Reports Of “Harmless” Radiation Reaching California Are a Whitewash Paul Joseph Watson March 18, 2011 Exactly as we predicted would happen, authorities have cited “miniscule” levels of radiation reaching California as an excuse with which to downplay the threat to Americans of fallout crossing the Pacific from Japan, completely ignoring the fact that the bulk of the radiation from the two blasts at the Fukushima power plant will not reach the west coast until Monday. “Radioactive fallout from Japan’s crippled nuclear plant has reached Southern California but the first readings are far below levels that could pose a health hazard, a diplomat said Friday.” “Initial readings are “about a billion times beneath levels that would be health threatening,” the diplomat told The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity because the CTBTO does not make its findings public.” The diplomat called the level of radioactivity “irrelevant,” while another unnamed source told Reuters that the level was “very low.” If the two individuals quoted in the reports are so confident that there is no threat, why are they so keen on remaining anonymous? As we have emphasized, the radiation now hitting the west coast is from the early leaks suffered by the Fukushima plant after the earthquake and tsunami last Friday, which actually occurred Thursday US time. These leaks were minimal in comparison to the radiation emitted after explosions on Saturday …
For the Truth about the Meltdown the MEDIA Won’t Tell You search YT for:
It will BLOW Your MIND what They are Covering Up. and WHO it all leads back to.
Now, Enjoy the Radiation in America, the CIA is PROTECTING YOU with the ZIONIST MEDIA LIES of Don’t Worry, Be Happy and watch NO FLY ZONE!
You know we have been lied to over the years, not only by Govts but by religous leaders, who have preached so many lies that are not even in Scriptures and lead many on the path to destruction. You might want to visit a site that is in my user name, there is a great audio there that will shock you and you will come away asking many questions. Thanks Jane
@revron77, people aren’t lazy! even FAT people do a lot of activity stuffing their faces, i think the conversations are over, TAXATION is immoral, and based upon what they do with tax money i’d call it pure robbery, but its supported by the masses, so thinking that gov’t and those involved will have the conversation to end it is ridiculous, people are fueling the machine, its just like the queen bee and the hive, the queen needs the hive, the hive doesn’t need the queen,
I drink the water with floride in it and it has not hurt me at all and the huge bump i have on the side of my neck is not from the floride, the doctor said.
I’m trying to figure out whether or not this likely orchestrated “uprising” in the middle east is a distraction geared toward this issue or the fact that the U.S. dollar will lose all value any minute now.
ATF is trying to ban barrel shrouds again 2011! Look on the web search : ATF Study on the Importability of Certain Shotguns
Carolyn Mccarthy ban is now being attempted by the ATF but there is still time.
Email comments ATF you don’t want more import bans by no later than May 1, 2011.
ATF wants you to email them about the target shooting saiga shotguns at
or fax to 202 648-9601
Learn more about the new proposed shotgun ban @ wwwDOTak47buildingDOTyolasiteDOTcom
@wilatemodel It isn’t the radiation itself, but radioactive particles which are the problem. They are carried in by the pacific jet streams. And yes, if you breath enough of that shit in, it will render you sterile.
@KillBaddBugz Ahh! YOU seem to be opening your eyes!!! So sad that SOME people choose to be an ostrich or actually just cannot handle the truth of anything negative- step up to the batters plate- Become open minded, take their blindfolds off & START something POSITIVE by getting the word out but also do the research! If any person who has NOT “done the research” & starts ‘trying’ to get the REAL DEAL out there, they JUST may turn MORE ears to deafness & more eyes to blindness- Send ’em HERE!!!
@1x8twist Geez! Well? I live on the Gulf Coast- ALWAYS had an OILY complexion-GONE! Short term memory REALLY bad – NEVER had allergies-Have to take Nasonex 3X a day- Why? A small ‘lump’ up in my nose- IT GREW, taking up over 3/4 of my nasal passage- couldn’t wear glasses cuz it would press on it & cause my nose to water & sneezing. DRY eyes- EENT DX’d MANY ‘POLYPS’ in my sinuses. COREXIT & BP Oil? SOME Docs are under scrutiny by the gov’t- GET A 2nd opinion, ask for a “V.O.C.” blood test! ASAP!
@salo73 OH!!But you are SO incorrect with the analogy!! Albert Einstein said “When the bee population dies, man will only have 4 years to live”- OUR GOV’T is actually PAYING beekeepers to CHANGE the queen out EVERY 2 YEARS!! Feeding the bees high fructose corn syrup on top of that! You may think “so what”?? Scientists said that THIS PROCESS is causing such intense stress on the bees that the population is in a dangerous DECLINE!! BTW? High fructose corn syrup? NOT NATURAL EITHER! Not good 4 u!!!
umm this guy has alot of fans… you dont think he should be talking about everybody comming together and trying to stop them! instead of just telling us what they do??? i mean some of the stuff the guys says i already know, we know ALOT now. so what do we plan to do about it??? this guy never says stuff like this WHY???
@millstone7201, i agree that we trust too much what we put in our mouths, but we see though, we have so much already that we can sustain 6 billion people or so the stupid and inefficient way, with war, and stupid currency issues, AND an uneducated population, its obvious we’re bursting with potential, THAT’S what their trying to stop! imho…
what a nice way to minus the population of the world…slowly but effectively!!!
Jonesy ‘tard Women aren’t physiologically tougher! It’s men who are oppressed and abused!
Poor californians they are having rad shower time for good.
also i think the closes countrys that have radiation will wage war on some year when they note all the deaths and problems linked to rad. And the thing is i feel they will use the same medicine then we will have rad rain all days.
alex jones you are a fucking fool. why the hell are you just spitting info at us… all your doing is spreading fear. WHY DONT YOU USE YOUR FUCKING RESOURCES TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS….all you do is talk about the PROBLEMS and never come up with any SOLUTIONS.
I don’t generally like him either but he has a point. I liked how he referenced The Scientist in this one, shows some actual sources. Jones is not a nuclear scientist, you can’t blame him for not thinking of solutions. Have you been coming up with great innovations in that particular field lately? At least he’s creating some awareness, the first step towards innovation and action.
alex jones (even though he is a fool) is in a position of power that i am not at…yet. if i had my own radio show and other resources that alex jones has, i would be coming up with solutions instead of just digging up conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory. why not focus on a few of these conspiracies and actually come up with a solution to them? i am all for spreading awareness… but what this alex jones is doing is fearmongering.
sorry i forgot the @ thing. im new to this youtube comment posting thiing
He works for the people he talks about. He is getting the sheeple ready for the big changes to come within the next few years.
@dbcrdnfanatic we need to get people to know about this!!! (that he’s a fake and works for illuminati)
@abradras voting for him will change nothing, wise up sheep