Archeologists in Siberia have found several elongated skulls in the forest. They’re from the 4th century A.D. Some people believe that the most likely explanation was that ancient communities deliberately deformed the skulls of infants, possibly with the intention of increasing their mental abilities.
However, there are still some unanswered questions. How did multiple cultures across the planet with no contact come to perform the same type of ancient “surgery� What purpose did it serve?
There is some evidence that these people with the elongated heads had strange brain powers and the ability to predict the weather.
Pravda News. Russian media outlets have recently covered a story about yet another mystery of the ancient period of human civilization, when archaeologists discovered plates with drawings in South America. The plates or the so-called Iki stones are about 70 million years old. The drawings show people with disproportionately large heads. There are skulls of the same shape in the local museums. But archeologists find the elongated skulls in Russia too, in the North Caucasus. The Pyatigorsk museum of regional studies has them on display. Do those skulls have anything in common? And who started the fashion? They wanted to look like aliens I did research on one of those skulls found near the town of Chihuahua in Mexico in the 1930s, says the well-known archeologist Lloyd Pye, the author of the book Everything You Know is Wrong. When the appearance of the owner was restored using Professor Gerasimovs method, it became obvious that the guy resembled aliens the way they are portrayed by eyewitnesses. I ran a DNA test of his bones in two laboratories. His DNA links in some sections differed from the human ones. The skull should have contained around 2 liter of brain. The skull of present-day man can hold only 1.5 liters of brain, says Mr. Pye. Some specimens indicate that the fashion for elongated skulls is al least 20 thousand years old. It could have originated earlier on. I can not tell you exactly when. I can only assume that ancient people wanted to imitate somebody else. Maybe they wanted to look like those beings who were more perfect in terms of evolution. They could also imitate the aliens whose skulls probably had different dimensions, says Mr. Pye.
These skulls were photographed by Robert Connolly on his trip around the world during which he was collecting materials about ancient civilizations. The discovery of unusual skulls was thus an unintended “spinoff” of his efforts.
The data about the skulls is incomplete, and that makes the correct assessment of their age, context with other hominids, as well as placement of their origin extremely difficult. Some of the skulls are very distinct, as if they belong to entirely different species, remotely similar to genus Homo. The first thing that attracts attention is the size and shape of the cranium in all the specimens. There are 4 different groups represented in the pictures. As a matter of convenience, I labeled them “conehead”, “jack-o-lantern” or “J” and “M” based on the shape of the skull, except the first and possibly earliest type of skull, which I call “premodern”.
When some of these pictures (the first two) were posted on CompuServe more than year ago, the majority of people assumed that they represented an example of binding of the head, well known to be in fashion in ancient Nubia, Egypt and other cultures. The problem with this theory is that the inside of the cranium of the mentioned skulls, although elongated and with a back sloping, flattened forehead, have the same capacity as normal human skulls; the only difference is the shape achieved by frontal and side deformations.
They are actually more similar to the first type of skull (premodern) with the rounded back, than the conehead type. The cone-shaped types of skull are not found amongst the usual skull-binding samples.
The first skull presents problems of its own. The frontal part of the skull seems to belong to an individual of the pre-Neanderthal family, but the lower jaw, though more robust than modern human type, has a modern shape and characteristics. The shape of the cranium does not have any comparison with the Erectus, Neanderthal types, nor the modern human type. Some minor Neanderthal characteristics are present, as is the occipital ridge on the bottom back of the skull and the flattened bottom of the cranium, other characteristics point more towards Homo Erectus. The angle of the cranial bottom is, though, unusual. We cannot exclude the possibility of a deformed individual in this case, but it is highly unlikely that the angle of the frontal part would require a modification of the lower jaw in the process of growing to resemble modern human types with their projected chin rim. The answer seems to be that the skull belongs to a representantive of an unknown premodern human or humanoid type.
As is obvious from the comparison with a modern human skull, the cranial capacity lies within the modern human range. This is not surprising, since the late Neanderthals and early modern humans (Cro-Magnon) had larger cranial capacities (both roughly 1600 ccm to 1750 ccm) than modern humans (av. 1450 ccm). The decrease of the cranial capacity (sudden at that — the specimens of modern humans after about 10500 BCE have smaller craniums) is a puzzling matter, but that’s another story.
No less puzzling is what a representative of a premodern human type is doing on the South American continent. According to the orthodox anthropology, this skull simply does not exist, because it cannot be. Textbooks’ oldest date of appearance of humans in North America is about 35000 BCE and much later for South America, based on the diffusion theory assumptions. The only accepted human types entering the continent are of the modern anatomy. There are some other sources that place all types of human genus in both Americas at much earlier dates based on numerous anomalous finds, but the academe sticks to its preconceived notions, no matter what. It’s safer.
The “premodern” skull and the following three specimens were found in the Paracas region of Perú. It does not necessarily mean that they are related. There is some possibility that the “premodern” is in fact a precursor of the “conehead” type, but since we do not have any dating analysis at hand, we may only speculate in this regard.
The “conehead” type is very unusual because of the cranial shape. Here we have three specimens, which exclude the possibility of random or artificial deformation (the already mentioned Nubian deformations had quite a number of individual variations). They have individual characteristics within the range of overall morphology. There is no doubt that they are closely related and possibly represent quite a distinct branch of the genus Homo, if not an entirely different species.
The comparison of the C1 with a modern human skull has slight inaccuracies, caused by a degree of distortion when rotating the skull shape into position. As is obvious from C2 and C3, the angle of the bottom part of the cranium does not deviate from normal. However, the general proportions are correct.
The enormity of the cranial vault is obvious from all three pictures. By interpolation, we can estimate the minimum cranial capacity at 2200 ccm, but the value can be as high as 2500 ccm. The shape of the skull may be a biological response–a survival of the species mechanism–to increase the brain mass without the danger of relegating the species to extinction and keeping a viable biological reproduction intact. However, since we do not see the representatives of the “conehead” type in modern population, something prevented the type becoming as widespread as it is in the case of present-day moderns.
The “J” type of skull presents different sets of problems. It is an equivalent of the modern type of skull in all respects, with only several factors out of proportion. Less significant is the size of eye sockets which are about 15% larger than in modern populations. More significant is the enormity of the cranial vault. The estimated cranial capacity ranges between minimum of 2600 ccm to 3200 ccm.
Pravda News – October 6, 2005
Russian media outlets have recently covered a story about yet another mystery of the ancient period of human civilization, when archaeologists discovered plates with drawings in South America. The plates or the so-called Iki stones are about 70 million years old. The drawings show people with disproportionately large heads. There are skulls of the same shape in the local museums. But archeologists find the elongated skulls in Russia too, in the North Caucasus. The Pyatigorsk museum of regional studies has them on display. Do those skulls have anything in common? And who started “the fashion?”
A hole in the crown of the head
“The Pyatigorsk skull was found at the excavation site of the Khasaot burial ground in the vicinity of Kislovodsk,” says Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladimir Kuznetsov, the author of numerous studies of history of the North Caucasus. “The skull is part of culture of the ancient Alani. Approximately, it dates back to the 3rd – 5th centuries A.D. These strange skulls appeared at the same time when the Sarmatian and Alani hordes came around. Some of the nomads moved for the North Caucasus in 15th century.”
Some claim that researchers have repeatedly proved that the skulls had been deformed on purpose, says Mr. Kuznetsov. “Ropes or special blocks were tied tightly round the heads of infants, over the temples. The custom went out of fashion by 17th century. The reason behind the deformation phenomenon is still unknown. It is hard to say whether the methods worked effectively or not since nobody ever conducted scientific experiments regarding the binding of the infants’ heads.
But “aliens” are not likely to be involved in this case,” says the researcher.
Still, it is very strange that the deformed skulls are found in European countries including Norway and France. They are also found in Central Asia, in Central and South America. Taking into account huge distances and oceans separating different nations, how could people pass around the weird fashion?
“The skull exhibited here used to belong to a young woman in her twenties,” says senior researcher of the Pyatigorsk museum of regional studies Mikhail Semendyaev. “Its volume is quite regular, about 1.5 liters. By the way, archeologists normally find 2-3 deformed skulls like this one in every hundred of skulls discovered during the excavation,” adds Mr. Semendyaev.
Specialists have no explanation for a particular feature of the elongated skulls. If you take a closer look at the skull, you will see a tiny hole on the crown. The edges of the hole are extremely neat and even. Only elongated skulls have tidy holes. Could it be that the holes were used for picking information from space or from the egg-headed colleagues scattered around the world?
OMSK, RUSSIA – Archaeologists have found a set of elongated skulls buried in Siberia. But this is not the first time these odd relics have been found.
Elongated skulls have been discovered across the globe in various cultures, dating back as far as 45,000 BC in what is now Iraq. The theory archaeologists have is called ‘artificial cranial deformation’, where a baby has its head bound to encourage specific skull growth.
Skulls were found as recently as this past January, in a dig in Siberia.
Can we even be sure they are entirely human? Or are these important relics of secret human-alien connections? Ancient Egyptians often depicted the pharaoh Akhenaten and his family with extremely elongated heads.
Is this evidence of the theory that Egyptian culture was influenced by aliens?
It is hard to say whether the methods worked effectively or not since nobody ever conducted scientific experiments regarding the binding of the infants’ heads.
But “aliens” are not likely to be involved in this case,” says the researcher. Still, it is very strange that the deformed skulls are found in European countries including Norway and France. They are also found in Central Asia, in Central and South America. Taking into account huge distances and oceans separating different nations, how could people pass around the weird fashion? “The skull exhibited here used to belong to a young woman in her twenties,” says senior researcher of the Pyatigorsk museum of regional studies Mikhail Semendyaev. “Its volume is quite regular, about 1.5 liters. By the way, archeologists normally find 2-3 deformed skulls like this one in every hundred of skulls discovered during the excavation,” adds Mr. Semendyaev. Specialists have no explanation for a particular feature of the elongated skulls. If you take a closer look at the skull, you will see a tiny hole on the crown. The edges of the hole are extremely neat and even. Only elongated skulls have tidy holes. Could it be that the holes were used for picking information from space or from the egg-headed colleagues scattered around the world? OMSK, RUSSIA – Archaeologists have found a set of elongated skulls buried in Siberia. But this is not the first time these odd relics have been found. Elongated skulls have been discovered across the globe in various cultures, dating back as far as 45,000 BC in what is now Iraq. The theory archaeologists have is called ‘artificial cranial deformation’, where a baby has its head bound to encourage specific skull growth. Skulls were found as recently as this past January, in a dig in Siberia. Can we even be sure they are entirely human? Or are these important relics
of secret human-alien connections? Ancient Egyptians often depicted the pharaoh Akhenaten and his family with extremely elongated heads.
Is this evidence of the theory that Egyptian culture was influenced by aliens?
[..YouTube..] @bhong32 did not mean to offend…just a reaction
[..YouTube..] …it is my belief that these people could predict the whether… fly, shoot laser beams from their eyes and lightning bolts from their arse. Honestly where do these nut jobs get this stuff?
Um, yes. This person has no pinky toe so it is widely believed he can walk on ceilings. From now on schools should teach this because it’s only a matter of time before we have actual proof. BULL.
[..YouTube..] @hjchamp04 here in manila we dont say “WTF’ to people we dont know.
[..YouTube..] @hjchamp04 aryt, lets not argue with that..just dont say WTF, i dont feel good when people say that to me.
[..YouTube..] hydrochepalus
[..YouTube..] @bhong32 did not say they are alien skulls….infant skulls are not completely solid during early development and ofcouse the skull can be deformed during this period….im talking about the people that claim a disease as in a ‘pathogen aquired’ sickness that caused these skulls to be deformed…its nonsense!
[..YouTube..] In Cranium 14, one of these sutures – the lambdoid suture – had closed too soon on the left side but not on the right. This premature fusion restricted the growth of its skull and as a result, it had become twisted and asymmetrical – a condition known as craniosynostosis. It’s a rare disorder, with cases involved the lamdoid suture affecting just 1 in 40,000 babies.
[..YouTube..] @hjchamp04 @hjchamp04 isnt that posible?craniosynostosis that’s associated with mental retardation, lets not fight about these things, almost everything in this world is possible, lets stop scaring ourselves believing that there were aliens here.its not true,
[..YouTube..] omg do i have to do all the work its clear that that is yes simpons in rl mabye in elite but most likely a monkey got hit by my car or it was an elite did i mention the elite?
[..YouTube..] @mirk1500 WOW
[..YouTube..] @bhong32 how does a “DICEASE” changes the skull? wtf are you talking about?
[..YouTube..] its a human head. its a tribe that makes there hide taller in africa its acuttally pretty cool
[..YouTube..] @bhong32
Exactly the same thing was done with infants strapped to backboards by indian tribes in Central America over 1,000 years ago, and in ancient Egypt much earlier. No disease there (or anywhere else that I know of) that could have done this.
[..YouTube..] Even if these skulls do not represent a hybrid of some kind, I have to wonder what gave ancient man the idea to distort baby’s skulls this way. Were they trying to emulate the look of an ET race that they were very familiar with?
[..YouTube..] It HAS a DICEASE.. NO ARGUMENT!!
[..YouTube..] @mirk1500 HAHAHAHA Omg, i promised not to reply but honestly, learn how to read. Please show me where in my original statements i said “Faulse”? Delete yourself from youtube lol. Man. Your such an idiot. Calling you a TARD would be a compliment now.
[..YouTube..] they hacked life,
[..YouTube..] @josiah32000 LOOOOOOOOOL
[..YouTube..] @kaleedeo “faulse” LOL!!!!! Learn how to spell… TARD!!!
[..YouTube..] @mirk1500 Lol whatever man, your not worth the brain power to deal with. Btw, learn some English grammar. Doing this “…” at the end of each sentience shows how much of a Tard you are. Anyway that is all. Have a shit life. :)
[..YouTube..] @kaleedeo Remove yourself from the gene pool… It will help us all…
[..YouTube..] @mirk1500 you’re a fucking moron to be calling people cause of their native climate (which we all originate from if you follow science)”niggers” and have the assumption that a race is most likely to be ignorant or even non-intelligent. Talking about breeding… We are all the same genetically. Same brain capability, same organs even the same fucking blood type. To even say something like “i wish the smart niggers would breed with each other” goes to show your a backwards thinking racist.
[..YouTube..] @Jeffrizel1986 ┌Пâ”(•_•)┌Пâ”
[..YouTube..] @mirk1500 Lol I’ll pray for you… people like you is what make YOUR race look bad…
[..YouTube..] @Jeffrizel1986 Explain to me how it is an ignorant post… Even niggers know that most niggers are worthless and ignorant… It’s just a fact… Do realize that I say MOST instead of all… Because then it would be ignorant of me… I refuse to label all niggers as ignorant and worthless… Because…. To be honest and simple… It isn’t true… However… To say MOST is not ignorant and I do wish smart niggers would breed with each other… Because it’s a shame to see a race go to waste…
[..YouTube..] @mirk1500 Ignorant posts at it’s best… smh
[..YouTube..] In soviet russia, Skulls dig u
[..YouTube..] thats one hell of an under-bite
[..YouTube..] its a plague that causes that.
[..YouTube..] It’s look like one of the indiana Jones skulls in his last movie am right =D
[..YouTube..] MOJOJOJO
[..YouTube..] simpsons
[..YouTube..] It is a well known established fact that most cultures around the world from Europe, Africa, Asia , Americas etc up untill recent times in some areas did a practice called head binding, (similar reasons and methods in the act of foot binding in China ).
[..YouTube..] @Iolimcool Russian scientists have recently discovered that the DNA of people from the Siberian Khakassia and Altai regions bordering on Tuva (also known as Tannu, Tiva and Teva). The Mayans are supposed to have originated in Altai. The Russian scientists believe that the people of Tuva may have even a higher DNA match with Amerindians. The Inca Nahua, Maya, and Mayo clans, as well as that of the Mexican Yaquis (Yakhs?) and Mayo (Maya)-two tribes speaking the same language.
[..YouTube..] @FLCLimaxxx I don’t see any relation of your response to my comment. “i would like to see some facial reconstruction of those skulls” then you replied King Tit — cone head and shit.
[..YouTube..] this is all false except the skulls in south america when babies were yng there skull had a very soft bone material leting the skull form so the parents put a rope around their head and the skull would grow longer not smarter
[..YouTube..] The last known Coneheads were on Sat Night Live.
They are extinct now.
[..YouTube..] @tedhellcaster
King Tut and his father both had the cone head as well, no other pharoa was depicted as such though, or do remains have the cone head. same shitty explanation given for everything.
[..YouTube..] lmfao. the same “explanation” is given for fuckin conehead skulls all over the goddamn world. how likely is that shit? peoples completely isolated by time and geography all came up with the same idea. how come most remains with these fucked up heads are real tall, like 7 to 9 feet tall?.
[..YouTube..] hahaha damn alians are real
[..YouTube..] this is what russians looked like in the past (Dick heads)
[..YouTube..] only in russia…
[..YouTube..] i would like to see some facial reconstruction of those skulls
[..YouTube..] @anthraxmaniac lol
[..YouTube..] The skull was tied during infancy.
[..YouTube..] Wow I thought only the Mayans did that…
[..YouTube..] ITS E.T!!!!
[..YouTube..] @lildixie1221 comon don’t get pissy, squeeze a few out that vagina
[..YouTube..] they had contact with eachother through aliens
[..YouTube..] @josiah32000 bungie knows all