.'” Capitol Police are not saying what the charges are, but an inside source has said that the charge is assaulting a police officer. Rev. Yearwood is scheduled to be transferred to Central Processing to be arraigned tomorrow morning. The incident was recorded by an observer and is available on YouTube WhyNotNews www.youtube.com For further information contact: Liz Havstad at liz@hiphopcaucus.org or 510-206-6749. ### … Rev. Lennox Yearwood Police brutality arrest Justice Peace IVAW Hip Hop …
“He’s a minister!”
ROLMAO… as if they never do anything wrong.
God.. if I was there I’d shoot those fucking pigs in the face… yah they think they are so big when they are the only fuckers with a gun..
this kind of brutAlity continue ,until WE THE PEOPLE,rise up as one and take the country back,what the hell is it gonna take,I believe it will take herds of people being put in FEMA Camps,if that will even do it
if he would have put his hands behind his back like he was told they never would have done anything and any amount of muscle tension yeah i prolly would knock some stupid fuckers out to
He was treated fairly and then he said “You are not arresting me”.
When the police arrest you – you go peacefully. They cops had no choice.
lol … don’t you feel stupid one year later!
they were on him lmao there like stop resisting!
He was resisting.
black people.. when will we finally leave this country and go back to our homeland.. its clear they dont want us here..
This is absurd. The cops are the thugs in the world .
The sooner the better. I can show you the door.
Yearwoods an Asshat poseur and IVAW has so many frauds and non Iraq Vets it aint funny. And Carl Webb advocates sabotage against US troops. IVAW is a 5th Column of cowards
lol really
please do wtf
Bunch of damn thugs. Six officers to take down one UNARMED man? Bunch of pussies.
You all are little faggots, you dont know how good police make this world, if we didnt ave police, lunitics like the rev would be around killing people and being pussies like all of u. NIGGER LOVERS
They asked him to get back in line or leave and he stood there and mouthed off. Prick had it coming to him
This is typical activist behavior of obamas zealot black people. Using the clothes of a pastor does not excuse the fact he will act violently when confronted by police. Blacks are trying to promote the communist agenda via barrack obama who is rated as the biggest liar the world has ever seem.
I never knew what discrimination was or why people called blacks niggers until we moved off of the military base. I see now they all just want is more welfare money for crack and hip-hop culture.
This is true but the obama agenda is about starting chaos and trying to make conservatives look like bad bullies. These cops treated this chimp like was made out of eggs. I would like to see the doctors report . This guy yearwood is a total drama QUEEN.
I dont think they can find it on the map
you racist fuck. act violently?!!! he did nothing violent you dilhole! you are the LOWES PIECE OF SHIT IVE EVER SEEN ON THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD GET RAPED IN THE FUCKING ASSHOLE BY A FUCKING WHALE YOU RACIST FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!! GO SUCK A DICK
First of all The rev was stupid he could of fully avoided that. The police asked them nicely a lot of times to get off line he didnt want to so the police was going to assist him out he resist well then u need to do as a police officer and always have in the back of your mind this guy is a threat
My comment is directed towards anyone who has the same views as thierrydude. “Typical activist behavior of obamas zealot black people”. An educated brotha like myself takes that as a compliment.Obama is a man of integrity and justice.That pastor was standing for what was right. It always helps to know the story in its entirety before speaking on it.This definitely shows your aptitude and lack of intelligence. You may be better off hiding on the base….Its 2010. I challenge you to get a life.
“He wanted to talk to his Congressman.”
“Oh, thats it, it’s against the law to talk to your Congressman.”
Good shot lady.
I watched a young german couple fuck on webcam over at tiny[dot]cc/slutty