PHOENIX (CN) – A Phoenix police officer shot Tony Arambula six times in the back during a 911 home-invasion call, and the 911 tape recorded the officer’s partner saying, “That’s all right. Don’t worry about it. I got your back. … We clear?” The officers were not aware that the 911 call was still recording as they spoke about covering up the shooting. In their complaint in Maricopa County Court, Anthony and Lesley Arambula say an armed intruder “crashed through the front window” of their …
And this is why people shouldn’t smoke weed. Simple logic pronounces that if you look at someone’s profile, you can tell what age they are, usually, by their videos or their age description. But, alas, you didn’t use simple logic. Weed shouldn’t be smoked because of hazards taken by people who smoke weed, and because of its completely unpredictable nature of side effects. But hey, what do you care- all you know is to light up and smoke like a moron.
Your view of humanity is pretty depressing. You really think that people don’t commit crime because the police will catch them? Some don’t I supposed, but those people are idiots. The conviction rate for property crimes in America is <30%. If someone wants your car they are probably going to get it and the police won't help you. Secondly, you assume that you and your neighbors are impotent to defend themselves. It's simply not true. People are fully capable of defending their own property.
not being able to smoke weed strips people of their rights. ya im sure its not the healthiest thing to do but how about ciggerettes? or alchohol? And what hazards are u talking about u fucking fool. is being relaxed and mellow a hazard now? and if ur talking about driving high then yea they could just make driving while being hi illegal like drunk driving. and driving drunk is much, much worse than driving high anyway. if u dont like to smoke fine, but being arrested for doing it has tobe stoped
@tfs420 For the record, it’s very smart for the government to regulate the usage of a highly potent drug to very little if at all legally. The reason why it is illegal is very simple. The potency can never be gauged until after it is smoked, and it clouds your better judgment based on how potent it was. Think about it this way. It is illegal to drink and drive, but not smoke and drive. Alcohol clouds one’s judgment, where nicotine does not. As long as it in no way endangers another, it is legal.
and smoking weed wen not driving doesnt endanger anyone.. thanks for making my point
But it could. In reality, with your understanding of basic human functions clouded by a mostly unpredictable drug, you could do something volatile or self destructive.
ok earlier u said and i quote “As long as it in no way endangers another, it is legal.” well marijunana does not do that and even if u think it does alchohol effects ur judgement about 10times more so ur just stupid. and by the way smoking weeed does not cloud ur understanding of basic human functions at all i dont wahat kind of weed u smoked but if that happened it musta been laced with a stronger drug
You obviously don’t understand exactly how THC works, then. It’s a highly adaptive chemical, in that, it can easily combine certain aspects with others, depending on how it was grown, where it was grown, the amount of sunlight it got. I’ve hit shit that made me feel like I was melting to the chair I was in. That’s hardcore shit. I’ll never do it again, but it’s true that it can do that.
thats still not a reason it shuld be illegal bro i dont even c how u can argue it. if the govenrment regulates it people wont hafto buy from sketchy people who mite lace their shit.
dude i smoke weed hundreds of times. weed doesnt do shit to you. it isnt a drug its a plant just like tobacco. people who have not smoked it should not state facts if they have never tried it before. being ignorant and acting like u know shit about something that you dont know makes u look like an idiot
You have no idea why pot was made illegal to begin with. Heres a hint: IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH GETTING HIGH.
fuck these snake ass phoenix cops
Fuck. Lock the cops up. LOCK THEM UP FOREVER.
I forget which president it was, but it was to protect the paper industry because of hemp.
the cop who shot anthony should get nothing less than death penalty and the guy who said he would help him cover it up should lose his job. i hope anthony get at least a few million when he goes to court.
Thats the only reason why its illegal to this day. Anything else is complete bullshit on your part. Never in the history of medecine, or human history for that matter, has anyone died or gotten a disease due to smoking pot. And there is no valid reason whatsoever to keep it illegal. It violates ones rightful liberty and is unconstitutional. Your so called “side effects” that you cite only happens to a tiny percentage of the population and you dont have to call others a moron for smoking it
And you call cannabis a “highly potent drug”?? Who the hell do you think you’re trying to fool here? Youre ridiculous
unfortunately they will probably get away with it
LOL…gotta love the pigs.
i heard about this it was fucked up
i would love to torture these swines!!!!
So you call the cops when you need help so much for that argument
I heard one story of a man in the northeast who got denied a position as a cop because he scored to high on an aptitude test. No wonder shit like this happens, the system favors dumb cops over smart ones. I think we need more qualified people for the job considering they are holding a gun.