Alex welcomes back to the show British politician and journalist Lord Christopher Monckton, a renown critic of anthropogenic global warming. Formerly a member of the Conservative Party, Monckton has been the deputy leader of the UK Independence Party since June 2010. He served in Conservative Central Office and worked for Margaret Thatcher’s Number 10 Policy Unit during the 1980s. He also worked for The Universe, The Sunday Telegraph, Today and Evening Standard newspapers. He became known in the 1990s for his invention of the Eternity puzzle, a mathematical puzzle for which he offered a prize of one million pounds to the person who could solve it within four years.
What’s my sources? One of the sources saying Sun has been cooling and sun spots are reduced, is Alex Jones. Astronomers calculate sun spots. Google it!
Ask Alex why he doesn’t support any more the “whole solar system is warming” theory. The reason is because someone convinced him to the fact that the Sun’s activity has been decreasing over 40 years. Now Alex says the sun spot numbers are decreasing. He is right. And so Earth nor Mars either can’t be warming due the Sun.
It’s the Greenland and Antarcic glaciers, ice on land, that would be major cotributers to the sea level rise, if they melted. Not the ice floating on the sea. You don’t even understand the basics!
@WaxItYourself what current warming trend cools ? watch the two links i gave you – the weather is fine by the way – just a bit cold – funny that eh? given al the ‘global warming’ bullshit – are you ready to believe the next shit the government tells ya?
It’s raining – nope it’s piss – have a look
I’ve seen Great Global Swarming Swindle, the other of your links. It’s no more honest than Al Gore.
The documentary offers Sun, the sun spots as the reason for warming. It finds a correlation of Earth’s history warming and sun spots activity go hand in hand.
But the documentary fails to tell you that for over 40 years sun spots and Sun’s activity have been decreasing, while the temperatures have been increasing. So they go to OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS. So much for that theory.
@mooners40 Seriously you deserve a facepalm. The trend is a long term measuring, usually 30 years, of temperature change to weed out all the background noise such as what you mentioned. That being the negative arctic oscillation. Climate is not weather. Climate is the ‘trend’ in weather on long timescales. I don’t listen to Al Gore nor the government. I do listen to scientists after studying it in-depth myself. It seems you are ignorant of most everything to do with climate.
@WaxItYourself you don’t listen to Al Gore? Then what the fuck is your point and what are you arguing for or against? You have no idea do you ?
@Aurinkohirvi the temperatures have not been increasing – so much for you – opposite directions?
Maybe you can tell me i live in a different world to you eh? Hot where you are?
what a fuckin idiot
@mooners40 I listen to actual scientists. Those scientists are the same people Al Gore listen to. Perhaps you should listen to scientists as well instead of people like Monkton, Watts and people of their type. You can start by looking at peer reviewed literature.
mooners40 seems to think one must support Al Gore, if one doesn’t agree with Alex and Monckton.
As soon as I pointed out the dishonesty of Alex in this warming issue, mooners40 branded me as an Al Gore supporter. Even if I keep saying that I’m NOT claiming man made CO2 is the reason of recent warming, and that Gore is dishonest.
In fact, I’m Alex’s supporter in what comes to many other issues. But Alex can’t be trusted. He has a tendency to distort and exaggerate.
@WaxItYourself you agree with Al Gore? Lol – fuck off idiot
@mooners40 you obviously have trouble reading as well. I see now why you don’t look at science journals and instead get your science information from places like FOX news.
@Aurinkohirvi The more I try and explain to him the less he understands. It’s frustrating to say the least.
Where did you get I would support CO2 tax? I’m not. I’m not even saying it would be the man made CO2 increase that causes the warming. It may be, but could be something else, too. I’m just saying:
1) global temperatures have risen recent decades,
2) sea levels have risen recent decades,
3) Sun’s radiation and sun spots have decreased for over 40 years,
4) Alex is dishonest about the study of Pacific islands growing amd sea levels,
5) Your ice melting example was flawed.
Lord Monckton, I like the man!
another tax will not curb “global warming”……it will curb our lives. If there is true global warming, new technologies should be used. dont tell us to drive less, turn off thermostats, take no baths!
glogal warming is a scam to control us!
jones talks some shit half truths mixed with complete crap.
Alex Jones is a traitor to the US people,he helps keep the focus off zionist jews who control the US govt.and who r destroying US by putting all the blame on US govt. therefore turning US citizens against their own govt. colapse US$,BP oilspill & many other ways,jews beleive their messiah is coming soon and will rule the world and monetary system from jerusalem,google or youtube ‘third temple mount’,jews beleive any one who is not a jew has no soul,we’re animals to them. nowarforisraeldotcom
search on youtube for ‘Alex Jones exposed’, his wife is jewish, his sponsors are jewish,he is a zionist disinformer and the zionist jews are destroying America for a greater israel to rule the world.The truth is getting out so jews get Alex Jones to tell half truths to confuse you and keep focus off jews.HELP SPREAD THE TRUTH. nowarforisraeldotcom
search Youtube for ‘David Icke exposed’ & ‘zionist control America’&’zionist control media’&’israel did 911’, they do terrorism & turn christian’s against muslim’s.Mel Gibson was right jews are behind all the wars, wakeup America zionist jews are scum.Search for the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.HELP SPREAD THE TRUTH.nowarforisraeldotcom
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Fact is in Canada they have invoked and ECO tax that had to be withdrawn because of public out cry. The climate change is BS and Moncton is correct.
The ECO tax was introduced and within a couple weeks with draw. One 13.00 purchase of batteries had a 98 cent ECO tax. That was on top of a consumption tax of 13%. Do the math !
Maybe global warming is real, but the chemtrails are working to cool the planet. ??? Come on Alex, you are constantly contradicting yourself. So what is it? There is no global warming (the scientists are lairs), the sun is causing global warming, or chemtrails are to create global warming. They all cant be correct; so which is it Alex?
Holy shit this fat faggot is stupid.