michelle-obama-takes-heat-for-saying-shes-proud-of-my-country-for-the-first-time/,”police abuse” “police harrassment” “poli “”police””harassment””surveillance””nyla1216″”newport””beach”2009″”law”helicopter””rights””abuse””chopper””aircraft””laws””aviation””monitoring””civilians””observer””brutali…
I’ve had these helicopters spying on me when I least expect it, since July of 1997. This has been going on for 12 years of my life. In Wisconsin, New York and Texas.
But I didn’t see any when I was on the westcoast for a month in 2007. But I’ve seen them everywhere else.
I don’t know why they are spying on me, but I think the government is wasting alot of tax payer dollars, just to have some asshole spy on me in some helicopter.
after 9/11 the DHS provided funding for 12 metro areas to buy 4 helicopters and have one in the air nearly 7/24 with staff on the ground controlling a multimillion dollar sensor pod from a trailer. San Diego was one, I think OC was another. I doubt they launch them just for her but as one is in the air they probably use her for practice- the pilots need the air time anyway.
poor girl! I know exactly how you feel..I’m from Oklahoma and I have been experiencing the same harassment since July of 2009. It’s now June 15th 2010.
does it folllow her everywhere she goes? like if you drove to vegas for a weekend getaway would it follow you? i know its a stupid question but I’m just asking
They are doing the same exact same thing to me for the pass 1 year and three months, nyla1216 please contact me, this is a growing trend see ocregistercom and search air surveillance.
they are doing the exact same thing to me for the pass 1 year and 3 months this threat is real. A man by the name of Michael Lucchese is suing the city of Newport for 25 million dollars.