Sponsor: nhliberty.org – One of Gandhi’s protoge’s showed how to make courts obsolete in areas where India’s indiginous people live. This vid quotes excerpts from Mark Shephard’s book “Gandhi Today” http A San Francisco “people’s court” similar to the one in the book: www.communityboards.org How you can buy an ad on this show: ridleyreport.com Many images from: commons.wikimedia.org – plz donate to them at meta.wikimedia.org mahatma gandhi ron paul india ridleyreport adivasi natives indians new hampshire indiginous peoples staters william shirer free state project civil disobedience nh police abuse american indian movement dave police abuses government judges courts ridley cops russell means leonard peltier law enforcement prosecutors Judge Andrew Napolitano wounded knee report liberty live free or die Harivallabh Parikh libertarian native peoples indigenous
Ghandi was a racist.
@sigatus, he was a socialist too.
I don’t think Gandhi would have supported the same capitalist system which destroyed India and is destroying India today as we speak. India is far more free-market capitalist than the US, and not surprisingly their standard of living is far worse than most of the US.
Hahaha wow…..
another outcome possible by a voluntary/non-agressive people’s court, besides compensation, or moral pressure, would be forgiveness.
India is rated 124th on The Index of Economic Freedom.
No RSA 123:1 means there’s no legit federal court in NH!
I would agree with the court system. Here in Washington State declared that there was nothing wrong with felons and dead people voting. For that this state will always be in the hands of the left.
Are you kidding? India is very unfree.
Perhaps when you say “capitalist” you do not mean the same thing as when I say it.
I do not mean corporatist, which is when government works with corporations to provide them special benefits.
I don’t even believe in corporate personhood. I just believe in freedom.
According to Schaeffer Cox the people of Fairbanks, AK have succesfuly implemented a Common Law court. This court is voluntary and is not part of the gov`t ran system.
Do you know anything about India? Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t know.. Seriously!
When people talk non-sense like capitalism is destroying India, you really are talking crap. Yes, India does not have full free market capitalism, but what capitalism has reached India has made the lives of Indians far better off than they otherwise were.
Yes, Gandhi (learn to spell) was a racist, and a leftist. But he was still smarter and aware of reality than most people that talk crap about him today.
India is very unfree? Only if you want to obey “the law”.. otherwise India is a very free country. But then, pretty much no Indian wants to “obey the law”, which is a pretty good thing.
What a great story! Thank you Mr. Ridley for sharing it.
Yes, Ridley, it would be great if everyone were like Gandhi.
But that’s the whole reason we talk about Gandhi – because he was, unfortunately, one of a kind.
Expecting the majority of the population to follow his example is a fantasy.
Isn’t this how sharia courts operate in western countries? A mutual agreement for both sides to see the court, even in criminal matters.
What a great idea! The government monopoly on the court should be broken. I bet a private system wouldn’t cost as much, I had to pay $250 in San Mateo California just to file papers to defend myself against a credit card company.
for 3 men who rape a young girl to be be fired just does not sound like justice to me.