Flage Event on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Tuesday, Jun 8th, 2010 – Sales of shares and stocks in days and […]