Handcuffed women, under arrest, trips and falls in the middle of the room (where the blood is) breaking her teeth, cracking her jaw, cutting her forehead, fattening her lips and blackening her eyes
Funny how those temperamental police cameras sometimes stop recording during certain events. must be a glitch in the system. Whatever your opinion of this women is, drunk, “combative†a bitch, etc.. there is no excuse for what happens. Apparently the police didn’t feel that part of the video was important as they clearly tampered with it. Isn’t tampering with evidence supposed to be illegal? This bastard cop actually has the never to say “she fellâ€. Would the police buy that bullshit story if they came to a home and a women had those marks and the husband said “she fellâ€Â Why do the police seem to have a different code, different rules, different laws?
Shreveport Louisiana Police decided NOT to file charges against police officer Wiley Willis because “No one knows what really happened during that time because the camera had been shut off.â€
Police taze a 16 year old child 19 times who is semi conscious suffering from a broken back and broken off heel after falling from a bridge!
You heard me right, a 16 year old boy falls from a bridge, police come across him laying on the ground and claim he was “non compliant†and “incoherent†so what did they do? TAZED HIM 19 TIMES until he went into a coma. Blood testing showed he was clean of alcohol and drugs. Ozark Police Dept Captain Thomas Rousset claimed they tazed him because he “refused to comply with the officers and making incoherent statements. wow. keep in mind this isnt just one bad apple cop, this is many officers at the scene and the Captain all believing they did a good job. Who were they serving? Who were they protecting?
Cop caught on tape telling a kid that not only was he going to make up any charges he wants to arrest him, but that it is standard practice with all cops, that he and other cops have the power to “ruin your life, your career and everythingâ€Â He threatens the kid with open ended, bar room style threats and intimidation for no reason whatsoever.
This cop is simply “ecstatic†with his power. When he discovers the kid has a video recorder going he says “I don’t really care, I will tow this car and tear it all apart anywayâ€.
You can skip ahead to 55 seconds to get right to the juice. The clicking is fuzz buster. I can just imagine how this fucking pig talks to his kids, if I had him as a dad I would kill myself.
What an obnoxious fat head: Was he in fear of this kid? Geeze, if this is the way this cop handles stress from a few kids, how would he react in real world situations? How would this cop react if I grabbed a kid and threw him down?
TRAGEDY: what is the result of all that pent up rage and hostility? what happens when the cop is just too filled up with power? they explode like a bomb, as in the next video where an officer snaps and decides to murder 6 kids, then finally (and supposedly) he commits suicide by shooting himself three times until he is dead.
[..YouTube..] @OnlyTheWeakNeedHelp
People who give up on life are considered weak. This excludes people suffering mental illnesses. The system is there to keep the needy in need. If the system wanted to help the needy, it would provide educational and trade skill services so the needy can become self sufficient.
[..YouTube..] @OnlyTheWeakNeedHelp
Feminist and racist have the power in this country. I have witnessed it first hand. BTW, you’re the one who is weak, because you would rather die than do what needs to be in order to survive. Only a weak person would allow him or herself to die.
[..YouTube..] mine or helihellraiser’s comments?
[..YouTube..] @OnlyTheWeakNeedHelp
There aren’t any laws that prevent feminist and racist from getting into power. Like I said, you need to gain some more life experience. I am not wasting anymore time with you, because it’s obvious, that you’re immature and lack life experience. It’s nothing personal against you, but debating with folks like yourself is pointless. You still didn’t prove to me that college tuition is based on a sliding scale.
[..YouTube..] I dont care if you dont respond any more you wern’t even in helihellraissers and my conversation. The system is their to help the needy. White or black. Not to keep anyone down. You think black peolpe are better than white just because a white person jumped out of a building and a black person didn’t? That right there is an iteligent comment,right? Your stupid and arn’t offering anything to the conversation. so please stay out and dont respond.
[..YouTube..] That right their is a fucking problem. Why the hell is your mind set like that. There are very few racist and sexist people in power and their are tons of laws that stop them from showing preferance to anybody.Stop always playing the victim. No one is out to get you or keep you down the social ladder.Every time you fail you say oh no its not my fault i didn’t get into college, its the racist and sexist people that stoped me from going there.Thats bull shit in America you are your own restraints.
[..YouTube..] @e14212
We already confirmed that onlytheweakneedhelp would commit suicide if he hit needed assistance. Suicide or giving up on life is the ultimate sign of weakness.
[..YouTube..] Just live alittle longer, i’m done with this and you just don’t get it. You don’t like the system that white america has put in place to control everything then you blame black people who by the way , have no control over anything. I’ll leave you with this, OnlyTheWeakNeedHelp, when the shit hits the fan, black people move on and live, white people on the other hand do shit like “jumping from windows of tall ass buildings”, who’s the weak one? Me, hell no. You..? your name tells it all.
[..YouTube..] @OnlyTheWeakNeedHelp
No you wouldn’t allow yourself to die, because your human nature wouldn’t allow you to do it. You must be young and immature. It’s okay, because I use to be that way before I matured.
[..YouTube..] @OnlyTheWeakNeedHelp
Colleges do not charge people by the amount of income they have. I guess you’re not talking about the United States. Every single person in America can’t be successful even if they do try, because feminism and racism will prevent him or her from doing it. If parents are not informed how feminism and racism works, then their child can become a victim. Once he or she becomes a victim a feminist or racist plan to prevent a student from becoming successful.
[..YouTube..] Hahahah, i read all your coments and they are amazing.
[..YouTube..] where does it say he committed suicide?
[..YouTube..] Pro tip from Officer riviera: You go around skateboarding and saying dude some one will kill you.
[..YouTube..] Colleges charge people by the amount of income they have, so dont talk about how any one is being held back. Every single person in America can be successful if they try.And to answer your question if i would take the food. The answer is yes. But maybe one time. I wouldn’t wait out side and bitch until that same person gave me food.I also would never get into a situation like that from the start. Food shouldn’t even be offered. I would deserve to die.I have failed in life to meet my basic needs.
[..YouTube..] boriiiiiing
[..YouTube..] most people that are on welfare are people that have not ever paid into the system and probably never will. Go ahead take as much of the money as you can get your hands on , Thats mighty black of you.
[..YouTube..] Do you really think the government wants to keep a part of the country poor? Why would they want that? What possible reason would the government have for debilitating part of the country and there for holding the rest of the country down. Poor people should stop blaming the government for their own down falls. Our government already makes it easier for minorities to get into college, and trade schools are free. In Ohio their are live Oaks schools that do it for “free”funded by the state.
[..YouTube..] you were right. their are more white people on welfare than black people. Sorry, i was misinformed. White people have 37.8 while black people have 36.2. Dont let these numbers decieve you. Our population is 75% white so the amount welfare money going to whites doesn’t represent that. You have 12.5% of the population but collect almost as much welfare as our 75%. thats pathetic. Black people and white people are under the same presure to collect welfare.
[..YouTube..] I’ve tried. But no president will get rid of welfare because its to contraversal. I am pissed at the black and white people who take handouts. If they cant support themselves they chose their own fate. Starve or work hard. Don’t go preaching about white ran government, last time i checked black people have the same ability to vote as white people. This is a democracy, everyone who votes runs the country. And by the way or president is black, so how is that white ran?
[..YouTube..] Black men built this society, who do you think built the white house? You don’t know what your talking about.
[..YouTube..] You know, it really doesn’t matter to me how many black people are on welfare, the government has a welfare system that i’ve pay my money into for the past 17 years. IF I NEED IT, I’M GOING TO GET MY CUT , COUNT ON ! Don’t go there with me, don’t even start. Everyman in my family was in the military, yes i want all that’s comin to me. This is somemore of that , if you don’t like, leave B/S and a dead give away. That’s mighty white of you.
[..YouTube..] @OnlyTheWeakNeedHelp
If you were broke, hungry, thirsty and cold from the elements, and someone offers you money for food, clothes, and shelter, would you take it or would choose to die? Unless you’re mentally ill, you’re going to take the money. Instead of the government giving handing out EBT cards, they can make it easier for the poor to attend college or to attend a trade school. That won’t happen, because YOUR GOVERNMENT wants to keep a percentage of the population poor.
[..YouTube..] a disgrace to the honorable police force.
[..YouTube..] Good fucking job police. You just nanaged to taZe someone 19 times after he fell off a bridge cuz he was disorientated. Well no fucking shit Sherlock
[..YouTube..] The governments in this country issue out welfare checks like it’s candy, and Black people do not run the country. Whites wanted to be in power, so when something fucked up happens to someone under the “White ran government” then that person has the right to blame the White people who run this country. If Whites don’t like getting blamed for shit, then they need to step down and allow another race to be power.
[..YouTube..] Whites are always quick to accuse Blacks of collecting welfare checks. Black people can’t issue themselves a welfare check. The government issues out welfare checks. That means so-called racist White people need to stop hating on Blacks who get welfare. They need to hate on the White ran government who issues out welfare checks.
[..YouTube..] If White Racist and feminist would allow Blacks to work as hard everyone else, then Black’s wouldn’t have anyone to blame when they fuck up.
If White racist and feminist never suggested to parent or parents that their soon needs special needs or SSI although no physical were ever done, more Black boys would grow up to become men instead of social misfits or leeches on the system.
[..YouTube..] Most White people aren’t racist. The system that is in place is a racist. Feminism and racism is a tool that is used to tear apart Black families and keep Black boys from becoming Black men. If you don’t believe, I can give anyone on here examples. Matter of fact, I am more concerned about feminism that racism.
[..YouTube..] @e14212
Racist White man: You don’t belong in this part of town nigger.
Black man: Who in the fuck are you calling a nigger Casper?
Racist White man: Oh my god, you’re a racist. Why do coons call me racial slurs. All I did was call him a nigger and tell him he didn’t belong here.
[..YouTube..] @OnlyTheWeakNeedHelp
You sound racist, because you assume middle class Black men do not feel the same way about government and where our tax dollars go.
[..YouTube..] Cops are going psycho,how can you trust the cops after that!
[..YouTube..] well tomgunc..that is a plausible explanation of fat “dude’s” behavior… but here’s a simpler one.Imagine this..its 1:15 pm…and the Officer Fat-dude just finished his 7 course meal lunch. He went back 2patroling his highly dangerous beat where legend speaks of evil skateboarding kids terrorizing the area…as he tries 2squeeze into his batmobile, ALL the jelly in his donut that he 4got was in his front shorts pocket falls onto the floor. This event makes him snap..and well uknow the rest..LOL
[..YouTube..] Give me a break little buddy, your only in your teens and i’ll bet money on that based on your response. For black people to be racist, they would have to be in control of money, property, laws etc. In other words, they would have to be in power something we all know…..”BLACK PEOPLE DON’T HAVE” Don’t mistake black people and label them as racist for “reacting” to “racist actions”, the action is racism, the reaction is a response One to grow on…… :o)
[..YouTube..] how did he do the right thing the kids were skateboarding at most it would be a sitation not a trip to jail. And there is no justification for a cop to throw a minor down to the ground and push him back down. And Officer Riveri told them that they didnt know the meaning of respect what was he doing all that time, disrespecting them cops gotta show respect for EVERYONE to ya know.
[..YouTube..] @e14212 Chill, everyone has been discriminated against at least once in their life time. From my perspective though, African-Americans are a whole lot more racist than Caucasians. I speak from experience.
[..YouTube..] So he got snatched up by the police? He didn’t get arrested, did he? Obviously these kids were told more than once. Officer Riveri did the right thing because he didn’t lock these kids up. He got rough and ended it. Would you rather have your obnoxious kid get arrested and have a criminal record or get a slap and a “see ya later” like what happened to the last generations.
[..YouTube..] hey you fuckin idiot cop!!! you dont deserve respect to anyone!!!! You are not a good model cop!!! you better shut up your big mouth!!! If you think that you just teaching a good moral to those kids, sorry,,,, you are the one who needs a good moral and good character!!! So teach yourself first fucking idiot cop!!!!
[..YouTube..] This man when he was younger ( though I don’t know it for a fact ) I am pretty sure was picked on big time. Cops who are mad and angry in life usually get a job being a cop cause it’s the only way to get revenge on life….is to make other people’s lives more miserable then theirs. Just my take.
[..YouTube..] officer douche bag
[..YouTube..] should have fucked the cop up man he was fat and alone
[..YouTube..] I heard two months later El Lardo was fired. Wonder what he’s doing now, flipping burgers? Naaaah, he needs higher IQ to do that!
[..YouTube..] wish someone bigger then him could come up and get in his face tell him he needs to calm the fuck down
[..YouTube..] Lol I’m white aswell just move to like Kansas. :D
[..YouTube..] How do i sound racist. Did i say anything negitive about black people.
[..YouTube..] how are u being discriminated against. Be specific.
[..YouTube..] sombody should have cracked the skateboard on his head.
[..YouTube..] This is why if you give someone this kind of power over their fellow man you need to have multiple avenues of direct review in place. I wouldn’t mind paying higher taxes if it was for that.
[..YouTube..] You might disagree with me and if you do, that’s cool man. Intimidation, threats, harrassment, people pulling guns on you? That sounds more like you live around a bunch of stupid asshole to me. But don’t feel to bad about it, yes i can say this because all of the things that happened to you also happend to me and i’m black. Sometimes people, no matter the race or background are just bad people.
[..YouTube..] @e14212 I’m saying that I know what racism feels like because I experience it constantly.
Intimidation, threats, harrassment, people pulling guns on me, etc.