This is a video from a patrol vehicle at the scene in Shelby Township MI on Aug 04 2007, of citizen being chased down, tazered, hand cuffed, legs bent up and sat on, with his head held in the dirt. He died. The cause of death is listed as some made up cover up cause, of hysterical something or other. If you watch closely you can see a couple officers with hand tazers in hand making stabbing motions to the mans body and head after he is down. Looks like over 50 tazer contacts to me. A clear …
disgusting…I’m speechless…as a local resident…how can anyone say that the loss of a human life is justified in this case? Yeah, this could of been avoided with simple cooperation…but to kill a man? Not to mention one man with that many police present…
Police State USA.
How convenient, the video cuts off when it shows a police officer trying to recussitate the man back to life. I love when ordinary people offer their expertise on how police should have acted. Let me give these scenarios:
-Police do nothing and let man get killed by driving citizen, now citizen has to deal with this on his/her mind
– police do nothing and the steroid/cocaine lunatic seriously hurts/kills someone
alright police experts, tell us how you would have handled this better
unbelievable. this “stabbing” motion is called a drive stun. It applies moderate pain that any rationale sober person would respond to accordingly. The person is obviously not handcuffed yet, hence the freely moving arm. This is why the officer keeps “stabbing” him so the man can be cuffed.
Thank you STPD for your service. I apologize for the ignorance of some you serve, but you guys are used to that I’m sure.
I’ll go ahead and correct myself. It looks like that was a firefighter/EMT trying to recussitate the man at the end. Thanks to these civil servants, as well. Also, it is unfortunate what happened to this man as an end result. My heart goes out to this man’s family/friends. However, it’s a shame that the police/EMTS are being attacked for their best efforts. You may note believe it, but I’m sure those involved weren’t happy about what happened.
I am proud to say that my brother is a police officer, but I pray for him also because the people he serves neither appreciate how he protects them nor the risks he takes daily for them. Thank you for everyone who is in a line of service such as this.
First of all Shelbycitizen needs to get a fucking life, second the man did not die from what these fine police officers did, he died of a massive heart attack, because he was roid head and from being all coked up, get your facts straight ShelbyCitizen, if you don’t want this to happen, don’t fuck up and run from the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to lose sight of the bigger picture here, but what exactly was this guy accused of?
clearly this naked loser had something else wrong with him, because a taser isn’t lethal. Good job boys… keep scum like this off the streets…. ShelbyCitizen, the jabbing techinque with the taser is something thats taught to officers you moron. I look forward to more videos like this from the boys down at Shelby.
Being disorderly and not following police direction. Aren’t you glad he’s off the streets for good?
Again, shoot the messenger for the facts.
The video speaks for itself. Unarmed, held down, but continually tased. Died of asphyxiation and heart failure. What facts do I need to get straight here?
Well, there are some very good and caring police officers out there and I hope your brother is one. I believe the occupation itself draws bullies and criminals into it as pedophiles are drawn to be near children, like mosquitoes are drawn to light and carbon dioxide. Only by the actions such as shown in this video do we have the chance to weed out the bullies. To put these police officers in the same category as the good officers is to compare a child predator to a good teacher. Put them away.
This drive stunning listed in the tazer instructions when they are issued since 2003, does not immobilize but gives extreme localized pain and may make the limbs jerk uncontrollably making restraining more difficult. This action is also referred to by many larger well trained police departments as a form a torture.
So, my question is: Are you trained this way and just a bully who wanted to torture, or are you an idiot that never read the required instructions that came with your tazer?
Apparently next time STPD has a naked drugged maniac running the streets, they need to have ShelbyCitizen repsond. He/she is clearly an expert in dealing with these situations. ShelbyCitizen could probably reason with the fellow and hold his hand all the way to jail. Does the chief have ShelbyCitizen on speed-dial, yet? Shelby is really lucky to have such a resource such as you, ShelbyCitizen. I’m sorry I ever doubted you.
Well, he doesn’t look naked to me, it was a hot August night, and from all the yelling the officers are doing, it doesn’t seem like reason was attempted.
Do you realize I pay these guys to work for me? I pay the chief also. I expect them to show restraint and respect at all times, on and off duty. I expect them to protect and serve first. Since when did the cops start making the rules? They are hired to serve, not dish out punishment. If they don’t like the terms of their employment, QUIT!!
since ur so proud of ur brother tell him to refuse sex to his buddy cops in crandin wis. ill make wagers on how long before he gets a bullet in the head. my uncle worships satin oh im so proud of him too! if cops are so wonderful why do they all hide behind backup, immunity and donuts?
well lets see I believe the cops are not using correct force because there is about 7 pussy ass cops and 1 guy that is not armed the cops tazered the guy probly because they thought it would be more fun or they are just major pussy’s because i would take that guy down by myself and whould of put him in handcuffs myself if the cops are to scared of getting close they should just get a different job and good thing that guy died one less crackhead in shelby
Gang MURDER !!
Wrong, there have been +334 recorded deaths attributed either directly or indirectly to tasers.. Of those deaths, an independent study found that 90% did not require the use of a taser. The United Nations have declared these devices “weapons of torture”.. Police know that these devices kill, they also know that multiple shocks will induce death, in the above case it is CLEAR that they INTENDED killing this person…
To finish, there is not one respectable medical institution that acknowledges the existence of “excited delirium” (the cause of death put down in every taser death by the coroner).
I, for one, welcome our new taser-armed overlords.
Another addition, it appears that recently taser international has sent a directive that the devices should not be shot at the chest.. why.. because that will kill someone !!
motherfucker got what he deserved. plain n simple
Anyone who thinks that this is a case of police abuse is delusional. I would rather the idiot who decided to break the law get injured than the officers who are charged with protecting us.
I don’t care what was written on his death certificate. Maybe “excited delirium” isn’t commonly used in the medical field. I do know that Dr. Mark Spitz, the medical examiner of Macomb County who conducted the autopsy, is renowned in his field. I trust his report.
Cocaine Excited Delirium is real and I agree this is a case of subduing a suspect that was eluding capture. I am not a person that likes police however this is not abuse by any means. I am a paramedic and know lots of cops and this is standard procedure.