Aaron Dykes www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com April 9, 2011 During his Bretton Woods II weekend conference, billionaire financier George Soros has issued many bold statements, not the least of which included claiming that the Dollar had already fallen as the world’s reserve currency, and is now reduced to sharing the role, in an interview with Bloomberg: The big question is whether the US dollar should be the reserve currency; it no longer is, it shares that role with the euro, other currencies, and commodities. But it’s not just gold being used as a substitute, but oil too, which is putting upward pressure on the market. Soros has convened the Bretton Woods II event in hopes of leading financial reforms and formulating a replacement to the dollar on the world market. He has argued that the original Bretton Woods agreements, which also created the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), have been outmoded and are in need of new arrangements. Meanwhile, Soros prescribed more debt for the US, urging against calls to shrink the budget. “There is very a strong push to tighten the budget as a way to reduce government spending… In my opinion, the country could actually absorb some more debt in order to get the economy going,” he said. “If you have a growing economy, you can tolerate a higher level of debt.” Perhaps Soros’ comments reached Washington in time, as their budget cuts only amounted to a paltry $38 billion, a …
@howardb42006 And the bad guy said to Big Jake McCandles, “I thought you were dead?” The Duke replies, “Not Hardly!”..
@joepeeler34 makes no difference.the poor of the world are gonna die bcos when they take the one world currency,or “cashless society?” into its next stages,then EVERYBODY is fucked..besides,.shockjocks like this guy spouting off and endlessly rehashing the problem IS the fuckn problem..yussi mowr ar gydfa fi.”!!!
how come a guy who proclaims to speak about the truth on infowars.com,how did he get caught off air saying “the truth does no good anyway”..>? MAYBE the vid was taken out of context,but that also implies it may not have..casts a whole HUGE shade of HHMmmm to everything he says now/future/past.
@TheFreeman35 Well, do you think Alex doesn’t get exasperated with the fools, that he hears from on a daily basis? I’ve had moments in my work where I just wanna say FUCK IT ALL! I’m sure you have as well.. But that doesn’t mean I’m (or you’re) really giving up, lol!
why or how do americans justify to issue the world reserve currency?
I say, that had been the biggest fraud towards the rest of the world to ship their goods to the US and just receive funny paper with pictures of dead people on them.
There is already a new world reserve currency out their: GOLD. And if you americans still want to hold to your dollars go ahead and wait until all issued dollars flow back to the US.
Look at the video of Soros “Does the world need a new global leader?”
Oh yeah.. NWO coming fast
@talltommy46 fair point,yep..lol.
@biozamadotcom LMFAO thats hilarious,, but so true! The npk wearing off
@screwopenborders what are you saying if i stand for freedom im a caveman? well i got bad news for you the war is already won and the fed knows it thats why they are secretly signing over our government right now to the nwo but it wont stand because 40 million americans with guns have something else to say, and ive never done drugs in my life.
@itubenowplease no because you don’t know the context of my comment but you commented on it. I just though it was funny what your assumption was. I was talking about Soros and Kissinger being cavemen. I can’t stand those guys. I’m a patriot myself so I know about globalism and how its hurting this country.
@screwopenborders hurting were fuckin done, we gotta start all over again completely rebuild from scratch cause of these little old men who think they can fit the world in their pockets, but thats the price we pay for being cattle instead of americans, its gonna be a go awful shit mess…
Whats left?? Egypt, IRAN, !CHINA!, the Ruskies?? I mean THEY rule almost the whole planet now. We just call in air strikes & play Pokimon cards with the No Fly Zone squash. Game fucking over. The shit is a done deal. None of us snot noses can get past the diaper rash. We got MFer’s waitin for God, scratchin there bible pocket. Then the peeps in fairy tale theater, clicking there heels & saying, “There’s no place like home!” No Mad Max vs. MasterBlaster today folks. Time Bandits help us!!!
Mr soros send all your useless dollar to me please i will reserve them for you.
i have been listening to mr soros bullshiting now for 65 years what a nice man he is.He leads investers in the wrong direction and makes a killing,people have delieved him and his tricks for donkey years what a load of fucking mugs.
@LendMeYourHand Wow, lol, what a great comment you left, love it….make me chuckle!
@ReallyGenuine wow, that’s an intense comment alright.
@LendMeYourHand Your sad. You’ve been so industrialized that you can’t even see that this is a plot for Satan. But then again, you’d have to have faith in Jesus which requires a brain. If you ever read The Bible you would know Jesus gives warning of his 2nd coming, some most notably being during the 7 year Tribulation Satan will secretly conquer parts of the world and them implement a one world government killing off all religion(for false peace), this evil of a government= Humans? I think not
Then what is?
@biozamadotcom That’s pretty funny =)
“… he’ll fit nicely into hades with all the other parasites…” Amen!
@biozamadotcom this guys a crazy homophobic freak! report him.
Alex Jones is a fat fuck, and you lot are a bunch of psychos.
were printing dollars 10 times faster than anybody. the money that leaves the US never comes back, the dollar will replace the world currency in 5 more years. deal with it. the only thing possible you can do is start buying american stuff. yes, like that is somehow going to not make us the richest nation on earth.
The yuan is now the int. currency from Russia and China thru to the shores of Australia. All important transactions are now in yuan, the dollar is for buying ice-cream and chewing gum.
One hour from my home, the global elite plotted to finish off the poor of this nation. There was no public announcement of this meeting in an area that loves free advertisment to boost its waining tourist industry.
Could it be that these men were trying to hide their sinister plans from a crumbling nation? They sneek in the light and they sneek in the dark. How shameful.