Police Brutality: Five police officers brutally kicked and beat an unconscious suspect after a high-speed chase through Birmingham, Alabama, in an incident caught on camera and discovered a year later. Video shows one black and four white officers beating and kicking unconscious man ejected from car. Video shows one black and four white officers beating and kicking unconscious man ejected from car. The five officers have been fired, Mayor Larry Langford said at a news conference Wednesday …
they will die a million times
the guy was already unconsiouswtf?
The suspect shpuld be shot for attempted murder… sorry he desrved it.
so many of you fucking retards havent understood yet why the court system was invented or how it works.
you all deserve to live in the ancient age where everybody did his own justice, where one could’ve easily gotten away with raping and killing you for the dumbest of reasons.
fat blacks
seriously? im all against police brutality but that fucker deserved everything he got. he deserved to get beaten even more than he did honestly.
The man is a criminal.He RAN over a police officer! and who knows why he was running in the first place!!Fuck you people calling these cops “Bad” when they are doing their job.FUCK you liberal bitches.THEY SHOULD OF PUT A BULLET THROUGH HIS HEAD!
Now If you think I’m being drastic think about this.If a crazed rapist criminal ran your best friend over with a car you wouldn’t seek ANY justice?!?!? oh wait,Your not a vigilante! you’d CALL THE COPS!!! Seems a little hypocritical doesn’t it???? lol
yo govermentstrash you need to shut the hell up cops our or enemys now they almost killed my dad for havin a beebee gun and shooting PLASTIC beebees at tree
it looks familiar excepty its the white people ganging up instead of a bunch of black people. bout time white people grew some balls. need to beat that idiots brain in
yes he deserves to be punished but thats just stupid they could have been beating on a dead body lol Are they retarded. The guy is most likely going to get a lifetime in prison anyway.
Thank god for that brave officer who bolted out of his car and beat the suspect with his night stick. I’m not at all defending the suspect. But in America we have a serious problem with police and their abuse of power. They are poorly educated, poorly trained, and have poor social skills. Maybe we should require that they take some courses in sociology to help them better understand crime and poverty and drug use. Why is it that America supposedly has the “best police” yet we continually lead i
Ha at you kids who don’t even KNOW the law. Police can use DEADLY force on a fleeing felon (in this case, he IS one), they could have killed the suspect. Not only that, he could have KILLED another cop. All you pig haters are fucking minors with little to no education.
ya last year i was drunk and my girlfriend decided to drive the cop was freakin furious he push me on my car then i said WTF dude and then he took hes taser off his belt and he was YELLING GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND OR IM TAZING U
fuck the police & fuck anybody associated with the police….. 1 of these days ppl gonna realize 5.0 aint worth a fuck & start blastin on sight…. this shit right here is why i get payed under the table.. tax free my money aint gonna pay 4 the bitch ass troll…. fuck boys think they invincible…. ANYBODY CAN GET IT! FUCK TROLL. & 4 all the pigs readin this 1 day ull pull over the wrong mf on the wrong day n ull get urs…believe that!
fuking PIGS
Man that must have felt good… beating up on an unconscious person
When I saw the name of the video I thought “dam that cop is talented” then well wtf… them cops are fags
Really? You guys fail toed to see that same guy almost run a Police Officer Over? Imagine if that was your Friend, Brother, or Parent- Put yourself in the other officer’s Shoes. I do not condone Police Brutality, but you cannot judge from the confort of your own home unless you’ve been in the same situation.
This guy tried to kill a Police Officer with his car. If I was on duty I would have shot to kill. When this driver 10-50 off the road the Officers gave him what he should have got a long time ago. We just sweep up the trash 75% of the time.
Stupid Brutal Cops
D don’t understand why they kick him if he was after the crash!
if police dogs were brutily attacking u, u wud kill them cus u know they have no mind and will rip u. whether they were 2 legged or not.
freedom to fascism
WHY? PLEASE TELL ME WHY? can anyone or even a cop possibly explain this to me? why do u sick fucks do this? where is all the footage of u helping, protecting, saving ppl? y did u beat my bff to death when u werent even suspecting him of something? i really just wanna understand wat goes inside ur heads? u rape, abuse, kill the ppl that u are supposed to protect. ur sickenin. maybe if i heard a reason i wouldnt wish u all hurt like all the men women and children u inflicted hell upon.