Tyranny is HERE! The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. And it’s only getting worse. POLICE STATE 4 chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic has fallen. Veteran documentary filmmaker Alex Jones conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide. The military industrial complex is transforming our once free nation into a giant prison camp. A cashless society control grid, constructed in the name of fighting terrorism, was actually built to enslave the American people. Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, staged terror and cameras on every street corner — it’s only the beginning of the New World Order’s hellish plan. This film exposes how the “Continuity of Government” program has established an all powerfull shadow state. Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship, FEMA camps, and a shredded Constitution. Witness police and military savagely attacking innocent citizens as our own government unleashes false flag operations to justify its oppression. Then watch as Alex Jones takes on corrupt mercenary police and exposes mainstream media brainwashing. THE POLICE STATE ISN’T COMING, IT’S HERE!
this is one of most hilarious things I’ve ever seen
The police really have some cool equipment these days……..
Giuen Outright Google Groups
Defense & Security Application Forum
The protesters should dress in the same kind of garb…
Sounds like it’s time to bring back the Militia nation wide
Executive orders 11051 and 11310 have been revoked. So to tell about them as if they are still active is Irresponsible. However EO 11051 can be found in part in EO 12148 and EO 11310 in part can be found in EO 12656.
Hahahahahahahahahaha! Wow! Wait a minute…let me get on my tin foil hat before I watch the rest of this!
I overheard a National Guard soldier talking about how they were training at his Guard unit for martial law. Why in the crap is the national guard training for martial law?
yeah I cant believe these morons don’t understand we are fucked when goldman sachs can come into the white house and use financial terrorism to ransom the worlds economy to get the government to do what they want and leave the white house without being hung on the front lawn as an example to other financial terrorists including mortgage fraudsters its a pretty bad state of political events.
death to the new world order and there fema death camps we will and must fight these ass we are the ccff 251 strong we say it is better to die a free man than live as a slave in the new world order get ready live free or die
half life 2 lol
at 0.55 that aint no police(peace )officer .i wonder what hed do if he was asked to take his own family to the camps .i bet hed do it gladly ,thats what so sad ,the police will suffer in the no world order but they are helping to farm the people for these self declared rulers,remember folks wealth does not equate to inteligence or the righ to rule another
@JimiMiddleFinger yuoll need one mate if you saw the start of this and think that just cos they have police on their uniform that it makes them officers of the law ,,that is soldiers on the streets threatening the people ….dont cry then boy when they dragg you and yours down with them
wonderful Creation &great video ! Thanks for sharing!
Where is LeLouch?!!
that would be the other side of looking at things, not the alarmist oh me oh my look at the ominous end of the world!!….we should be celebrating the end of this punk ass ego dominated world gone mad!!
Consumer Boycot, opt-out and Protest.
Refuse the TSA Groping-Gauntlet. Refuse to be treated like dirt and a criminal. Protest with your wallet and call your Senator-Congressman, bitchez!
@Kharmatos13 Kharatos…another lost soul believing what an NWO pawn is saying…such a sad reminder of who is telling the truth. A fear mongering lunatic from Texas who lives in a wealthy gated community on the GNC network with is part of the NWO spewing nonsense and sad sheep like you eat the grass and fall off the cliff you didn’t wake you….your a zombie. =)
end the fed! buy 1 oz of silver and bankrupt jp morgan!
the good thing is ,all the mother fuckers without laptops ,and sighned in guns,there are police and soldiers that wont follow your… law they will turn on you
@flyinghotwing thats a way of looking at it till some assholes breakdown your grandmas house and push her to the ground because she legally owns a gun .black water or some pay,d fuks came in and took the town over…there is word that us soldiers prev ,s iraq were talking to eachother, saying this is no fun i need the exitment
@MrBrianlowdown grandma is dead, they can break down wtever the fuk they want, as for me ill blow them sons a bitches away…but on the real, i dream of good dreams and reality is what you make it, i dont fall for the fear based brainwashing tricknologies, i stay positive, until a fool comes up on me and gets knocked the fuck out
@MrBrianlowdown only defeated assholes will give up their arms, until then freedom is ability to bear arms, fuck the government and all of the puppets that lick my ass
You’ve got to Legalize It!