In what was possibly the most surreal, horrific, and unimaginable thing I have ever witnessed in my life, 1200 Riot Police and Military Personal rabidly attacked a group of well under 300 American citizens, many of them just students that were unaware there was even a protest going on. They then expanded their perimeter and shut large areas of Oakland down. This is how my last experience at the G20 in Pittsburgh went down, out of control authorities mercilessly attacking an unarmed crowd …
@sookie1969 Ever heard of the 1st amendment?
” the most surreal, horrific, and unimaginable”…being a little dramatic, dont you think?……9/11/01 seems to trump this….
its straight up illegal what they are doing
I understand what your saying, but wouldn’t it have speaking your mind to people paying attention to your words been a better outlet, rather than paying attention to whats going on? These days the government is looking for any reason to try and shut down your rights! All your ducks gotta be in a row if you don’t want trouble! I want to hear what people have to say! I want people to be able to say it! It’s our right. But was this getting a point across or just a web moment?
Someone should have just drove in there with a big truck and ran them all over. Their fancy riot gear wouldn’t have done much for them then. I’m getting really sick of seeing videos like this were no one stands up to them. If we just pulled the people together we could out number them easy.
not cool
because if we didn’t this world would be not very fun and we would all end up the same
The riot police looks like the 300 Spartans
Are you all sick of this?
Do you want to do something about it?
The way I see it, it’s only a matter of time before the violence starts… I already drew my line in the sand. Have you?
Police officers forcing citizens to leave a place of peaceful assembly
@sinistermoon Couldn’t agree more.
@sookie1969 hey snookie, Idk what kind of Sarah Palin bull shit you’re on, but no one has the right to beat/kill/or suppress the right of the constitution of whic hour founding fathers brought fourth. If Woodrow Wilson didn’t sign the federal reserve act in 1913, the world today wouldn’t seem as fucked as it is now.
they might as well have brain washed idiot on those shields ready to attack their own citizens I’m so sad for how the world is turning out!! WE MUST UNITE TO DEFEAT THIS NAZI FASCIST THREAT
its sad to see the police acting like terrorists…….but i also see a lot of people in peacefull protest helping eachother….there is hope as long as we stand togther
i saw nothing anywhere near police brutality, these people cannot be on private property, and the guys that stood there with their hands up instead of moving like the guys said deserve to be smacked anyways…
Geee what a climax to what it was titled about, Police brutality, one night stick hit and the guy lives to talk about it afterwards, the same dude that was with the megaphone only saying this for the american people. Ummm isn´t the g20 about the world? or has that same activist with the megaphone thinking in a realist theory. Dude don´t cry, live the pain and next time try and speak on your megaphone about a collective thought rather than yankytown
Where’s all the brutality? WTF? Wanna know who’s actually in the wrong? A bunch of pussies with their cameras that are hanging out and refusing to disperse and go home well after the G20 conference was over. These are ppl that actually WANT to have a cop hit them so they can run to a TV station and get it on the news. It’s become all about provoking the police. Peaceful protest my ass..if the cops weren’t there, they’d be smashing windows and burning cars. This whole situation is Bullshit.
@colderbeer Excellent post- right on the money
recruit recruit recruit… the civil war has started and we the people need our show of fire-power TODAY. not in 3 months but TODAY.
@101myname3 peace
@colderbeer the guy’s right…. unfortunately for those who believe in their rights and act in accordance to the bill of rights. It won’t matter as long as people continue to resort to violence and hate, when did people forget about Gandhi? People will follow the good, but as long as people take advantage of good opportunities evil WILL prevail… do not let hate motivate
Real swag will come in the from of tie-dye. Luciferianism shall be cleansed by Buddhism. Long live the Killuminati. Wu tang. DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY NOR POLICE FORCE! Stay Shway and Namaste