Paul Joseph Watson Friday, April 22, 2011 — UPDATED 12:30 CST Despite the fact that the United States is embroiled in three major conflicts and can barely service its own gigantic debt, with Standard and Poor this week indicating the US will soon lose its triple-A credit rating, top globalist and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recently told fellow elitists at three different globalist confabs that the US needs to launch a ground invasion of Libya and keep the war running for at least another year. According to veteran Bilderberg journalist Jim Tucker, whose sources have proven routinely accurate in leaking discussion topics shared by globalists at their regular meetings, Kissinger gave almost the exact same speech at three different conferences over the past two weeks, firstly during an April 8-10 get-together at the George Washington University’s Elliot School of International Affairs, then at an Aspen Institute session on “Values and Diplomacy” at the National Cathedral, and finally during the Bretton Woods II conference in New Hampshire. “Kissinger, visibly depressed, gave a rationale for the war on Libya that the TC (Trilateral Commission) and its brother group, Bilderberg, want to keep rolling, according to an inside source who has proved reliable for years. Both groups want the war extended through 2012 to generate turmoil throughout the Middle East and pressure the United States …
most western countries do have some sort of extradition treaty, and most of the time you will get a judge, there are maybe some cases that went bad, but thats not because the law, but because of stupid people who doesent know the law or cant or wont uphold it, overall de EU is a much more friendlier place to live, if You cant see that sorry, I’m only saying that there are much more worse places to live, like the US. for example.
There are other cases when “abc” agencies kidnap various persons from a third countrie and than using European airports to transit them to who knows where, but thats a different story, and if I remember correctly there was a big scandal because of that a few years ago, because EU officials get the clue whats going on.
@Pocok4 alex covers mainly america, so there’s more information on it. there is so much tyranny in the EU thats it not even remotly a nice place to live. the EU ans US are on similar grounds
with Your the Whole Earth is not a friendli place, or at least not anymore, I cant argue with that because its true, but EU is one of the few remaining livable places.
left “attitude” from the sentence:)
Obama seeing how your telling the American people that “WE ARE NOT GOING TO PUT BOOTS ON THE GROUND” If we catch you in one more lie, “WE ARE NOT GOING TO PUT A BOOT UP YOUR ASS”!
Impeach Obama now!
Paul Watson literally looks like he’s never seen the sun
Ofcourse that war criminal kissinger wants more wars!
Isn’t it amazing how that elitist, Kissinger can just order up an indefinite unconstitutional war at the expense of the American taxpayer, mother, father, son, daughter (blood of our soldiers) etc. like he’s ordering a cheeseburger- and the American people DON’T EVEN CARE for the most part.
WOW, is all I can say.
What other conclusion can one draw, other than we’re FU@#ED and the U.S.A. is living on borrowed time.
@timi0000 we live in the UK…..what you expect
Welcome to global communism, one world under a green dictatorship. If you are alive, justify your existence. Being free to do or live as you please is no longer an option. If you are not contributing enough taxes you should not have children, if you have a hereditary illness, you will be discouraged or prohibited from having children, if you are old you will be encouraged to die. All lives revolve around paying taxes. Consume as little as possible. The banks own the planet now, you are a guest.
John McCain got the message loud and clear. He is demanding that we arm the rebels(he said he met with them and they ARE NOT Al Queda). He also wants boots on the ground.
I guess we know who John gets his marching orders from.
Amazing work, Alex and Paul! I’m seeing more and more cracks in the globalists’ plan.
@mcap52 : The voices in his head?
All ‘eugenics’ is, is extreme “control-freak-ism” masquerading as a noble quest to “improve” the human species..
Kissinger should be locked up
do watch my video- you will love it.
watch my video.
Watson is HOT
paul sucks i could do way better hire me alex
This is a message from an advanced intelligent race light years across this galaxy. “Humans are failing as a race because almost all of your race are internaly blind, can only see and hear with eyes and ears. All full of pride and pass judgement from how a person looks physically. hardly any of your species can take the time to look past your FUCKING shell and see what a person has to offer such as love, care, kindness etc….O well Our race is giving you to 2012 to pull your shit togather!
swap YOU with MYPRIZE and then hit enter
@docatomics continued???
@hashishclay ….that was all I could post, the rest keep getting removed, will send a more complete version to your channel main page comment :
from a one talbot-_ _ _ _ something or another
For advanced species they really do have potty mouths!