Love him or hate him, you certainly can not accuse him of being boring.
Below are some quotes from James Manning, a man who really, REALLY hates Obama.
“White Folk Ain’t Gonna Take It No More, and Thank God for that!”
“there’s gonna be a peace embargo by white folks, they not gonna take it no more”
“Ya’ll thought it was something when the black folk rioted, hold on, wait till you see the white folks come to town, I don’t blame em…. I wanna join ’em!”
“Y’all gonna push these white folk till they can’t take it no more!”
“Obama and Larry Sinclaire had a steamy love affair in the back of a limo and in the Holiday Inn…”
“If this emissary of the devil, vice president of genocide in hell, long legged mac daddy, half breed, illegal alien, two tongued, lying, quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak usurper called Barrack Hussein Obama doesnt resign, white people are going to riot in the street”
He then calls Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews homosexual Obama idolaters.
Oh man, this video is too much! Hope you get a kick out of it.
[..YouTube..] “If It walks like a DUCK, If it Quacks Like a DUCK,
No hiding it now pinhead slyjoker,
(see slyjoker’s “panders to the rich” diatribe).
[..YouTube..] i am not left wing, therefore can’t have left wing pride, therefore can’t have left wing pride hurt. the point is that you automatically shoot down anything that you remotely see as left wing. i am not blindly protecting left wing idealogy, i am pointing out that you “auto-attack” it. you are a blind, brainwashed zombie, undoubtedly the child of right wing, religious parents. it is sad.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “auto blame placed on anything “left wing”. automatic”
Kinda hurt your left wing pride doesn’t it?
[..YouTube..] unfettered capitalism, unfettered free trade… panders to the rich. no one wants to pay people a decent wage if they can get the same result by moving operations to a place that they can pay labor pennies on the dollar. corporations love it, the common person is fucked by it. you have no clue.
[..YouTube..] you are clueless.
[..YouTube..] LOL talk about blind. auto blame placed on anything “left wing”. automatic. LOL you are pathetic. no union had control over the tax abatements given to GM, Ford, Chrysler… that was mandated by the corporations. they were catered to, because they didn’t want the companies to leave, fuck the city, and then politicians would not be able to be re-elected. you don’t have the first clue kid. i lived it. my entire life. i know it inside and out. i live in a michigan city where it happened
[..YouTube..] And Corporations gave in to UNION THUGS’ unmitigated demands and everything went downhill from there.
[..YouTube..] And Corporations gave in to UNION THUGS’ unmitigated demands and everything went downhill from there.
[..YouTube..] And who’s behind all these greed? UNIONS and Big Labor! You Clueless Twit!
[..YouTube..] And who’s behind all these greed? UNIONS and Big Labor! You Clueless Twit!
[..YouTube..] yes, corporations de facto ran flint, detroit, saginaw, pontiac, and nearby cities. economically, the corporations controlled financial intake of the cities for decades.
[..YouTube..] yes, corporations de facto ran flint, detroit, saginaw, pontiac, and nearby cities. economically, the corporations controlled financial intake of the cities for decades.
[..YouTube..] Corporations runs cities now, moron?
Ever heard of Bureaucrats, pinhead?
[..YouTube..] Admit it, slyjoker, you’ve reached your limit and now resorting to trivialities, condescension and feigning ‘laughter’ (can’t even comprehend topic subjects).
[..YouTube..] slyjoker spin: “if you can’t handle that others are able to think on their own” (referring to his ‘Independent’ stance)
The problem is, what you call your ‘own thinking’ is not original and very much aligned or strikingly similar, to that of the Loony Leftist Liberals and the MoveOn-Daily KOokS, George Soros surrogates.
[..YouTube..] You seem to be flustered and highly agitated, stupid slyjoker.
tsk, tsk, all these ‘F’ing’, colorful profanities, plus mocking laughter coming from your posts are clear indications of vanquished frustrations.
[..YouTube..] It was Dan Rather who used it in this (‘DUCK’) context in battering Nixon on Watergate, stupid slyjoker–
So the question, ‘was it Dan Rather’, was clearly in mocking reference to it–(that is, if you are abreast, or knowledgeable enough to know the pop culture) and clearly, not an attribution to him.
Keep googling so it’ll confuse even more, lamebrain
[..YouTube..] What are smoking today, stupid slyjoker?
What don’t you understand about ‘WAS IT’ lamebrain? –which any smartass would know that it wasn’t a direct attribute to Dan Himself since he only used it once in one of his TV segment.
You keep pounding your head and insisting your own perception on what was discussed-when it was clear it was all about SunTzu’s doctrines that led (in part) to victory and not HOW it was started, or who’s to blame by it.
See what heavy googling can do to your brain?
[..YouTube..] i can’t help it if you don’t understand what independent means. if someone was a slanted leftist, why wouldn’t they admit it? if i was a blind zealot, i would be proud of it, as you apparently are, dumb fuck. if you can’t handle that others are able to think on their own, that is your problem kid.
[..YouTube..] I can hear the song “You Spin Round” by the 80s group, ‘Dead Or Alive’ in the background, whenever Mr. “Independent’ here (aka: stupid slyjoker) tries to say he is 100% ‘independent’
[..YouTube..] Looks like you’re googling again, slyjoker.
Can’t blame ya–you need all the help to keep up with me.
Unless you haven’t watch that Dan Rather segment–where he said that exact phrase, or understand the reference to it was in a form a question–then it’s futile to even to come down to your level of ignorance and cluelessness, stupid slyjoker.
What an Imbecile!
[..YouTube..] It was not about HOW the (Indo China) war was started, or the ‘principles’ that led to it, lamebrain!
The topic was clearly WHY (in part) it was lost–due mainly to Sun Tzu’s ‘Art Of War’ doctrines–that’s why it was heavily quoted in there, stupid slyjoker.
Slyjoker is now synonymous with stupid.
Mensa should really sue you for disparaging their reputation.
[..YouTube..] slyjokerg: “free comedy is a gem each time it surfaces”
And ‘sljokerg’ is splattered all over it.
[..YouTube..] Here you go again misspelling words–but no worries, I’m not as petty as you–and won’t scold for it, slyjoker.
Anyway, was it Dan rather who said: “If it walks like duck, quacks like duck–IT MUST BE A DUCK”?!
Keep spinning, Mr. “Independent”
Like you said, we do need some comedy around here. (hee, hee)
[..YouTube..] i know precisely what has been discussed. most of it is pure comedy. you got pissy about vietnam, without even knowing it was a war founded on RIGHT WING principles HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. idiot. your ad hominems about my iq are very entertaining. i continue to request that you keep talking. free comedy is a gem each time. LMAO
[..YouTube..] You’re the one who stepped into a pile of horseshit for intruding in another conversation and not comprehending what was being discussed, slyjoker.
Try understanding the context and substance of what was said and the eloquent response, it’s relevance to the topic, for a change–so the readers here will not be highly suspicious of where your true IQ level is–(on the floor) lol.
[..YouTube..] are leftists FOR the death penalty? against affirmative action? get a f’n clue asshole. LOL i am 100% independent. i worry about issues, and not party idealogy. you are the biased lunatic, dumbass. i am not a marxist, very atheist. i decide what i am, not you. speaking freely is unknown to you, i know. you should try getting deprogrammed.
[..YouTube..] And I also watch Keith Olbermeinkamp and Rachel Lesbo Maddow–They speak, talk, act and sounded just like you, slyjoker!
Hmm… wonder why?
Must be reading into the same Leftist Liberal playbook, eh?
[..YouTube..] LOL i often watch o’reilly. it is hilarious. just like you. blind, crazed zealots are usually very funny. good stuff. comical. please don’t ever stop posting your insane nonsense. free comedy is a gem each time it surfaces.
[..YouTube..] kodick, you are a sad warped right wing zombie. socialized medicine works very very well all over the western world, and in fact spends far less than the u.s. you are the loon kiddo. live in a mental cave if you want. it is very funny to watch you in action. your quoting of the art of war as a bad basis for vietnam is hilarious. the war there was a big time RIGHT WING move. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. you just stepped in another big pile of shit. f’n hilarious again.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “my iq is “by the standards” of mensa”, and a major university in the united states”
You’ve just defamed Mensa–they should sue you.
BTW: That University, like all other Colleges and Universities, permeating with flaming Liberal professors, are always friendly to other Liberal Loons, and must have given you simple high school questions on your IQ test. lmao
[..YouTube..] i haven’t spewed a leftist agenda, as i am not a leftist. i have spoken of my desires as an independent. you should be bitching about my independent ideals. you are the jackass kodick. nothing i have said is anything but my view, and supports no party or group agenda. i do hate reagan. he was a horrible president. my independent opinion is that taxing the rich less amounts to rich people getting richer and middle and lower class becoming poorer and poorer, which of course is true.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “free comedy is never a bad thing. i wish you would continue to talk and provide free laughs”.
Thanks for providing that service and doing us that favor, Mr ‘Independent’
You gave a new meaning to “Laughing Stock”
[..YouTube..] Talking from experience, imrosati?
I would surmise, that if a Liberal Loon watches O’Reilly (if ever), they would not need LSD–because his or her head would spin wildly and become dizzy by a barrage of facts, the truth and reality–(short-circuiting their Leftist indoctrination).
[..YouTube..] “He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious”
“To know your enemy, you must become your enemy”
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat”.
“All warfare is based on deception”
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”
….Sun Tzu, ‘The Art of War’
This was in part, the reason why the Vietcong won.
[..YouTube..] We need another John Wilkes Booth or Oswald, and we need him real quick!
[..YouTube..] Who is this nigga….lmao
[..YouTube..] its sad to see a real life uncle ruckus
[..YouTube..] AMEN
[..YouTube..] I like Obama ok. He’s a new change to america. A good change to american.
[..YouTube..] God its about time people speak the truth I hate the people that get on these videos just to say things like “Oh this is bullshit, Obama’s a great president!” yeah, thats what the media WANTS you to think…I hope he gets impeached because if he doesn’t there is going to be an uprising.. he’ll be sorry he was such a shitty president. I think i’m the only 14 year old (where i live) that actually cares.. a lot of people need to wake up
[..YouTube..] He is right about one thing. Obama should not have been allowed to run for President because he is NOT a “natural born” citizen. According to US citizenship laws, BOTH parents have to be US citizens for their child to be considered “natural born”. Since he is NOT “natural born” he is not eligible to be President according to the Constitution.
[..YouTube..] prophesy, its happenig, tea partys all over the US and yesterday 9 12 washington, it’s time for the state goverments, to take the power away from the federal goverment, once we were the worlds largest creditor, now the largest borrower. “Don’t Tread On Me”
[..YouTube..] white people ARE sick of this crap.
Thank you pastor manning
[..YouTube..] You go brother Manning, you go! You are so right, and this is not a white vs black thing going on, it’s a good vs evil!
[..YouTube..] Good grief, what hole did white reactionaries find you in? Racism, white on black or, as in your case, black goading whites, is never right, always atrocious. The fact that this obscenity has been viewed over 1.5 million times is absolutely proof that “you can fool most of the people most of the time” … Shame on you bottom dwellers.
[..YouTube..] All of my adult life, I have prided myself in throwing off the racist opinions that my father so passionately expressed to us as children. I raised my children to believe that people of color were of no difference than ourselves. BUT in these last 200 and some days, Obama has done an excellent job in stirring my emotions and recollections of racism that I had thought that were long since gone. WAKE UP AMERICA THERE IS A CHANGE A COMING!!!!
[..YouTube..] Manning spent 3 1/2 years in prison for buglary, robbery, larceny in Florida, and New York and predicted that Obama would lose in 08. So preach on criminal and false prophet. Preach right on.
[..YouTube..] somebody go yoke this house nigger up by his gotdamn neck quick he got the massa’s balls in his hand just tickilin em fuck is he talkin bout he gone join the mad white folk black folk we need to lynch this nigga fuck em they’ll just find his ass swingin from a damn oak tree