download the ‘insurance’ file here: Pentagon puts the smackdown on the worlds media: Gov. admit no one has been harmed by leaks and no damaging intel released: my previous wikileaks videos – US Terrorism & Imperialism (and the CIA Red Cell) constitution â–º government – wikileaks & the problem of whistleblowing: FREE THE WIKILEAKS SUSPECT Bradley Manning: how wikileaks can save the world: im still waitin for a single argument against what wikileaks does that holds up. video responses welcomed. stalk me: #12 – Most Discussed (This Week)) – Non-profits & Activism #95 – Most Discussed (This Week)) – Non-profits & Activism – Global #32 – Most Discussed (This Month)) – Non-profits & Activism #18 – Top Favourited (This Week)) – Non-profits & Activism #73 – Top Favourited (This Month)) – Non-profits & Activism #5 – Top Rated (This Week)) – Non-profits & Activism #104 – Top Rated (This Week)) – Non-profits & Activism – Global #34 – Top Rated (This Month)) – Non-profits & Activism
@girlpalooza privacy does not take precedent over defending the constitution.
by giving over to authority like that, you give licence to do as they please. we know this is not a healthy way to be. look at vietnam… do you also oppose the pentagon papers?
like i’ve said in another vid on this, governments are not opposed to the concept of leaks, they have systematically done so themselves when it suits their ends. they just dont like not being in control
have u seen any of my other vids on this?
Great video, you’re such a dude. Gonna read up on this in more depth tomorrow when I’m much, much more awake. Love to ya! xxx
Are these classified files being released? If so, good job douchbags! Is George Soros or the Rockefeller Foundation funding Wikileaks and using it to strength the argument for internet censorship out of concern for ”national security”? The trumped up rape charges were a joke and likely done to give Wikileaks ‘street credit’.
@Steelsixtysix ya they were fake charges to get the guy in prision. He later said that they were fake.
our army is corrupt and more murderous then it was in vietnnam. the best thing iread about vietnam was the burning of a civilian village because they “thought” communists were there.
although i agree that the governments of the world “for the most part” are rotten to the core, and i as an american am ashamed to say my current government is amoung the worst in the world, i can’t agree with the release of millitary info. i have 2 reasons, the first amendment ends when you endanger others “REAL physical danger”, second you should really consider whether or not you are prepared to live with the cost “in lives” this sort of thing could cause all over the globe. continue next —
you could inadvertanly start wars you hadn’t even considered, DO NOT BECOME THE THING YOU SEEK TO DESTEROY! i also want freedom and thruth for all the people of the world, but you must be careful !!!
@SexJunkle good observation, i think theres a good chance your right! and it makes a GREAT october surprise, it will be twisted to political advantage if the DEMS can, and if they do i fear i’ll never comment on another chat forum, because ther won’t be anymore places to go!!
In the time of Rome do you think the Roman’s looked at each other and said do you think the Barbarians like us???I don’t think so ,we do whats in our interest,just like everyone else…..
@ClarksonsinUSA that is an awesome quote. im puttin it on my channel. fo reelz
One more statement….
Like they say in Texas…
If you mess with Bull you get the Horns..
@ClarksonsinUSA another great one. lookin at your page tho, i think we appreciate these two statements for different reasons.. i could be wrong.
do you support whistleblowing or are you against it?
Fantastic vid, bro. Thanks for this vid. This is exactly the kind of BS i’ve been afraid of happening. Information NEEDS to be available to the people. Period.
Get ready for legislation, piles of legilslation, and then some more, to protect the poor, poor, dumbfuck electorate from threat websites and services — such as freedom of information exchange — to ensure disgusting piles of lies guys like wikileaks make up get blocked at the major internet trunks of a democratic country near you soon. Journalism is almost dead and you’ve been better off for it for years now anyway. Did you know the one about the ‘debt crisis’ — in detail? Bleh. It’s boring.
@ArtificialCleverenAI u no likey wikileaks?
@oojamaflipper of COURSE I bloody do, you daft sod. Without them, we’d have to rely on governments of the people for the people to tell us what they’re doing with our trillions and the lives of the people we love and live for. And that’s just plain fucking reckless stupidity.
@ArtificialCleverenAI make a video. oh go on.. wolffies never comin back so its all down to you now..
i hate when people e-die
@oojamaflipper I intend to e-die too. I’m sorry. I haven’t had much change of heart about that. Why has Wofle gone for good? PM me if u can’t say here. Or say if you can’t say at all. I genuinely liked her … a lot.
@ArtificialCleverenAI oh i dont know for sure,, im just resigned to it now..
R.E. Wolfie and your resignation to her permanent e-death: your reply seems to have vanished. I had high hopes for what could be achieved by YouTube, but knowing now what I do of it as a company and of the 10K+sub channels and the fanboi scrabbles they make and I’ve watched with bemusement, dismay, revulsion, annoyance, humour, and adding in my own in-various-character-styles replies and watching the reactions with same, I am wisened and see it for the cesspool it mostly is, solving nothing.
Out of curiosity, if Wikileaks had been around in May of 1944, would you have been fine with them publishing the plans for Operation Overlord?
@PhysicalConservative publishing plans for a mission that has not occured yet is quite obviously totally different to anything that wikileaks has ever released.
if thats what u mean…..
I’m establishing that you accept that there is a need for secrecy and that it is acceptable in some cases for governments to lie to citizens.
@PhysicalConservative of course i accept there is a need for secrecy. as for lying, it depends about what and for what reasons.
*Thumbs UP*