This was a 48 Hours special called “Self-Made Millionaires” that featured Sarah Flannery of Blarney, Ireland. She discovered a new algorithm for cryptography that at the time, was a potential replacement for the RSA standard. Since the show aired, her algorithm was cracked and found to be insecure, but the story is still a great one about a bright, young girl from Blarney. For more info on Sarah and her project:
Spelling Mike! It’s been 10 years since this was made I wonder where she is now. Daph
10 years ago? i hope she’s happy with or without a fortune
Haha! Eamonn you little divil :D
Flan the lil culchie… Haha
watch 4:06 haha
That castle at 0.21 totally isn’t Blarney Castle! What the hell, cheesy American documentary?
Thats so fuuny, its bunratty castle….Americans are so damn funny!!!
Interesting tihat after all these years of computerization we’re still teaching the non-computer methods of encrypting text.