This boy moved to this town when he was 12 yrs old, since then he has been the target of neighbors who threatened first his mother but got no where in their threats to her – they then targeted the boy – This neighbor threatened to beat/kill this boy while the boy walked home with brother and friend along the side of street due to flooded sidewalks. He threatened this boy after other kids who had a snowball fight hit this man’s home – this boy was not part of the horseplay that day he was only watching other kids having fun but the man targeted him only. The neighbors dog which was on a 20 (+) ft cable entered the street trying to attack this boy as he ran to a friends home. police and animal control called but police came to arrest 12 yr old boy for laughing at the dog when it flipped on the cable ….is this a crime? I think a german sheppard in the street attacking children is the crime -failure to control animal? Police knocked down the 2 yr old sister and pinned her to the floor under the 12 yr old boy as they used excessive force to pull the boy from home while refusing to tell mother why he was being taken – she told them of his disabilities and she was told ‘shut up none of your business and we can do what we want with your son” they refused to say where he was going and it took 9 hours to find out where he was and they had refused to take his medications with him that he must be on….for health/mental health reasons. Boy moved to grandmother’s for safety and when he returns for family events/doctor appts people in community threaten boy with physical harm when they see him….police do nothing to protect the boy!!!
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1.well then move u dumbass if u dont like it here 2. police wear black suits dip shit 3. andy drew a bunch of nazi symbols where he had his hands on at school 4. he did do stupid shit like punching threw a glass window and trying to punch a teacher and trespassing school grounds after he got a expelled so fuck off u freak
he was expelled? when? please explain that one to me as we have never been informed of him being expelled. He was never trespassing on school grounds check your damn facts dumbass! that was a false arrest, false complaint and why was he banned from going to hs events because a HS football player hit him in the head with a football helmet (which agg assaut and the kid was never charged go figure!) that kid was one of the kids involved in the concession stand burglary that ryan/logan and tylerdid
@2516cubsrock – NAZI symbol where he had his hands on at school – that does not even make since you fcknut! and never have I seen my son whose name is not ANDY draw a nazi symbol – which if you knew what you were talking about you’d know the name of it. At least I can say my family is not racist and are not like other herscherites who OMG call the police the minute they see a group of AA in town who are here doing their job and the police were circling the blocks watching them.
@2516cubsrock he never punched threw a window – wow another false report you have there fknut, NOTE TO YOU BY HIS IEP he was to have an escort with him during transition which that was violated by the school. He was being harassed/tormented that day just like kids currently harass and torment a young girl who has mental health disabilities also and administration does shit to protect her from harassment bullying is what herscher does best and principals cover their ass, well the b of a vp of hgs
@2516cubsrock …here’s a good one tell me why when the school year started we were sent transportation information for both my sons who were not even registered at Herscher school district…oh yeah hmmm someone needs to get a brain in the district. Also, how about they go through and get rid of the kids who are going to herscher who live OUT of district !!! neither parents of one girl live in the district and never have! they use a grandmother’s rental property as a fake address while livin K3
@2516cubsrock how about a school district that bans a kid who is assaulted in the middle of the street but claims the assault happened on school property? hmm? but after the assault that same student was threatened with physical violence by not one but 2 of the assailants parents and one threat was a threat of death in front of a police officer and police did NOTHING – since when can a parent make threats of physical harm to a student ON grounds?
@2516cubsrock how about agg gang assault in a hs lunch room which a HS refuses medical treatment to the victim? Fails to notify parent for 2 hours then refuses to allow parent to talk to the student, so parent has to call for the ambulance for her child….yes he had a concusion HSD#2 allows assaults to happen in their school and not report for the fact of saving reputation….but puts students at risk. Kids having to get pych help due to bullying, assault/threats to preg students…yep topnotch
@2516cubsrock oh how about this one, our kids can not even attend programs they are to be part of because the stupid principal will not cooperate and enforce a no contact outside of visitation in regards to the one group of kids biomom who has no custody, this woman has stalked the kids in this communit with the chub cop saying its ok even though its a violation of the visitation order. The oldest girl will not be attending her graduation as HS will not make it a safe enviroment for her.
lol ok u freak, dont make it sound like the HSD treats retards like shit, cause they dont. they do programs like best buddies and shit like that. ur son may have special issues but who gives a shit when he could help it. and i meant he drew nazi symbols wherever he could get his hands on like desks and himself
and what do u expect, every school has bullying
@2516cubsrock , that is odd as he never did that stuff at his school or his new school and he never had a as you say a nazi symbol on his clothes/hands anywhere when in our home! Best buddies is a joke its a bunch of GOODY GOODY kids who make fun of the lesser than kids trying to get something extra on their transcripts for college – i have heard the stories of things that really go on. my son had a mentor from the high school who he very much enjoyed talking with and they took the boy away.
@2516cubsrock Excuse me there is laws against bullying and the schools have an obligation to enforce those! And for administrators to punish the kid who is being bullied is uncalled for and it continues today with other students! A student from HSD was hospitalized due to bullying this school year and many kids expload from the bullying which should be stopped before it gets that far….who is at fault the administration who are lazy!
@2516cubsrock so you know you will be reported for sexually harassment to youtube –
@2516cubsrock grow one
you shouldnt have this stupid video on here. u just draw drama u cunt. herscher isnt a bad town, ur son did alot of bad stuff and who cares wat people did to him cause he was prolly givin them shit to. like jake krums
it is very obvious that you were educated in Herscher. You cannot spell, you have poor sentence structure, you call people names, you use fowl language, and talk about other people….typical of this community.
Parents are very smart when they ban their children from having friendships with the people who have done this to our family. One day people will reap what they have done to not only my son but all the children. What they are allowing their kids to do and get away with is unethical in many aspects, how parents can cover up some of the crmes these other kids have committed it is completely sick minded people in Herscher. Teaching your kids they will be protected from crimes is horrible!
Hey dipdong, the cops do wear blue get your eyes check! Or actually maybe you plan on becoming a cop with rose colored glasses like the ones we have here in the village. My son was not in town when the 4 boys committed that crime! it was one of the boys who told my son that he (baker) and the other three did the burglary including Krumass who assaulted my son with a football helmet at a football game while another kid stole my son’s bike rim which hmm baker later returned the stolen rim secretly
considering you young let me enlighten you the idiom “rose-colored glasses” means: Therefore, viewing the world through rose-colored glasses would be the equivalent of focusing all of one’s attention on the smallest details and ignoring the realities of the larger world around him or her.THIS IS WHAT THE POLICE AND COMMUNITY DOES IN THIS VILLAGE, THEY DO NOT LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE AND PUT ALL ON ONE PERSON AS THEY DO NOT WANT TO EXPOSE WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON..EX: out of control driver ed inst.
so was it also ok for a grown 30 something yr old man to assault my son – telling my son he was BANNED from this town. Yes that was assault but the police in this village have no balls in arresting those in this village for something so horrible as assaulting a boy who had disabilities. I guess Mr. Coyne is related to Mr. Dunham since Dunham chased and threatened a boy for smashing a pumpkin in the street threatening the child, and chasing my son for walking along the street with his brother.
where oh where is dunham at oh where ooh where can he be. with the police chief picking on kids that is where he would be
yes i also heard about this drivers ed teachers episode
i think this teacher must have been thinking that he worked for a nascar team
well anyway kids remember you can observe what others do but you just don’t always have to do what others do so slow down
I see you’re still typing the same thing over and over. I see you’re still typing the same thing over and over. I see you’re still typing the same thing over and over. I see you’re still typing the same thing over and over. I see you’re still typing the same thing over and over. I see you’re still typing the same thing over and over. I see you’re still typing the same thing over and over. I see you’re still typing the same thing over and over. I see you’re still typing the same thing ..
@TheBrookian OH geez someone update this fool as the records went out a long time ago, hit the jukebox he is skipping! AND DUMB! So tell me this why is K3 county courts tucking their tail and avoiding the orders of a higher court?? Refusing documents…etc?? OH yes just wait just wait and see whose asses are behind bars!