Can it be? Is there an Egyptian-styled figurine carved into the side of an ancient cliff face on Mars? If they thought the mermaid/bigfoot figurine was impressive, CNN needs to see this one. This is larger and even more detailed. Still pics, etc. at this link: This odd figure photographed by the Opportunity rover on Mars, was discovered by iammonkey (Amanda Reilly) of AboveTopSecret. Award winning NASA-Ames super resolution software revealed these amazing details! Several other members of ATS contributed nearby finds such as conjunktionman and rosscross. Numerous interesting images are found in the thread on ATS: The image is located at “Cape St. Vincent,” a promontory on the interior crater wall of Victoria Crater. Victoria Crater is considered to be an extremely old crater, perhaps billions of years old. Now, how far away are those pyramids? Image credit: NASA/JPL
I did it.
I actually went looking for this. It is on the official JPL site. However, NASA and JPL explained it away saying that the rock formation is so small that the supposed ‘Egyptian statue’ is actually tiny compared to a human. They didn’t even deny it. They just said, “It’s small.”
What am i supposed to be looking at?…
i saw a whore’s hole there
@Boobtoob2 Thanks for posting. I have not seen this on the NASA/JPL site. Can you possibly send me a direct link where they talk about it?
The UAC is proud to release this footage…
wow….. theres rocks on mars
this is a giant camel’s footprint
the music is awesome bro
Stupid vid !!!!
Believe it all I could see was a teddy bear on a scooter
all i see him do is zoom in in some rocks
@TheGmansays1 LoL, I swear im looking pretty hard and i dont see it
Oh for Gods sake !
I might have been able to see some statue if there wasnt so much shitty editing…
wow so all your videos are useless shit of you using weird zooming and rock music, your just looking for stuff and finding crap that doesnt really look like anything.
millions of years ago there was a planet called malona which is now our asteroid belt. When it was destroyed by lucifer not only destroyed life on mars but also altered it’s orbit. In order to continue reincarnation the souls were sent to a planet Called Eden what we call Earth.
anyone else just see rock
That could have easily formed from water, a long long time ago. Just saying.
@Boobtoob2 can you tell me where these pics are? i cant find them anymore. Send message plz. Two worlds one family.
dude you just can see that its 3d why would nasa make 3d pictures 0.0 ???
So…Starting at around 6 seconds in this video…anyone else notice what looks like a small blue light on the lower right hand hole in the rock formation? What the crap is that? =S
The statue was easy to see although the constant movement was irritating. BUT did you notice the 3 human looking figures at 1:55 into video? They were clearly living beings looking over the edge. 2 were standing and one appeared sitting