Love him or hate him, you certainly can not accuse him of being boring.
Below are some quotes from James Manning, a man who really, REALLY hates Obama.
“White Folk Ain’t Gonna Take It No More, and Thank God for that!”
“there’s gonna be a peace embargo by white folks, they not gonna take it no more”
“Ya’ll thought it was something when the black folk rioted, hold on, wait till you see the white folks come to town, I don’t blame em…. I wanna join ’em!”
“Y’all gonna push these white folk till they can’t take it no more!”
“Obama and Larry Sinclaire had a steamy love affair in the back of a limo and in the Holiday Inn…”
“If this emissary of the devil, vice president of genocide in hell, long legged mac daddy, half breed, illegal alien, two tongued, lying, quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak usurper called Barrack Hussein Obama doesnt resign, white people are going to riot in the street”
He then calls Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews homosexual Obama idolaters.
Oh man, this video is too much! Hope you get a kick out of it.
[..YouTube..] Kuddos for Manning! He is absolutely right! Get the terrorist Muslim and his tribe out of our White House! The white people are going to rise up against this idiot and his dumb ass followers!
[..YouTube..] This is hilarious, hahahahaha
[..YouTube..] you don’t know the first thing kiddo. LMAO. an idiot online has no ability to ruffle my feathers. the fact that you think it would even be possible for anyone to have their feathers ruffled in such a circumstance is very telling about you. its a shame that you are “done with” me now, as free comedy is never a bad thing. i wish you would continue to talk and provide free laughs.
[..YouTube..] You say what you want, but I KNOW this clown has ruffled your feathers. Of course you wouldn’t admit it, but, I know I’ve knocked the wind out of you. lol. I’m done with you now. Kiddo
[..YouTube..] Unless someone other than these crooked Marxist politicians actually gets in our faces the Whites and the Blacks shouldn’t have any problems, all things considered….but all of these damn Illegals Aliens just might be another matter entirely if they start showing their asses and running their mouths. I don’t think that they are smart enough to shut up with their racist machismo and to keep their heads down! That is probably what the GUBMENT wants, but be careful what you wish for!
[..YouTube..] you said “hear” first kiddo, not me. my eyes, ears and mind are 100% open. i am an authority on everything said here, yes. you are a clown.
[..YouTube..] White folk ain’ttt gonaa take it noooo moreee
[..YouTube..] truly, everything you say is quite amusing. You “hear” only what you want to hear. Your eyes as well as your mind are closed. I suppose since everything I say is meaningless drivel…then everything you say is just the opposite…lol, and you of course are the authority. As I said, enjoy your delusions.
[..YouTube..] i have no delusions kiddo. i hear everything. some things are meaningless drivel (e.g. – everything you say). and yes, i question everything. things that have merit, i support. ridiculous horseshit, i do not.
[..YouTube..] slyjoke. You question everything do It’s evident that you are very selective in what you decide to actually hear. Enjoy your delusions. Your name suits you.
[..YouTube..] i have no need to calm down whatsoever. that is silly non sequitur bullshit kiddo. i am very very calm, and wouldn’t need to calm down even if i wasn’t, dummy. i have no hysteria kiddo, you do. you are paranoid, not me. i am not freaking out, you are. you think you are going to lose the freedom of speech LMAO. i follow nothing with question. i ALWAYS question everything. you are a crazy whackjob. get some help kid.
[..YouTube..] slyJoke, you really do need to calm down. Your hysteria ridden reply tells me that you’re not so sure. Don’t worry. Since you’re one who follows his dictate without question you’ll be ok.
[..YouTube..] no, anyone that is a right wing nut is a right wing nut. if that was all you had to say, why did you keep typing? LMAO.
it is f’n comical how your paranoia pervades your brain. “you might not always have that right.” LMAO under obama, i have no fear of losing it. under g w totalitarian, i did.
[..YouTube..] Anyone that disagrees with you is a right wing nut. lol. that’s all I have to say. There is no sense in trying to reason with someone who is blind, close-minded and shortsighted. There is no conversing with people like you who just simply resort to name calling. Oh yeah, and by the way…enjoy your freedom to speak you mind…you may not always have that right. Yeah, I know,,,I’m a paranoid right wing don’t have to say it. Yeah, I’m silly too for not wanting the gov to rule my life.
[..YouTube..] the governement contolling every aspect of your life is a good thing?
[..YouTube..] awesome but the whole white black thing.. that don’t matter.. the poor and middleclass are having a war waged on them and most don’t even know it. but the small percentage that does know is steadily increasing.
[..YouTube..] Omg this guy is my new hero. This is the best thing i’ve seen in a very long time.
[..YouTube..] As a conservative, after watching this, I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. Is this sarcasm? real?
[..YouTube..] That’s right, Pastor Manning. You be right!
White Folks out there, start having babies, and lots of them. Start having babies.
[..YouTube..] you are an idiot deman. HAHAHA.. you think there was the slightest chance in hell that someone from the bush adminitistration was going to be named as vp? LOLOLOLOLOL. you are really informed and educated and intelligent LOLOLOL
[..YouTube..] AMENNNNNNNNNNNN Preach it my Brother Truth, truth!!
[..YouTube..] Praise God for truth! The truth hurts those who do not want to repent and see how bad sin reigns in our Country! Thank you Pastor!
[..YouTube..] i speak truth…. i speak english. you don’t have to say “i speak THE truth.” truth is not a term that requires the article “the” to precede it. you also don’t have to say, “i speak THE english.” swing and a miss, for the 500th time. HAHAHAHAHA
[..YouTube..] capitalism is part of what makes our nation great. unfettered capitalism makes our nation a disaster. you don’t seem to be able to think clearly. unemployment under reagan actually averaged HIGHER. and you don’t know that ANY employment counts, even when it is flipping burgers instead of making a good living. creating crap jobs is not commendable. taxing the rich less is not equitable compared to taxing the rest less. you don’t know what systematic effective tax rates are. get an education kid.
[..YouTube..] what planet do you come from? if you weren’t already someone that hates obama, you wouldn’t even try to pretend that he is incredibly intelligent and very eloquent. all people that use teleprompters would have a problem if it stopped working, as what is planned didn’t come to be. please don’t be so stupid, naive, biased and retarded. all presidents since it was invented have used them. all. so you can get off of that now kiddo. so desperate to scratch and claw and try to come up with something.
[..YouTube..] i know that i am independent kiddo. you calling me something else has no meaning. my iq is a fact. you can’t characterize facts. 146 is 146, like it or not. higher taxes on THE RICHEST PEOPLE is being “pushed”. there will not be higher taxes for almost all people. socialized healthcare works fabulously well all over the western world, and with far less cost. holy hell, you are so clueless, it is simply unreal. the entire USSR was communist, not just healthcare. you don’t know the simplest facts.
[..YouTube..] you are the loon kiddo. totally nuts and up the ass of crazy right wing propagandists. i am still waiting for the evidence that obama is a marxist. your silly musings are not evidence of anything. and bush had more czars than obama. saving the complete collapse of the economy is not marxist you clown. i would tell you to apply some common sense, but you obviously possess none.
[..YouTube..] you are an idiot kodick. LOL. you don’t have the first clue about economics. first, i never said a f’n word about “small businesses”, you stupid fool. HAHAHA. megacorporations are not “small businesses.” hugely wealthy individuals are not “small businesses.” get a f’n clue kid. trickle down theory always creates a disaster. it always creates a greater divide between the haves and the have nots. the rich get richer, and fuck the balance of the country all to hell. get an education kiddo.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “”i speak truth” is 100% proper grammatically,”
Is that Ebonics or Navajo?
[..YouTube..] Revisinist History, the Loony liberal Left’s predilection to hide from the truth.
And the truth is, Unemployment rate declined from 7.7% to 5.5% after Reagan implemented the marginal tax rate relief, and remember at one point, years after W gave an across the board tax break?, the unemployment rate went down to 5.7%, despite the economic malaise brought by the 911 attack.
Capitalism is what makes this nation great, It spurs productive creativity, prosperity, freedom to excel as individuals.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker insanely asserts:
“obama is known for giving VERY eloquent, compelling speeches and off the cuff answers to questions in many venues”. “obama’s ability to present a speech is f’n unreal. fantastic”
What planet does this moron came from?
sly probably never sees many instances when Obama fumbles all over the rostrum whenever the teleprompter had glitches–cause his friends in the Liberal media doesn’t show their messiah’s pathetic helplessness without his lifeline–the Teleprompter.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “you can call him bigfoot over and over, but it doesn’t make him bigfoot”
And you can call yourself “independent” but that doesn’t necessarily mean you are one. And you can claim to have “high IQ’ all day, but it just doesn’t add up.
But Obama is pushing policies after policies of Nationalization,Higher Taxes, Massive Spending; Socialized Healthcare and Bigger Government that have been tried and tested before & miserably failed in the Soviet Union. What evidence do you need Horacio?
[..YouTube..] You have now totally unraveled and exposed yourself, slyjoker. All these claims of being ‘independent’, “high IQ”, and Liberal denial, went down the drain when you showed even a lack of common sense, attacking the most basic economic principle, that historically been proven to work numerous times.
Small businesses runs the engines of economy, entrepreneur tax break are incentives to expand, produce more, fuel consumerism, hire more, CREATES NEW INCOME TAX BASE, AND VOILA! MORE GOV’T REVENUES!
[..YouTube..] this man is right!
[..YouTube..] Unfortunately it is not a white, black or other race issue.
The elite are dividing and conquering
They want order through chaos.
We live in a completely apostate society just like in the old testament book of kings 1, 2, 3, 4.
This guy means well but he is playing into their hands.
Ezekiel 4:12
We are eating man’s dung.
[..YouTube..] who the fuck is this psycho:)))))))
[..YouTube..] This man sees it for what it is. Can’t wait until he starts looking at the “vaccination program” Obama is going to shove down our throats. Talk about a “terrorist attack” designed to destroy an individuals immune system with mercury and squalene. Then martial law! Wake up people. Put a black face on it. Put a white face on it. It is a federal reserve facist system with a group of eugenic geared God less men at the healm. Does not matter WHO the president is people. They are OWNED.
[..YouTube..] slyjokerg.stop typing so much. no one is reading it. you are wasting valuable web browsing space and we find it annoying. plz log off and keep your opinions to yourself kid. thanks :)
[..YouTube..] little child, you are so far behind it isn’t even measurable. HAHAHAHA.
little uneducated blind idiots are so funny to watch in action.
[..YouTube..] if you know he said he sold drugs, give the evidence. name a book and page number.
“rosed” LMAO
i have no part in revisionist history kiddo, but you sure have fairy tale history in your head. whenever UPPER CLASS PEOPLE get the bulk of tax cuts, the economy ends up driving off a cliff. trickle down economics is a laughable disaster. don’t you know how much of the wealth that was created under bush 2 went to the top 1% of the nation? learn something, then talk.
[..YouTube..] Oooopps typo: “revenues ROSE from 5 billion to 9 billion”
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “0 frustration exists from me over anything your dumb ass says. LMAO trust me.”
So you want me to “trust you”?
Hmmm let me think….
Okay, I trust you (wink wink) my little stymied grasshoper.
[..YouTube..] Typical Liberal Loon, when they get creamed.
Slyjokerg is obviously getting emotional and now speaking colorful profanities on every single post.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “i speak truth”
No, you speak fork tongue, kimo sabe!
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “every politician uses teleprompters, you stupid zombie fuckhead LOL”
Really? Every politician?
Reagan?,(who writes his own speeches sometimes), Churchill?, JFK?, FDR?, Eisenhower?, W?
Only a Liberal Loon demagogue can make asinine declarations like slyjoker
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “i tend to agree with democrats more than republicans”
No wonder you’re the ‘indepedent’ Demagogue surrogate for the Liberal Loon Democrats.
[..YouTube..] you are the one in denial kiddo. i have no problem with reality, you do. g w bush had more “czars” than obama, you f’n nitwit. LOL you are living proof of how neocons are lunatics. i spin nothing. i speak truth. i tend to agree with democrats more than republicans, but i am not beholden to anyone or any party. you are a blind, idiotic, hateful, paranoid bigoted moron.
[..YouTube..] being independent doesn’t mean you support no one and nothing, you stupid clown. LMAO. it means i support who and what i support without a political affiliation controlling me, you stupid idiot. LMAO. get a clue. you are beyond pathetic.
i am not a liberal, and liberalism is not a mental disease. much more accurate to say that conservatism is. my grammar is just fine kiddo. learn something before you try to speak, donkey boy. LMAO
[..YouTube..] every politician uses teleprompters, you stupid zombie fuckhead LOL. holy hell you are dumb. still with the “william ayers” nonsense LMAO. you f’n lunatics never cease making me laugh. he has no marxist worldview, you incompetent maniac LOL. please provide evidence that HE has a marxist worldview. him, not someone else, just him. HAHAHA. you can’t of course. just ridiculous paranoid neocon propaganda and hate speech. you are a f’n imbecile.
[..YouTube..] Obama also associated with an unrepentant Domestic Terrorist, William Ayers, together with his wife, Bernadine Dohrs, of the Marxist Radical ‘Weather Underground’, who boasted bombing the Pentagon & other Government buildings-and was quoted after 911 happened–that “he had not done enough (bombings) and wished they (his comrades) had done more bombings”.
If you’re truly smart, you would stick these facts into your dead brain and not deny he has no Marxist worldview-watch what he does, Moron!