abuse Archive

A New crazy saints row 2 trailer www.TFMX.co.uk

Saints Row 2: Police Abuse

A New crazy saints row 2 trailer www.TFMX.co.uk

abusive police attacking protesters. Breaking arms,shooting with rubber bullets, ect.

Police Abuse Series-Attacking Protesters-BREAKING ARMS

abusive police attacking protesters. Breaking arms,shooting with rubber bullets, ect.

A relaxing drink at lunch time, in the evenings or at the weekend is great. But when excess takes over from moderation, what are the dangers – or are there […]

The Dangers of Alcohol Abuse

A relaxing drink at lunch time, in the evenings or at the weekend is great. But when excess takes over from moderation, what are the dangers – or are there […]

By Rev. Ned Wicker, Drug-Addiction-Support.org 
 I remember a conversation I had with a police detective some 35 years ago. He was telling me about what a mother had told […]

Parents Need to Take the Lead Against Drug Abuse

By Rev. Ned Wicker, Drug-Addiction-Support.org I remember a conversation I had with a police detective some 35 years ago. He was telling me about what a mother had told […]

I bet the first 12 complaints weren’t even read.

More Police Abuse

I bet the first 12 complaints weren’t even read.

Tell me more about the “wakeful rest,” asks my proofreader. Well certainly, I think to myself. There is nothing I’d rather talk (write) about more. What is the wakeful rest? […]

Healing From Abuse – How Wakeful Rest Can Heal and Enhance Health for Domestic Violence Survivors

Tell me more about the “wakeful rest,” asks my proofreader. Well certainly, I think to myself. There is nothing I’d rather talk (write) about more. What is the wakeful rest? […]

The Police Abuse continues here in Romania after the govermant adopted the law against violence in sports there for fans are not allowed with flairs and any materials ho can […]

Steaua – Poli Timisoara (2 – 2) Police Abuse in Romania ACAB !

The Police Abuse continues here in Romania after the govermant adopted the law against violence in sports there for fans are not allowed with flairs and any materials ho can […]

A child has been compared to a flower. Look at a newborn child. The child knows nothing about the world. It is so innocent of the world and surprised that […]

Child Abuse- Any Crime Worse Than This

A child has been compared to a flower. Look at a newborn child. The child knows nothing about the world. It is so innocent of the world and surprised that […]

part 1 of 2 clips ….filmed in Portland Oregon at the weekly “Stop Torture and Impeach Judge ByBee” Two guys walking by the protest stop to talk about police abuse […]

1. Torture Protest and Police Abuse

part 1 of 2 clips ….filmed in Portland Oregon at the weekly “Stop Torture and Impeach Judge ByBee” Two guys walking by the protest stop to talk about police abuse […]

I was exhibiting exacerbated symptoms of MG, officers ignored my need for help so I called an ambulance. I went to the officers was pushed and fell again, was kicked, […]

#4 Police Abuse Disabled Woman – Cops Kick Handcuff Ridicule

I was exhibiting exacerbated symptoms of MG, officers ignored my need for help so I called an ambulance. I went to the officers was pushed and fell again, was kicked, […]

This is a video from a patrol vehicle at the scene in Shelby Township MI on Aug 04 2007, of citizen being chased down, tazered, hand cuffed, legs bent up […]

“Police Abuse” ? Shelby Police August 4 2007

This is a video from a patrol vehicle at the scene in Shelby Township MI on Aug 04 2007, of citizen being chased down, tazered, hand cuffed, legs bent up […]

Each time I encounter the body’s ability to heal itself, I’m in awe. And to witness the role of intention in this is even more mind-boggling. As domestic violence survivors, […]

Healing From Emotional Abuse and the Physical Injuries of Domestic Violence

Each time I encounter the body’s ability to heal itself, I’m in awe. And to witness the role of intention in this is even more mind-boggling. As domestic violence survivors, […]

Sons-of-Liberty.me *My Free Member site* http *My Blog* “When you are aware, you can prepare.” Chris Duane ** Help spread this video: rate it, comment on it, favorite it, share […]

People Fight Back Police Abuse

Sons-of-Liberty.me *My Free Member site* http *My Blog* “When you are aware, you can prepare.” Chris Duane ** Help spread this video: rate it, comment on it, favorite it, share […]

after just “missing the action” Joe-Anybody.com interviews an innocent citizen who was accosted by the police as he waited for his girlfriend at the max train stop. Hear him explain […]

Trimet & Police Abuse

after just “missing the action” Joe-Anybody.com interviews an innocent citizen who was accosted by the police as he waited for his girlfriend at the max train stop. Hear him explain […]

Some guy on youtube recorded this and labled it a ‘takedown’ . I call it assault and abuse. Found it on the news: www.cbc.ca An internal investigation is under way […]

Abbotsford Police Brutality – normal, everyday conduct of abuse and assault

Some guy on youtube recorded this and labled it a ‘takedown’ . I call it assault and abuse. Found it on the news: www.cbc.ca An internal investigation is under way […]

Police Brutality: Michael Jackson describes how the police abused him after he turned himself in for a simple walk through.

Police Brutality: Michael Jackson Police Abuse Brutality

Police Brutality: Michael Jackson describes how the police abused him after he turned himself in for a simple walk through.

Gary Busey is back with a special message about Saints Row 2 The Blank video at the end of my clips is just where the video has been padded with […]

Saints Row 2 Gary Busey Trailer #2 Police Abuse HQ

Gary Busey is back with a special message about Saints Row 2 The Blank video at the end of my clips is just where the video has been padded with […]

Spousal abuse is very dehumanizing, sometimes you wake feeling like you have to “walk on eggshells” to keep your partner
 from getting angry and are frightened by his temper. From […]

Sign and Symtoms of Spousal Abuse

Spousal abuse is very dehumanizing, sometimes you wake feeling like you have to “walk on eggshells” to keep your partner from getting angry and are frightened by his temper. From […]

ATLANTA, Ga., March 3, 2008 – Working mothers or fathers may wish that they could stay at home to raise their children, however for financial reasons; this might not be […]

Background Checks on Nannies are Recommended, But Hidden ‘nanny Cams’ Will Confirm Any Child Abuse or Misconduct Suspicions

ATLANTA, Ga., March 3, 2008 – Working mothers or fathers may wish that they could stay at home to raise their children, however for financial reasons; this might not be […]

McCormick continues to implicate my Apt. management with his dumb & heinous criminal comments saying: “your Apt. mgt. planning a big surprise, ACCIDENTS HAPPEN.. No one can forsee acts of […]

Police Abuse Interview

McCormick continues to implicate my Apt. management with his dumb & heinous criminal comments saying: “your Apt. mgt. planning a big surprise, ACCIDENTS HAPPEN.. No one can forsee acts of […]