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All of the protesters seem prepared for tear gas. Good stuff.
Thank you very much for the re-upload!!!
The day is near and we must alert others and prepare.
@Itsfaith33 if you can notice it without going frame by frame and even read it as i did then its not subliminal. Subliminal messages are ones only detectable to the subconscious perception.Otherwise it is simply a fast flash for effect.
F U U TOOB we know you are a bunch of commie CIA backed freakssss censor away.
Your time of evil is done! People are awake for the rest of you, it may be too late.
What’s new?
I love how Alex Jones uses himself as a reference when he doesnt have anyone dumb enough to say the shit he does. He uses the same tactics he’s supposably fighting. Guy probably deleted his own videos just to create a conspiracy buzz. And you all need to pause the video every 30 minutes and really think about what you’ve learnt. A lot of it is true but a lot of it is bullshit, and it’s up to you to decide what is what. You’re not “waking up”, you’re fast asleep dreaming with Jones at the wheel.
By the way William Black is the only good interviewee Jones as ever had
@SnakemanJeffss you morons if you tube wanted to censor you they would any vidoe you upload would be monitored first before they let it out anyway the internet does not exist in the united states it exist in cyberspace so therefore the bill of rights doesnt apply read the terms of use for youtube they have the right to pull any video they want and to the hack on change da channel some hacker was fucking with them and how do we kbow it wasnt changedachannel to support his claim of shadow gov
@ShavaShav he is a hack isnt he crackpot the gov is doing bad things and they have always doing bad things as to any rulling class or system of gov thru the ages really think people if you were the prez would you make compromises for the people to protect the people any ways what the hell are you guys complaining about america is the head of the NWO all nations bow to us its good to be a citizen of the empire anyways its called the united world states under america by america for america
@ulgrum yes and on some other alter he swore to have sex with all his decent looking female slaves wait hold on he had slaves a form of tyranny over the mind of man well anyways mix babys are cute what did spike lee’s confederate states of america movie call them little picnaninneies public image the alter of god and private image the alter of who gives of shit as long as those niggers build monticello shit i need money loan loan loan bank loan
@mngkrakoff you make a very good point
To all good Patriots out there who love thier country and are willing to take a stand: Please continue to search The Obama Deception and Fall of the Republic and click any links that follow on Google, Yahoo, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. In doing so you will help make this the # 1 trend. Get everyone you know to do so as well!! This is one way we can put a Stake through their(the elite) cold hearts. Be active and stand up for America!!
Four years ago I discovered that the entire Oil market doesn’t really trade, rather the price of Oil is controlled by a computer, I broke this computer code 4 years ago, which allows you to know which direction Oil is going to go before it goes there, further allowing you to take trades on Oil with a very high degree of success, ready to join the revolution? Google my site “Oil Trading Academy” or visit my profile for the link and I’ll show you how to make money the easy way.
I’m a scientist and trader, and four years ago I discovered that the entire Oil market doesn’t really trade, rather the price of Oil is controlled by a computer, I broke this computer code 4 years ago, which allows you to know which direction Oil is going to go before it goes there, further allowing you to take trades on Oil with a very high degree of success, thus allowing you to make a great deal of money. Sound impossible? Google Oil Trading Academy and I’ll show you how real this is.
half of this is bs. they are running out of money. so if your scared and a nervous nellie they are hoping you will just freeze up. so far it seems to be working emporor palpatine.
Anyone that flies and allows them to scan you, you’re an idiot. I’d walk to my destination 1st. The more you allow them to do to you, the more that will be done. Wake Up!
Another thing, all you church goers, do you really believe that God, and or Jesus wants or likes government? If so, who killed Jesus?????? Do not be fooled. Would Jesus do this to people?????? I think not!
The internet is great for getting the word out, but these “films” seem to also be counter-productive in the fact that watchin these will make people desensitized so when it happens we won’t be seeing anything new, like he says getting us ready for whats to come, but all the people who kept there heads in the sand are gonna go berserk. (hopefully)
The internet is great for getting the word out, but these “films” seem to also be counter-productive in the fact that watchin these will make people desensitized so when it happens we won’t be seeing anything new, like he says getting us ready for whats to come, but all the people who kept there heads in the sand are gonna go berserk. (hopefully)
this is absolutely disgusting our rights in this country have diminished people cant even hold a protest without the state police or military threatening them. On top of it they are trying to pass killswitch which would give our phony govt the right to shut down the internet at will.Open your eyes people they are treating people who believe that they have rights and believe in our freedoms are terrorists.our govt,military,the illuminati,builderbergers etc are the terrorists
Soldiers get crapped when they get out, not all of them, rights are being taken, wtf!!!, and the thing thats really upsetting is that soldiers have to follow orders or they get arrested, not fair -___-