Alex talks with the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, in-studio. Adams, a former high-powered software executive, began his mission as the Health Ranger in response to his own failing health. He is the founder of, an online news source covering all areas of personal and planetary wellness from nutrition to renewable energy. Mike has written thousands of articles and built a following of over 800000 people across the globe. Adams also founded a non-profit organization, The Consumer Wellness Center, an online retail center, Better Life Goods, and the popular publishing company, Truth Publishing. Mike speaks frequently at national and local gatherings like the Amazon Herb Summit and the Raw Foods Challenge in Los Angeles.
I was going to bring up the “40 generations” thing but it was already covered, so I’ll just throw this out there…The Truther Girls did a video a while back talking about “natural flavorings”. So I was looking at ingredients and I saw a product that listed “…Natural flavors and other Natural flavors”. So many neat things to look at, a friend brought up hogweed, hogweed should definitely be looked at.
The local newspaper just had an article on how the U.S. has admitted to running syphillus experiments on people in the ’40s and the zombies STILL refuse to wake up! I don’t like to be a pessimist; but, I don’t think there’s any hope for most people! We can’t affect any change, if the majority think everything is okay!
The “revolving door” is old news. Michael Taylor (former VP and lawyer for Monsanto) is now in the white house, controlling the food! They are just sitting back laughing at us! These ARE the end times and if you don’t believe that, you are seriously hopeless! RE: chemtrails; search Monsanto ‘aluminum’ resistant gene. These criminals are insane and they will never stop until they have destroyed it all!
@wimmyroadisback I haven’t been impressed with the locally available fare in the category that I’ve seen. It’s not easy in this part of the country. But I will just have to start looking harder. That, or we stop the Frankensteins from poisoning the food.
Obama’s stimulus at work!!!
Welcome to the “POLICE STATE”!!!!
USDA & FDA are FRAUDULENT, CORRUPT government organizations paid-off buy the crooked corporations!!
Watch “FOOD INC.” & “THE FUTURE OF FOOD”, both well done documentaries.
End The Fed!!
WOW THESE guys are biased.
ECUADOR has just suffered a CIA TERRORIST COUP, yet these 2 aplogists are trying to distort truth.
I suggest people conduct their OWN research, BUT I am highly suspicious of these 2 individuals.
ameriKKKan terrorist should be hunted & eradicated.
“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:”
–Declaration of Independence
@TheBENGALHANNIBAL Are you saying Alex jones doesnt talk about the CIA being the worst people ever pretty much every show? Why is it half the time I check stupid comments its from people in the UK? That place isnt even that big.
Mike Adams is great, a real hero just like Alex! Great team, both of them.
Is it just me or does Mike Adams look like Kevin Bacon?
I can’t respect any organization that allowed toxic Aspartame, MSG and Sodium Fluoride into our food chain.
Clearly you are unable to digest & understand what I’ve written.
Ecuador suffered a ameriKKKan terrorism by YOUR CIA. Then these 2 talk about salaries. BEARING in mind the president KICKED OUT terrorist USA BASE.
B4 you slander an entire(which is a ameriKKKan disease) population, learn to understand simple ENGLISH.
ALEX JONES is not a prophet. ONLY a gate keeper, that looooves to race bait.
@tcoc112233 excuse me but did u just say please explain? how about no motherfucker because where i come from i only say things once and if ur not that observant then that’s ur own fucking fault. now goodbye fuckface leave me be sad fuck
@talltommy46 I go out in LA and always see police arresting, or ticketing, or pulling people over just to look at them. I went to my car at night and they shone the bright police light in my eyes while I was digging around in the back seat. The greedy real estate people sick the police on those living in vehicles so other’s can’t even travel or nap in them without the risk of being set up or caught up in the trap where they are enraged at those boycotting high rent. Young and dumb cops…..
Off Topic; Alex, with all due respect to you, can you/the radio show upgrade your cameras? A higher resolution, I.E 480p minimum would be great.
Dont forget High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sodium Nitrates & Nitrites, Melamine.
Flint Mi, so broke 3-6 officers on duty at any time.
Bless you Alex Jones and Mike Adams
Free Energy is real and its here! The Oil companies are doing everything they can to stop this
information. If you want a Free energy machine , get the blueprints at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM , Join the
Amazing interview! Mike Adams is a true hero
My heros, REAL PEOPLE !
Not phony talking head disc jockeys !
There IS A WAR on for your mind and body!
The only thing i can ask is WHY IN THE HELL ARE FOOD AND DRUG BEING MONITORED UNDER THE SAME ADMINISTRATION?? Food and Drugs only have one thing in common and thats we consume them.. Nothing more.
The FDA won’t stop the use of artificial sweetners.I hate Monsanto.