The abuses of the Moldavian communists swept under the carpet by the OSCE : Sursa : Consilierul pentru Drepturile Omului al ONU în R.Moldova, Edwin Berry, care a vizitat sâmbătă un penitenciar ÅŸi a discutat cu circa 40 dintre tinerii arestaÅ£i în timpul protestelor, denunţă grave încălcări ale drepturilor omului în cazul acestora, relatează Ziarul de Gardă în ediÅ£ia electronică. “Nu am mai văzut aÅŸa ceva”, a declarat Berry în urma vizitei sale, potrivit cotidianului moldovean. Consilierul ONU a declarat că a văzut cel puÅ£in 40 de tineri care erau încarceraÅ£i în diferite celule. “Cu toÅ£ii aveau urme de bătăi ÅŸi traume”, a declarat acesta, precizând că toate persoanele pe care le-a văzut aveau între 18 ÅŸi 24 de ani. Tinerii au declarat că au fost bătuÅ£i în secÅ£iile de poliÅ£ie sau la Comisariatul General de PoliÅ£ie din ChiÅŸinău. Ei au mai spus că au fost deÅ£inuÅ£i acolo în celule de câte opt metri pătraÅ£i, în care au fost introduse câte 25 ÅŸi chiar 28 de persoane. Ei au spus au primit foarte puÅ£ină apă ÅŸi nu au primit deloc hrană. De asemenea, majoritatea tinerilor sa plâns că nu au avut acces la un avocat. “Am văzut că există medici în penitenciar, dar din ceea ce au povestit tinerii nu reiese că primesc toÅ£i îngrijiri medicale adecvate”, a declarat reprezentantul ONU. Edwin Berry a declarat, de asemenea, că au fost înregistrate imagini cu urme ale torturii la care au fost supuÅŸi aceÅŸti tineri ÅŸi că vrea să poarte discuÅ£ii cu Ministerul moldovean al …
Hundreds of people were arraested and convicted in trials held in police sections behind closed doors. Teengaers were arrested from high schools and hospitals and brutally beaten by the police. Journalists were not allowed inside the police stations were the trials were held. Trials were held in a hurry such that the international comunity and human rights organization will not have time to react.
I decided to contact my student Amnesty International organization an report on the HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS happening now in Moldova. I will spread the word through forums, please everybody who can contact their local AI and report about this sitution unfolding now. There are plenty witnesses and videos, some of them only in Romanian, I can help translate. This is an urgent situation requireing an immediat response. Teenagers are being tortured by the police
Eyes in tears want to see justice!
this is the letter I sent to several student and local Amnesty International organizations from or around Austin, Texas:
My name is Maria T., I am a native of Romania now an Austin resident working as an engineer for an internationally known chip manufacture.. Watching some news on Romanian International TV and postings on YouTube I was horrified to learn about FLAGRANT VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA….
I can only post 500 character will continue in next post
Moldova was ruled by a communist and totalitarian regime for the last eight years and elections were held April 5th 2009. There is current evidence that the communist party rigged the elections by voter fraud in the area of multiple votes by either deceased and living individuals which resulted in receiving more than 49% of the votes. When the news of the communist victory was broadcasted citizens throughout the country realized that the elections where rigged and they spontaneously gathered…
in the streets to protest. The protesters were mainly high school and college students. They protested peacefully but it appears as if instigators from secret police of Moldova turned the protests violent to justify a brutal intervention of the local police force. The crowd was dispersed and protests were stopped using unnecessary physical attacks on the High School students by the police In the aftermath of the protests police began gathering students from their schools and the hospitals, ….
15 minute closed trials were then held in hall ways and behind closed doors not at the court house but at the police station. During this time period individuals were not provided with experienced trial lawyers or the right to private council and additionally the brutal attacks by the police continued. These students are currently being refused any contact with their families, appropriate medical care and the right for free press to be allowed access to the proceedings. Very little information..
reaching the outside world as the new is being blocked, the borders with EU were closed and internet access was blocked by terminating services and cutting electrical power.
As these students and young adults are being beaten and tortured in addition to losing any sign of Human Rights the world appears to be silent.
Even though there has been an extensive effort by the government to keep the information from leaking outside their borders there have been several dozen YouTube videos which..
show some of the atrocities currently occurring.
I want to know how can I get involved and help, organize a protest, etc.
My cell phone is…, please contact me asap.
The eyes in tears want to see justice
This is my letter and I am wating now for their answers, I will continue to inform the human rights organizations and hopefully we will organize a protest here
Thank you
Nu vreau sa va intristez, cred ca acest tip de apeluri a fost deja efectuat de catre reporterii televiziunilor si ziarelor si agentiile de stiri, insa spre dezamagirea lor, se pare agentiile si-au intors capul si se fac ca nu vad nimic.
Daca tinem cont ca si reactia oficiala a Occidentului in cazul Moldovei, a fost destul de anemica, cred ca ceea ce este mai rau, adevarata represiune impotriva acestor oameni napastuiti abia urmeaza.
Am inteles ca organizatiile politice nu vor lua masuri din cauza presiunii Rusiei dar ma astept ca organizatiile de aparare a drepturilor omului sa intervina si sa investigheze. Nu e vorba de nimic politic aici ci doar de fapte flagrante de incalcare a drepturilor omului care trebuiesc investigate.
Sper din tot sufletul ca AI va porni o investigatie in aceste cazuri.
Moldova: Freedom of expression and assembly. Possible Prisoners of Conscience
Number: EUR 59/002/2009
Date Published: 9 April 2009
The authorities in Moldova have threatened to arrest a group of civil society activists who organized a peaceful demonstration blaming them for the rioting that followed the next day. Amnesty International is concerned that the Moldovan authorities are attempting to blame them for violent rioting that took place in Chisinau the capital of Moldova, on 7 April 2009.
Romania Mare e tot mai aproape. Degeaba Voronin si politia lui politica fac aceste abuzuri. Degeaba protesteaza Moscova. Sangele apa nu se face. Moldovenii sunt romani. Doar rusii sunt porci.