Oil Leak + Evidence = Unfathomable Disaster ! Government Not Talking to Avoid MASS PANIC! The Earth Reports of plutons leaking out of the plume, along with other poisonous gasses. High concentrations of salt found near the well head. Now this all looks like the Federal Government is trying to cover their own ass! However, the most disturbing and determining factor in all of this was the action taken by BP to buy up “google search sites”. At first I saw this as unconscionable! Guess money can buy anything? was my attitude. Think about it with all I have listed above, this is the Governments effort to shield the public from horrific information. Not for PR purposes, but to avoid MASS PANIC!! There has been information coming out daily and even an interview stating that this is no ordinary well. It is in fact a super well that extends 20-33000 feet below the seabed floor. That BP did in fact attempt to drill a super well. see this thread: www.abovetopsecret.com… There is a program called Deep Sea Drilling it is primarily used for scientific reasons regarding what lies beneath the ocean floor etc., Geophysical purposes only. They are wells that extend 30-40000 feet below the sea bottom floor.
If there are brothers in the eternal struggle are among you.
Please help me warn the upper Atlantic Bermuda area of the potential for a mid Atlantic rift fracture full moon, high tide, 26th June.
Power vacuum has formed in five Gulf states region and there will be a first strike demonstration between the faction of the new power block that is forming.
Please help if you can watch?v=AJ7tTDub9Eg
5***** !
Which genius wants to nuke it ?
Heard it again on last weeks Bill Maher, he is Pro-Nuke oil wells since Obama won’t nuke Iran already for Zion.
@euro944t Yea suddenly all the ‘No War No Nukes’ people like Maher and Madcow are suddenly salivating to see nukes poppin off all over the world.
right about that- when I saw all those fish jumping out of the water looking for oxygen and suffacteing – I thought – we’re next.
@early2it full moon
@morningmayan not a pretty picture …
Nuclear armed Russian Warship inroute to San Fransico. watch?v=8PkY7Guwiqg
And Obama struts around Florida eating,drinking and listening to music like there is not total disaster around him.Actually,If I were to look at the mess from Obama’s perspective I guess I would be pretty freaking upbeat too. He is loving every gallon of crude that leaks into the Gulf,each gallon gives him a little more chance of getting crap and trade.
i live 8 hours from gulf in northeast georgia.i have asthma that was caused when i was young by exposure to chemicals and i’m extra sensitive to gas fumes and others.went all winter without being sick and i’ve been sick 2 times in 2 months.this time is worse,for 3 days my voice is completely gone.thing is i’m a nurse and its hard to communicate with patients and doctors.its been breezy here for the past couple days and i think its the fumes blowing up from gulf.