Southern Cross Healthcare Abuse Cover Up

Southern Cross Healthcare are hiding behind a Public Relations firm in their blatant attempts to cover up for their abuse of Kathleen Stenson and her son William at their nursing home in West Felton,Oswestry in England.

Top earning nursing home bosses at Southern Cross Healthcare, Ray Miles, Chairman, Jamie Buchan, Executive Director, Richard Midmer and Kamma Foukes have hired the PR firm. The manager of the home, Kim Wright, is not to speak to the press and to leave things to their hired spin doctors at the PR company.

If previous salaries are anything to go by, and according to the Sunday Times of 4th Nov 2007, we know that former CEO Philip Scott was paid 600,000 pounds sterling in one year with shares of 12 million pounds sterling, then it can be said that the above executives are probably also earning similarly garguantuan salaries! It’s time these people were held to public account.

This healthcare giant uses the money they rake off from patients or through share dealings in this dehumanised elderly “care” industry to hire a PR company to spin and lie for them as their minions deny and repudiate the human rights of Kathleen Stenson and her son William.

 This PR firm Media House of 280 Vincent Street, Glasgow specialise in “crisis management” and have other offices in Edinburgh, London and New York and they have been retained by Southern Cross Healthcare to deflect attention from the manager of the home Kim Wright, who continues to infringe and abuse the human rights of Kathleen Stenson and her son.

It is expensive to maintain their plush offices and we know this slick PR company doesn’t come cheap and Southern Cross Healthcare have paid out money in a corrupt attempt to evade responsibility for their abuse of Kathleen Stenson and her son.

The necessary torch light of a free press must be shone on this corruption at the very highest levels in Southern cross Healthcare.

Calls from the press have been diverted to this PR company as the so called “public servants”, Kim Wright and Jill Franklin and other management of the “care” home refuse to be held to account for their misconduct and abuse of Kathleen Stenson’s human rights.

These arrogant sociopaths in the management of this home and their masters at Southern Cross Healthcare think they can fool the public by hiring this PR firm and paying them big money to spin stories and lie to people. But we want to tell them that we’re not buying into their PR lies. Their tricks and deception are not going to work. They are being exposed and we will not let them get away with condemning Kathleen Stenson to death in their terrible system against her will and that of her son’s.

Kim Wright, the manager of the home, is a tyrant and appears to enjoy abusing her power over Kathleen Stenson. This Wright woman is a highly paid public servant but acts like a criminal dictator and treats Kathleen Stenson wishes to return home to Ireland with scorn and contempt.

Wright even refuses to allow her son William visit her and has threatened him that if he shows up at the home she will call the cops, and has arbitrarily restricted Kathleen Stenson’s phone calls to five minutes supervised duration. This is criminal corruption and abuse of power by Wright and Southern Cross Healthcare and violates the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.


A stupid cop, Jan Clamp, of West Mercier police based in Oswestry, has trivialised a savage assault on Mrs Stenson of “two black eyes and a mark to her chin” by Social Sevices in Ireland, as “just a slap”. What confidence can anyone have in ignorant cops like that who dismiss a serious assault on an elderly person as “just a slap”!

The management of the Court Care Centre are ruthless because they just don’t care. They know they have a huge corporate bureaucracy and the social services’ fraudsters of Shropshire County Council to cover up for them, that all they have to do is follow orders like mindless automatons. But people are getting wise to them and their abuse of Kathleen Stenson is slowly coming out despite their lies and PR cover up. 

A prisoner in a high security prison has more rights than Kathleen Stenson and we will continue to expose the corruption of the evil control freaks there who deny her rights, deny her quality of life and who even at this moment are shortening her life by forcing Mrs Stenson to remain in their appalling nursing home against her will, by compelling her to stay in bed and by deliberately weakening her in this slow euthanasia system that people are not allowed question or expose.

Her other son, the vet Brian Stenson, has arrogantly stated that he wants her to die in this awful place.

The ‘care” home under the abuser Kim Wright has a very tried and tested technique now and sends all enquiries to the PR firm.

The PR firm is paid big bucks by Southern Cross Healthcare to tell lies to the general public regarding this case to deflect the fact that the Home is abusing Kathleen Stenson NOW by referring to the fact that Brian Stenson supports them. This means that part of the family are supporting what they are doing now and part of the family is not supporting what they are doing now. But it is irrelevant whether anyone is supporting what they are doing now because what they’re doing now is clear abuse and an infringement of Kathleen Stenson’s human rights. They can come up with whatever excuses they want. It doesn’t matter who says they think it’s a good idea to do what they’re doing, whether family or not!

The public is waking up and is not being fooled because this abuse of Kathleen Stenson has nothing to do with family. It’s abuse of Kathleen Stenson by the “care” home and Southern Cross Healthcare PERIOD.

This is what these public health nazis do for a living, without question. They blindly and arrogantly obey and follow grotesque orders like zombies.

William gave an interview to Radio Liberty 27th February 2009 exposing the big fraud of their “care” and how his mother’s wishes to go home to Ireland and be cared for by him at his home are cruelly denied and ignored by corporate money grubbers who prey on the elderly for profit, backed up by the corrupt power and tyranny of the state.You can hear it by clicking the link below:

 And see the article where John Turci describes the twenty one month forced isolation of Kathleen Stenson on the first floor of this hell :

The question of the treatment of elderly people is ever more urgent in a technocratic society that is becoming less and less human all the time – “for your own good.” In Canada, for example, old folks in nursing homes are forced to go outside to smoke in polar temperatures and they sometimes are found stiff dead the morning after, forgotten by all. Those crimes by Public Health go completely unpunished, and they keep going unreported by media that are fearful servants of the Public Health machine and of the “public opinion” that they themselves are helping to form.

This is a case of a quasi-kidnapping of an 81-year-old woman on a technicality by a nursing home in the UK. This lady, Kathleen Stenson, has suffered twenty-one months in isolation. Her treatment is cavalier. Apparently, she is underfed. Her son William Stenson says that he can talk to her only for an occasional 5 supervised minutes on the telephone and he has to fight hard ever to see her. He complained to the operators of the nursing home about her bed, and as a result  was escorted off the premises by cops. All that William wants is to take his mother home with him back to Ireland. But that too is denied. William has contacted FORCES after being largely ignored by the mass-media. This is a stunning news story that merits the attention of all our readers and listeners. Growing technocracy is making travesties of this kind ever more common.

Old folks are out put out of sight out of mind in nursing homes and discarded after a lifetime of service to society. They worked, they have been mothers and fathers, they paid their taxes and contributions to the government. But, today, when it is time to collect some rest, they get blackmailed: if you want to stay here, you have to quit smoking or drinking. If you want that operation you have to lose weight, and so on. Sometimes they even get sequestered – as seems to be the case with Kathleen Stenson.

If you have the misfortune of getting old, or sick, thus becoming a patient, you are from that moment at the mercy of a merciless technocratic machine. Your personal will – even when you are not declared mentally impaired – becomes irrelevant. Your personal preferences, choices, ways of life, aspirations,hopes and desires may be treated with scorn and contempt. You become the object of “tough love” foisted by a system run on ideology and corruption – a mechanized, technocratized and computerized monster – which follows orders and procedures with goose-stepping precision and without an ounce of genuine philosophy or compassion. This is a system run by bean counters, bureaucrats, and junk scientists, and often owned by large clusters of corporations turned to the maximization of profit. The profit here often means cashing public money for the care of the elderly and giving them the least possible service. Tolerance and humanity are dead and buried. Lifestyle prohibitions and cameras in the streets extend into 24-hour surveillance and total control of nursing home and hospital patients. Your individuality is forcibly obliterated. You are a faceless slave of procedures, policies and zero tolerance. Zero tolerance for smokers. Zero tolerance for fatsos, or drinkers. Zero tolerance for the old ones too, especially when they insist they want to be the person they have been all their lives – or, simply, want to go home as is the case of Kathleen Stenson.

Once the Health machine has your body it claims dominion over your soul. To this entity you are nothing but a commodity to be processed, a piece of mercandise to be handled with logistics, as you represent a consumable source of income. Once so defined, you become disposable  if you have not behaved according to Public Health’s current ideology, and nobody cares or even knows, because the mass-media side with a system that is rotten at the foundations. As happens in all tyranies, the media have become part of the problem, the voice of the master, the enemy of the people.

We, the people, are by now furious. We’re not going to take it. It’s going to stop and the guilty are going to be punished. Please spread the word about the Stensons’ plight. Help William Stenson to take his mother home. Contact him at   Is there a human rights lawyer out there with the heart to help? William has little money, but a big heart for his mother, and a cause that cries out for prompt justice.



I am a Health Care Professional and Whistle Blower.