Police Brutality: Cops in Tennessee arrest a guy wanted on a domestic violence charge. He gets out of the car with his hands raised, is attacked by a police dog and then the cops plant drugs on the guy. And they do it with a hand signal seen on video.
What? A corrupt cop?
Never thought THAT would happen, right?
Fucking pigs.
white power fuck the niggerS!
nah there just dumb as shit!!
fuckers get a paid vacation for abuse and planting drugs- thats just a commericial for nazi and kkk wanabe’s to join the cops
Im keeping that oath as well, Police abuse me or my family and get a paid vacation, The cop and anyone responsible for bringing them to justice will hear from me. This good ol boy system cops have has to change. The need to be punished worse than anyone.
You ever wounder why another american would go aganst everything this country stands for?
Cops cant turn off the cam unless they turn off the lights. They arent allowed access to the tape either because its in a locked box in the trunk that they dont have keys to.
are tax paying dollars at work to protect you
There are bad officers, but many more good officers.. It is a shame that this level of corruption exists in the profession but it does, and we can no longer tolerate the blue wall.
All these good ol’ boys are missing is that white hood. Break out the banjos….
This guy might have neede arrested for domestic whatever. But are you kidding? Too corrupt to do their job like someone educated to do it responsibly and TOO FUCKING STUPID to turn off the camera. These brain dead wastes of human fucking space make me ashamed to be white. It ain’t about white and black; it’s about money and power. These dumbasses are obviously too fucking stupid to have access to either.
If the niggers would stop trying to fight, they wouldnt get the shit kicked out of them. 99% of crime is done by niggers.
lol nice troll attempt.
lol yea but understand all u need is a GED to become a cop.
They make good money (better than most in many areas), have good benefits, etc. etc. etc. If they can’t comply with the law themselves, they should look for real work. “Whoa Carlos”. Think of the reports he has written and the people he has sent to jail, prison, or whatever. He isn’t even close to being the only one. People need to wake up about cops the way they need to wake up about politicians.
the other bad thing is he’s making the good cops look bad, who already are only a handful.
It is a shame; there are good ones. The good ones should do something. Some do, some go with the flow though. Blue line; he’s got my back; everybody not a cop that isn’t rich or powerful is a punk or scumbag. It’s not just a job; it’s a job that is bankrolled mostly by the people they encounter everyday. Poor to middle class need to be more visible. I’d be one of the first to give a good one credit when they do something good, but I’m not about to take their shit or abuse and pay taxes too.
@MrTruth08 i think handful is an overstatement there is probs less then a handful
exactly, and that power is just contagious.
adminastrative leave with pay real world translation paid vacation man i gotta fuck up more at work
This is why many people hate cops. I personally would NEVER help a cop. If I came across a cop bleeding asking for my help I would ignore them.
That says a lot about your character….or the lack of.
Cops like these deserve to die. I would never do anything to stop a piece of shit like that from getting killed.