Stupid Police Officer Street Racing Speeding Cop Kills Teenagers

Know your rights Never talk to Police Officers and NEVER open your door to the police when they knock. MILFORD — A video of the June 13 crash that killed two Orange teens shows a Milford police cruiser street racing struck the young couple’s car under a flashing traffic signal. The video released Tuesday is from the dashboard camera of another Milford cruiser and shows Officer Jason Anderson’s car pass on the right and plow into a 2008 Mazda carrying Ashlie Krakowski and David Servin. The Mazda was struck as it made a left turn from the Boston Post Road onto Dogwood Road at 2:13 am, sparks and small flames shooting from underneath the vehicle. Officer Rick Pisani at one point was traveling at more than 70 mph, according to the dashboard camera, as he and Anderson returned to Milford after a mutual aid call in West Haven. Pisani was going about 65 mph when Anderson shot past him on the right; the speed limit on that stretch of the Boston Post Road is 40 mph. The two-minute video segment was released in response to a state Freedom of Information request by the Connecticut Post. It covers the nearly half-mile stretch between the Utopia 77 Lounge in West Haven, from where the officers left, and the crash site. An earlier video segment, also screened Tuesday by Chief Keith Mello, shows Pisani leaving the scene of the West Haven mutual aid call while Anderson’s cruiser is still there. Anderson has been charged by State Police with two counts of second-degree