Once again Minneapolis Cops are being sued for torturing a man in custody. Rolando Ruiz was tasered in the neck until he passed out while is hands are clearly on the hood of the patrol car. FBI are investigating. April 30, 2009, near the Minneapolis Second Precinct off Central Avenue.
The pig should get the death penalty.
I’m a Republican and a Christian, so usually I think the police are good, but torture is only good if it’s used on people who are evil, like black people or atheists.
lmao, i hope that was supposed to be sarcastic
In this case. But it reflects the general consensus of certain groups all too well.
… thanks for the burn, we Republican Christians appreciate it the hatred sent our direction.
The death penalty is far, FAR too heinous for this kind of crime. Yes, this was blatant police brutality, but the DEATH PENALTY should be reserved only for the most heinous of crimes, such as Child Molestation, Murder, et cetera.
You can find people who hate in ANY given group. You can find German who hate Jews, Koreans who hate Japanese, Chinese who hate Americans, Israelis who hate Arabs, and vice versa in all those examples.
There are plenty of people who hate, so don’t try and pin it on any one group.
No it really doesn’t – just remember there’s a lot of people on BOTH sides waking up to the fact that Democrats and Republicans are just two heads on the same snake. Don’t fall for that shit.
Damn straight. Please stop killing people. :)
I’m up voting this because it’s lulzy.
You’re being binary, polidic. Who says I’m on either side?
All organizations of that size are shit, and we know it. Some just have more of a hard on for police and police violence than others.
I disagree, the only case in which I would support capital punishment would be when “officials” abrogate their oaths of office.
Just turn the other cheek and follow the teachings of your cult.
Far from it. There’s no political agenda here – I don’t like either or any of the parties. It doesn’t have anything to do with parties – both sides are working on the same goal – globalism. It will be a police state and you need to look carefully at whats happening regardless of what I think or say.
To mistertakeda: That cop went to far on that guy. The cop is the evil one. Just because a person gets arrested doesn’t mean they should be tasered or treated like criminals. And finally there are other races besides blacks.
Then it’s spanking time >:D
Not if you go back far enough, Petah.
this is so fucking shocking (no pun intended)! i cannot even fathom why the police dept would try and defend this man? have they not seen the video?
this is probably the single most egregious act of misconduct by a police officer i have ever seen!
How did this man sustain $75,000 worth of damage? Why would he sue his own town folk? Its not like the police is paying for it, it is his neighbors who will foot the bill.