July 27, 2010 Riverside County Board of Supervisors. AnonOrange ========== Transcript ========== Good morning, Supervisors. The media in Riverside county have failed us; the 70 newspapers and broadcast outlets are afraid to write about Scientology, except for the Inland Empire Weekly. The Press Enterprise’s Rod Redfern and Maria DeVarenne have been given unignorable information and they promptly ignored it. Yet they write puff pieces about how great the castle is at Gold Base. The press is really our fourth branch of governement. But when it fails, citizens have to take up the task, along with county employees, sheriff deputies, frustrated supervisors and gagged media writers. A Tip Line was set up in Riverside County in October 2009 to expose fraud. I checked several times over the last few days. It was down. It was up this morning for some reason. I believe we need something like WikiLeaks. I guess you’ve all heard the news earlier this week. There’s a fantastic speech by this guy, Jacob Appelbaum, and I’m sure you’ve heard of Julian Assange. We need leaks. However, when you do leak, please take great care not to incriminate the innocent or endanger people. The purpose of a leak is to stamp out corruption, not to cause harm to anyone. We need Leaks about Ordinance 884 and the complete lack of supporting docs for Ordinance 888. We need leaks about the 38 American Citizens at Gold Base denied the right to vote, as a form of punishment and the lack of response from County …
Jeff Stone is making an ass out of the entire county. Why isnt anyone from the county stopping this? Why isnt $cientology being investigated?
Wikileaks on his ass as well, that’s the last thing Stone wants.
i must have missed the council members and assaults thing. anyone else notice the guy’s face at the end at the bottom left of the video?
Scientology knows how to survive in a corrupt world. (bribes baby)
Scientology is an extremely dangerous greedy unscrupulous satanic criminal cult!!!
Scientology Kills
Scientology ruins lives.
abuse children
protects rapists
forced abortions
uses intimidation to silence
splits up families
false imprisonment and fraud
false reports
families losing their life savings
No ot powers
Tommy Davis is a liar.
Criminal Enterprise
Talk about some Sick Bastards!