UPDATE: Youtube seems to be skewing the fidures on ALL Videos concerning this incident. I would urge you all to RATE COMMENT and FAVOURITE: Video has emerged that shows the Police LIED in regard to the death of Ian Tomlinson at the G20 Protests. The Police claimed they had tried to protect Mr Tomlinson but had come under attack by the Protesters, this Video clearly shows the Police OUT OF CONTROL launching an UNPROVOKED attack on Mr Tomlinson who shortly afterwards died of a heart attack…
Yes doughnut below me thats what we pay them for not to kill us.Shame they couldnt stop the illegal Tamil demonstration, stone throwing youths at the Notting hill carnival or the Muslims commiting a public order offence.That would be too racist for the tick-box police.Lets bash some hippies itll get the black figures down,you pup!! SMASH THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!
STOP brutality towards police officers
LOL in the U.S. those cops wouldve been raped so fast by their own department it wouldnt even have been a controversy…… but then the family wouldve sued for a ridiculous amount of money lol
Policebrutality below!!I bet youre real name is Ronseal.SMASH THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
club them down boys
Its good to hear the view of the humble bobby on the beat.The brave police taking on the smelly (easy knick,no racism or sexism here!)peace loving hippies.Oh well!killed the only bloke who was’nt a demonstrator.Gardening leave and promotion motherfucker.Obviously youre 5-0 you have no punctuation in you’re sentence.Try three words next time.SMASH THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lets hope they smash you my retarded friend, here are three words for you cunt
Brave boy!still not grammatical correct though.SMASH THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We should just shoot all cops, bastards get a job enforcing another mans law on the free man.
Fuck off and die.
all english owned countries(like Canada), have more censorship than the states.
I would like independence from england as a canadian.
england doesnt own canada. canada is part of the common wealth which means we share the same queen. the queen of england is also the queen of canada as well as the queen of new zealand…
fucking right!
they pushed him an he falled on his head …..his head/brain was injured…he died 3 min later
in the description it says he died of a heart attack
fucking pigs
Its hard to tell, but it looks like he might have taken a blow to his left kidney. Very unfortunate for Ian. This is out of control. All “free” nations these days are letting their governments get away with this. I don’t care who you are or where you come from. If your rights as a human are being violated like this the people need to make sure it doesn’t go unanswered. God bless
omg poor man those fuckin british pigs deserve to lose their badges and sent to jail for a loooong time :|
A later autopsy showed that he died due to injuries sustained, not a simple heart attack.
bless your little cotton socks
The killer and the conspirators desrve centuries of jailtime. It can’t be that hard to find out who made up the police lies, ordered the 1st dodgy post mortem, etc.
Get these corrupt sadists out of the police – or what should I do if a cop looks like getting near my kids?
if a civilian assaults another person they are aressted and then they have to go to court .the police asaults a civilian and they have a fucking inquiery.the policeman should still be charged and do his 6 hour lie in and sent to court regardless if it caused the death of the man .the policeman is clearly guilty of assualt then the inquery can determin if hes guilty of murder
Wow good work caving in to the police state, these are the people who you trust to be the only ones allowed to have firearms?
Does anyone remember The Federation troops from the sci-fi series Blake’s Seven? They were ruthless scum too.
I wonder if Ian said anything to the officer prior to him knocking him down. It seems like an odd thing to do to just whack someone like that. Saying that, some people are capable of flying off the handle over nothing.
fcuk police
:( :(