Love him or hate him, you certainly can not accuse him of being boring.
Below are some quotes from James Manning, a man who really, REALLY hates Obama.
“White Folk Ain’t Gonna Take It No More, and Thank God for that!”
“there’s gonna be a peace embargo by white folks, they not gonna take it no more”
“Ya’ll thought it was something when the black folk rioted, hold on, wait till you see the white folks come to town, I don’t blame em…. I wanna join ’em!”
“Y’all gonna push these white folk till they can’t take it no more!”
“Obama and Larry Sinclaire had a steamy love affair in the back of a limo and in the Holiday Inn…”
“If this emissary of the devil, vice president of genocide in hell, long legged mac daddy, half breed, illegal alien, two tongued, lying, quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak usurper called Barrack Hussein Obama doesnt resign, white people are going to riot in the street”
He then calls Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews homosexual Obama idolaters.
Oh man, this video is too much! Hope you get a kick out of it.
[..YouTube..] of course happiness cannot be guaranteed. LOLOLOL i can’t think of something being more needless to say. entitlement to basic human needs is deemed appropriate by smart, open-minded, compassionate, decent people. mean, selfish, greedy, unfeeling people think that everyone should fend for themselves, and fuck anyone that needs help. its a very basic and very simple distinction.
[..YouTube..] of course happiness cannot be guaranteed. LOLOLOL i can’t think of something being more needless to say. entitlement to basic human needs is deemed appropriate by smart, open-minded, compassionate, decent people. mean, selfish, greedy, unfeeling people think that everyone should fend for themselves, and fuck anyone that needs help. its a very basic and very simple distinction.
[..YouTube..] The founders of our government had just finished fighting a war to free people from government interference and oppression. They wrote documents which guaranteed individuals would have the necessary liberties to pursue all legal avenues to their happiness. They also did not promise happiness. Too many youth today have been raised with an understanding of entitlement which was never the fabric of our nation.
[..YouTube..] The founders of our government had just finished fighting a war to free people from government interference and oppression. They wrote documents which guaranteed individuals would have the necessary liberties to pursue all legal avenues to their happiness. They also did not promise happiness. Too many youth today have been raised with an understanding of entitlement which was never the fabric of our nation.
[..YouTube..] read what i said again kiddo. LMAO i DIDN’T say there are countless rights IN the constitution.
there are far more rights given to you that are NOT in the constitution explicitly. that is the point. the constitution is a guide. it specifically names a handful of rights, and MANY others are deemed to exist based on the principles OF the constitution. it would be absurd to think that the right to wear red shoes has to be individually pointed out in the text of the constitution.
[..YouTube..] I can understand why you would deem them countless since people from your perspective continue to see rights that do not exist. If you actually read what I wrote you would understand the category of rights to which I was referring. Tell me, which document provides a right to healthcare, employment, income, housing, food, education or transportation?
[..YouTube..] Listen partner, I thoroughly understand that the Federalist papers and Declaration of Independence are not documents affording rights. They are documents that indicate the attitude and perspective of those who did write the constitution and bill of rights.
Actually there are not countless rights afforded in the U.S. Constitution. They can easily be counted by anyone who can read.
[..YouTube..] *opposing
the federalist papers are irrelevant, since they have no application in the law, nor the constitution as a foundation of our system. it shows your lack of knowledge and education to even bring up the federalist papers. and just so you know, the declaration of independence has no influence on your freedoms, rights, or liberties either kiddo. LOL. go do some homework. thre are countless rights that we are all afforded today that are not explicitly stated in the constitution. duh.
[..YouTube..] UNITE the colors!
[..YouTube..] AMEN BROTHA!
[..YouTube..] Freedom and liberty, as with any concept, can have diametrically oposing outcomes depending on the understanding in application. It goes far beyond forms of government to the very core and foundation of understanding which in turn drives outcome. That is illustrated in practice which is clearly identifiable over hundreds of years.
[..YouTube..] So then, with your vast experience in American history we have the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Federalist papers, which of those if any, afford an American citizen a right to health care, wealth or income, possessions, employment or anything else other than opportunity.
[..YouTube..] actually i have a very strong education in american history. freedom is freedom. liberty is liberty. different nations having different forms of government doesn’t change what we have, or what the founding fathers, et al intended.
[..YouTube..] Actually, you have a very limited perspective of American history and government slyboy.
Our documents and government were established on a different type of liberty than the French and other European nations. They define ‘freedom’ as equality, but the American system does not guarantee equality. To attain that there must be control of every aspect of the economy and products.
[..YouTube..] you have a very warped perception of reality tommyboy
[..YouTube..] I love the Larry Sinclair song. All Americans should rise up and take back America. Give it back to the people so we Patriotic Americans can rule ourselves instead of the NWO. ALL COLORS SHOULD STAND UP, WE MAKE THE NATION!
[..YouTube..] What you propose is the European philosophy of freedom. In that mentality the society is responsible for every individual. The American form of freedom was based on the philosophy that anyone who wanted to can come here for the opportunity to succeed with no right to a job, healthcare, house, car or anything else. Two very different philosophies.
[..YouTube..] Can’t wait till January when that judge in California exposes the birth certificate issue!
Oh,oh, Looks like pinhead slyjoker got riled up again, when his Kenyan Idol, Community organizer, Chicago Thug’s Birth Certificate question comes up.
Your Liberal Replicant Mutant real colors just keep coming out whenever I dig this issue up–I might have to do this more often, bonehead.
[..YouTube..] lmfao @ the song at the end
[..YouTube..] long legged mackdaddy lmfao
[..YouTube..] and dumbass kodick doesn’t even realize that taxing the rich and “redistributing wealth” helps him. LOL. idiotic, just like most of the morons that support corporations and the GOP. he isn’t hurt a bit by raising taxes on the wealthy. what a fool. LMAO. f’n idiots… they support the very people that are out to fuck them over.
[..YouTube..] LOLOLOL god damn he is retarded. *stupider *dumber… not “more stupid and dumb”. HAHAHAHAHA hilarious. he/she/it again tries to insult someone’s intelligence, and in the attempt makes more grade school errors. LMAO. there is no justification for calling obama a thug, let alone kenyan. no evidence = no reason to believe it. christopher hitchens – “that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.” very apt here.
[..YouTube..] wow just wow
[..YouTube..] it is sad that people can be so stupid. since obama hasn’t ever stated he is from kenya, evidence is needed to claim he is. duh. i redistribute part of my wealth, as i should. i have a lot of money, and don’t mind sharing some of it. it is compassionate and decent. greedy thugs and money hogs that are only worried about protecting the rich are very stupid, as the support ideas that are against their own interest. how moronic is that? LMAO
[..YouTube..] Goodbye Mr ‘Independent’ slyjoker, aka Liberal Replicant Mutant, don’t forget to redistribute your wealth.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “he (Obama) hasn’t said he is from kenya”
Well DUH!
Is your IQ really that high, pinhead?
[..YouTube..] it is sad well all people can do is resort to lies and bullshit that is thrown around because they can’t legitimately refute or support anything. very sad.
[..YouTube..] LMAO done with you kiddo. you have gotten very tiresome. your silliness and idiotic propaganda has lost its comedic value. you know obama is american, but want to come up with anything you can to attack him. blind right wing zealots are ridiculous. it is very sad that all you have is asinine assertions about pure lies being true. your ad hominems against him are moronic. you have no real facts or issues to address, just inane mudslinging and rhetoric that is patently false. bye bye child.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “you are idiots. (those who question Obama’s POTUS Eligibility)
And you sir, is a Liberal Replicant Mutant programmed to suck up anything that comes out of your Kenyan charlatan’s mouth.
[..YouTube..] And he can get a food stamps too, like many illegals could do, pinhead slyjoker.
Yeah that’s the ‘proof’ alright of The Kenyan Thug’s “citizenship”
[..YouTube..] i have no idols. none. he hasn’t said he is from kenya, you have. therefore you have to provide the evidence. he has provided his birth certificate. the same one that every hawaiian gets. it is good to get a passport, join the service, and use at the dmv, just like any other state’s. hawaii does not provide the document you are asking for, for anyone. learn the law, learn reality. it still wouldn’t satisfy you lunatics anyway. nothing will. you are idiots.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “provide evidence that obama was not born in hawaii”
Only your Kenyan Idol can satisfy your hunger for solid proofs. That is, if he can produce his own AUTHENTIC Live Birth Certificate–and not the MoveOn duplicate, lamebrain.
Really, Obama can stop this debate once and for all, anytime he wants to, slyjoker the obama Asskisser ( I like the rhyme on that one).
[..YouTube..] i am still waiting for any evidence. any at all. easy to sling bullshit without backing it up, huh?
[..YouTube..] wow hahaha i cant believe that this coming from the mouth of a black man….. hahaa he isnt pulling any punches on this one and its obviously sincere….. hahahahaha wow…
[..YouTube..] Here we go again, Mr Independent pinhead Slyjoker is naked again, defending his idol and wants “solid proof’ of Obama’s very transparent actions–(not reported by the Lib Media.
Okey kids, altogether now..
If it quacks like s DUCK….
[..YouTube..] provide evidence that obama was not born in hawaii, which has been proven. also provide evidence that he has proposed, or any bill that has been introduced is universal health care.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “neither obama, nor anyone, has proposed universal healthcare” “another idiotic, completely false assertion”
And I’m from Kenya and he was “born in Hawaii’
[..YouTube..] It’s nice to finally see an african american person realize that Obama is not the greatest thing and he is one of the biggest mistakes that america has made!!
[..YouTube..] It’s nice to finally see an african american person realize that Obama is not the greatest thing and he is one of the biggest mistakes that america has made!!
[..YouTube..] The dr. needs to get off the crack pipe and get back on his meds.
[..YouTube..] The dr. needs to get off the crack pipe and get back on his meds.
[..YouTube..] dat long-legged mac-daddy be makin de white folk mad sho nuff!
[..YouTube..] dat long-legged mac-daddy be makin de white folk mad sho nuff!
[..YouTube..] yes, redistribute the wealth to a certain degree. people don’t need to make 80 gazillion dollars a year. their life is set. charging $4 for a gallon of gas is unconscionable while making the highest corporate profits ever. that reaks of what happened in the middle ages when there were people of royalty, and peasants, and nothing in between.
i have never said i want everyone to make the same amount. you can still make HUGE amounts of money. fair doesn’t mean everyone is exactly equal.
[..YouTube..] the rich’s primary purpose is to make more money, no matter how much they have, and regardless of what it does to anyone else. the news doesn’t bely this fact. if you have 5 billion dollars and you lose 800 million, your life is changed zero. if you ruin the economy by trying to go from 5 to 6 billion, you fuck over millions of people. you don’t have 1/100 of the education needed to discuss this topic kiddo.
[..YouTube..] See, only a Liberal Lefty can harbor so much vile hatred for the rich like you had wildly exhibited, slyjoker. –and now we are a fascist nation (!?!) man….
Where did your get indoctrinated?
[..YouTube..] slujoker: “when it is unchecked it leads to the rich being richer and the poor being poorer, and self perpetuates more extreme existence of that reality, we are not cavemen, we look out for others, and for what is fair”.
(there’s the operative word: ‘FAIR’)
In other words, redistribute the wealth.
“From each according to his ability, To each according to his needs”
Where have I seen that before? hmmm
The Communist Manifesto!
God, and you call yourself ‘Indepedent’?!
[..YouTube..] No risks?! have you been watching the news lately, pinhead?
It’s only ‘faulty’ when it shoots down your false premise that portrays the rich as the villains of society–the bad guys whose primary purpose in life is to suck the humanity and dignity out of the working class.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “the point is that you automatically shoot down anything that you remotely see as left wing.”
Because YOU are a Leftwing Liberal, pinhead! despite your ‘independent’ label.