NH re-institutes “redress of grievance”

Sponsor: NHLiberty.org – New Hampshire citizens acquire an official new tool for “battling bad bureaucrats.” But how secure is that tool, and will attacks upon it succeed? Stay tuned. This video was edited 1 and first uploaded around 1/22. Disclosures: The subject of this video is a member of the NH Liberty Alliance (NHLiberty.org). liberty alliance state house petition for redress of grievances right of the people peaceably to assemble us constitution first amendment dave ridley report nonviolent revolution revolt rebellionron paul junkie rachel mills right to petition bad judges bureaucrats misbehaving cops ridleyreport police cops taser tazer don’t taze me bro dont war on drugs police abuse prison jail intimidation kop busters blue light gang amnesty international custody father’s rights domestic department petition for redress of grievances we the people bob schultz continental congress v for vendetta politics nh free state project human rights watch new hampshire Stefan Molyneux …. Please thank our sponsor by visiting … NHLIBERTY.ORG