Love him or hate him, you certainly can not accuse him of being boring.
Below are some quotes from James Manning, a man who really, REALLY hates Obama.
“White Folk Ain’t Gonna Take It No More, and Thank God for that!”
“there’s gonna be a peace embargo by white folks, they not gonna take it no more”
“Ya’ll thought it was something when the black folk rioted, hold on, wait till you see the white folks come to town, I don’t blame em…. I wanna join ’em!”
“Y’all gonna push these white folk till they can’t take it no more!”
“Obama and Larry Sinclaire had a steamy love affair in the back of a limo and in the Holiday Inn…”
“If this emissary of the devil, vice president of genocide in hell, long legged mac daddy, half breed, illegal alien, two tongued, lying, quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak usurper called Barrack Hussein Obama doesnt resign, white people are going to riot in the street”
He then calls Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews homosexual Obama idolaters.
Oh man, this video is too much! Hope you get a kick out of it.
[..YouTube..] I swear, this nut is Jim Jones reincarnated.
Like I said before ,I dont blame white people for my problems. I am my own man. some whites want to get all fired up because of this nut,and think you are going to drag my wife, daughter and I outside and string us up , Go ahead and kick in my door with that bullshit if you want to. First person on my front steps will get a hollowpoint slug threw your forehead. And there will plenty more where that came from! Try me, I fuckin Dare you!
[..YouTube..] I swear, this nut is Jim Jones reincarnated.
Like I said before ,I dont blame white people for my problems. I am my own man. some whites want to get all fired up because of this nut,and think you are going to drag my wife, daughter and I outside and string us up , Go ahead and kick in my door with that bullshit if you want to. First person on my front steps will get a hollowpoint slug threw your forehead. And there will plenty more where that came from! Try me, I fuckin Dare you!
[..YouTube..] No no Juanita estrada, that’s not true that when you agree with someone that you support the issue. There have been many issues in all our lives that we have reluctantly agreed with but not necessary supported! Think about what you are saying before hand , The reveron , whatever he calls himself is the one who is being racist just by the very content of that vide0 , those types people do better keeping those very shallow opinions to their selves.. Thank God we don’t all think like you or him
[..YouTube..] No no Juanita estrada, that’s not true that when you agree with someone that you support the issue. There have been many issues in all our lives that we have reluctantly agreed with but not necessary supported! Think about what you are saying before hand , The reveron , whatever he calls himself is the one who is being racist just by the very content of that vide0 , those types people do better keeping those very shallow opinions to their selves.. Thank God we don’t all think like you or him
[..YouTube..] slyjokerg, from your posts below and your first statement on your most recent post, you have proven that, yes, one can have a very high IQ and STILL NOT possess a lick of common sense.
[..YouTube..] slyjokerg, from your posts below and your first statement on your most recent post, you have proven that, yes, one can have a very high IQ and STILL NOT possess a lick of common sense.
[..YouTube..] my iq is “by the standards” of mensa, and a major university in the united states. you are a stupid loser, kiddo. keep talking though. you can’t get free comedy at this level HAHAHAHAHAHA!
don’t start thinking for yourself. keep obeying your neocon masters. if you started thinking rationally, on your own, the comedy would dry up. so keep up what you are doing. keep being insane, paranoid, racist and very, very stupid. don’t change a thing.
[..YouTube..] my iq is “by the standards” of mensa, and a major university in the united states. you are a stupid loser, kiddo. keep talking though. you can’t get free comedy at this level HAHAHAHAHAHA!
don’t start thinking for yourself. keep obeying your neocon masters. if you started thinking rationally, on your own, the comedy would dry up. so keep up what you are doing. keep being insane, paranoid, racist and very, very stupid. don’t change a thing.
[..YouTube..] folks, kodick here is a great example of a racist lunatic that will support any kind of ridiculous conspiracy horseshit that anyone can come up with if it, as long as it attacks the left, especially a black president. he is ruled by his neocon gods. there is nothing anyone could ever do to satisfy these idiotic “birthers”. they are crazy, and set on sticking to their insane stances. funny and sad at the same time.
[..YouTube..] folks, kodick here is a great example of a racist lunatic that will support any kind of ridiculous conspiracy horseshit that anyone can come up with if it, as long as it attacks the left, especially a black president. he is ruled by his neocon gods. there is nothing anyone could ever do to satisfy these idiotic “birthers”. they are crazy, and set on sticking to their insane stances. funny and sad at the same time.
[..YouTube..] actually you can use that to get a passport LOLOLOL. he has done it. you can also use it at the dmv, to get into the military, or to sign up for social security. you paranoid conspiracy lunatics need to be on medication.
[..YouTube..] actually you can use that to get a passport LOLOLOL. he has done it. you can also use it at the dmv, to get into the military, or to sign up for social security. you paranoid conspiracy lunatics need to be on medication.
[..YouTube..] i do think for myself idiot. you are a stupid zombie neoconservative paranoid racist liar. i have no reason to believe that there is a god, thus no reason to believe he/she/it created me or gave me my brain. i respect myself very much and i am as liberated as a person can be. i think for myself, you are a stupid, blind sheep for the right. i am 100% independent. you are a foolish child.
[..YouTube..] i do think for myself idiot. you are a stupid zombie neoconservative paranoid racist liar. i have no reason to believe that there is a god, thus no reason to believe he/she/it created me or gave me my brain. i respect myself very much and i am as liberated as a person can be. i think for myself, you are a stupid, blind sheep for the right. i am 100% independent. you are a foolish child.
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “i have incredibly good analytical thinking, as is evidenced by my iq testing”
lol,,lol, lol, lol, lol by whose standards?
your Geico ancestral relatives?
Tissue please….
[..YouTube..] slyjoker: “i have incredibly good analytical thinking, as is evidenced by my iq testing”
lol,,lol, lol, lol, lol by whose standards?
your Geico ancestral relatives?
Tissue please….
[..YouTube..] Folks, slyjoker here, is one great example of the tragedy of our times–someone who defends the indefensible, whose willful blindness to the truth can easily be molded and formed by his Liberal masters into believing the obvious fake reproduction, by the modern ‘computerized’ types used in the “birth fake certificate’ and the mysterious absence of the ‘politically incorrect’ descriptive terms (such as ‘negro’) used on birth certificates of the 60s.
Told you slyjoker, time to think for yourself.
[..YouTube..] I have a US Passport Application right here. You can’t use what Obama presented as proof of citizenship to qualify for a US Passport!
[..YouTube..] Again you miserably failed to grasp the mockery and sarcasm, or what I termed, “Sarcasmic Parodies” on those mock titles, it was obviously to poke fun on the subject of our discussion, slyjoker.
Interpreting them literally shows where your IQ numbers are–on the floor! (lol)
And you also missed the ‘thug”s figurative description connection to one who lies about so many things.
“someone that wants to help every citizen” (!?)
Boy, you are truly naive, a shinning specimen of a Useful Idiot.
[..YouTube..] Again you miserably failed to grasp the mockery and sarcasm, or what I termed, “Sarcasmic Parodies” on those mock titles, it was obviously to poke fun on the subject of our discussion, slyjoker.
Interpreting them literally shows where your IQ numbers are–on the floor! (lol)
And you also missed the ‘thug”s figurative description connection to one who lies about so many things.
“someone that wants to help every citizen” (!?)
Boy, you are truly naive, a shinning specimen of a Useful Idiot.
[..YouTube..] Start thinking for yourself, slyjoker. And use that God given brain of yours and utilize it. You don’t have to blindly follow the failed teachings of the Left.
It ‘s time to free yourself from your Liberal masters and demagogues who controls your mind and its thinking process, by sheer indoctrination of failed ‘progressive’ ideologies.
You are a unique individual, created by God, whose DNA is none like any other, whose fingerprints are 1 in a quadrillion.
So respect and liberate yourself.
[..YouTube..] Start thinking for yourself, slyjoker. And use that God given brain of yours and utilize it. You don’t have to blindly follow the failed teachings of the Left.
It ‘s time to free yourself from your Liberal masters and demagogues who controls your mind and its thinking process, by sheer indoctrination of failed ‘progressive’ ideologies.
You are a unique individual, created by God, whose DNA is none like any other, whose fingerprints are 1 in a quadrillion.
So respect and liberate yourself.
[..YouTube..] i have incredibly good analytical thinking, as is evidenced by my iq testing.
HE HAS PRODUCED THE SAME BIRTH CERTIFICATE THAT EVERY CITIZENS OF HAWAII GETS, YOU STUPID ASSHOLE. LOLOLOLOLOL more stupidity from the idiot section. so know analysis is required, dumb fuck. LMAO. and nice logic… if you are from kenya, you are a thug. very solid, valid, sound thinking and reasoning on your part HAHAHAHAHAHA.
[..YouTube..] i have incredibly good analytical thinking, as is evidenced by my iq testing.
HE HAS PRODUCED THE SAME BIRTH CERTIFICATE THAT EVERY CITIZENS OF HAWAII GETS, YOU STUPID ASSHOLE. LOLOLOLOLOL more stupidity from the idiot section. so know analysis is required, dumb fuck. LMAO. and nice logic… if you are from kenya, you are a thug. very solid, valid, sound thinking and reasoning on your part HAHAHAHAHAHA.
[..YouTube..] see? “messiah”. inane rhetoric. “thug”. yes, someone that wants to help every citizen is a thug. LMAO f’n moron.
i rely 100% on truth and logic. you wouldn’t have the first clue of what either is if you were locked in a footlocker with them. “greenhouse gas czar” is WRONG again HAHAHAHAHAHAHA GREEN JOBS idiot. jobs. not greenhouse gas. f’n moron LOLOLOL it just keeps getting funnier. you don’t know what you are talking about, then try to criticize. LMAO dumbass
[..YouTube..] see? “messiah”. inane rhetoric. “thug”. yes, someone that wants to help every citizen is a thug. LMAO f’n moron.
i rely 100% on truth and logic. you wouldn’t have the first clue of what either is if you were locked in a footlocker with them. “greenhouse gas czar” is WRONG again HAHAHAHAHAHAHA GREEN JOBS idiot. jobs. not greenhouse gas. f’n moron LOLOLOL it just keeps getting funnier. you don’t know what you are talking about, then try to criticize. LMAO dumbass
[..YouTube..] I have the best name for this video response.
[..YouTube..] Oh you are right, slyjoke, Van Jones didn’t lie…
about his true Marxist worldview.
The disgraced former ‘Greenhouse gas’ Czar let the whole world know where he is coming from–and the messiah would have none of it. (he’s been lying about it ever since his Chicago thug days, and Useful Idiots like you bought it hook, line, and sinker).
You’re the epitome of the weakest link in humanity–twits who disregard truth and discard logic, and solely relies on the perception of reality in politics.
[..YouTube..] LMAO you are so naive and such a fool kodick.
“kenyan thug” LOLOLOLOLOL what a stupid ass you are. obviously he isn’t from kenya, everyone with more than 3 brain cells knows reality. i mean seriously kid. take some medication. it is funny how you accuse someone else of demagoguery while you say idiotic nonsense like “kenyan thug”. you are a pathetic person kosack.
[..YouTube..] lexxusp502,
I wonder what you would think of ‘Reverend’ Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Plegger?
(If you don’t know these “embarrassing disgrace to humanity”, then I would surmise that you are another Loony Liberal partisan demagogue, who is the unwitting tool of the double standards perpetrated by your Liberal masters).
[..YouTube..] God, you’re so naive, slyjoker!
Ever heard of “Perception is reality” in politics?
..Or saving face?
Van Jones had become a liability for the administration, being shown on numerous videos, spewing leftist rants and so outspoken about his true Marxist ideology, an image which Obama is trying hard to distance himself from.
I would bet the Kenyan Thug’s handlers, Rham Emmanuel and the Axelrod cabal, gave Van Jones “an offer he can’t refuse” and ‘requested’ him to exit gracefully–i.e.resign.
[..YouTube..] to Zanna1704…it is NOT treat others as they treat you…it is treat others AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM treat you….huge difference. Shoot me, i shoot back…not Christian. But very, very common..
[..YouTube..] Right on, this guys speaks the truth!
[..YouTube..] This person is an embarrassing disgrace to all humans.
[..YouTube..] Amen Preacher!
White people gonna rise up, and take whats theirs!
[..YouTube..] Well, at least he did say Oregon.LOL!
[..YouTube..] We are like the kids on the playground and we need to just stop and take a look at the kids around us who are trying to geer us into a fight that neither blacks,nor whites really want.Can’t we all just get along?
[..YouTube..] Hes not a racist,homophobe or a self hater.The man is only expressing his right to concern for the future of his country and people. White folks are getting pretty tired of the race card,but we,or I will say that a large portion of us do understand the complexity as well as need for reparations for slavery.When a house is built upon shifting sands,you can expect to get some sand in your shorts.That can get pretty uncomfortable.You just gotta go ahead and come clean and put some new shorts on.
[..YouTube..] he has a good point… if obama makes the white man to mad, shit’s gonna go down.
[..YouTube..] great Video ! God Bless Pastor Manning.
And yes, I do subscribe to his newsletters at the ATLAH Worldwide ministries , Im caucasion and reside in Tennessee.
[..YouTube..] “find a way to get rid of obama” ha, not hard at all. i have the rope you choose the tree
[..YouTube..] i am a white man i would join his church,he speaks the truth.i am 40 years old,my family raised me to treat all people the way they treat me.think about it manning speaks the truth.
[..YouTube..] The problem is you Americans are totaly brain washed are unable to think for yourselves. Race and Racist is an excuse to shut your mouth and allow you to think. Look how blind you are that you even call a black man blaming a black Racist!
[..YouTube..] He is not racist and as a matter of fact you need to understand what he is trying ti tell to all Americans. He is black himself, and the message is for all those black’s who stand for obama because he is black and deny and refuse to see his acts! He is asking people LOOK AT HIS ACTS not HIS COLOR!
[..YouTube..] Masta not gon take it no mo
Masta not gon take it no mo. Oh lawd !!!
Q; how many abortions happened under republican administrations.
And then this clown makes up LIES about people having homosexual relationships. WOW. Go figure, a lying preacher. This is by far the biggest self hating house nigga I’ve ever seen. He’s the kind of black man a slave master would have paid top dollar for. So I guess that makes him worth something. But to my people he’s worthless.
[..YouTube..] @controversyking: i called him a racist and a homophobe because of the things he says in the video. people with s*** for brains equate being offensive with being critical when the two are not equal. lenny bruce was critical and un-PC. most people are just troglodytes with no vocabulary who can’t think critically. if you’re so anxious to be identified with a racist and homophobe, then i’m at least pleased that you’re honest about it. be a patriot! wear a condom!
[..YouTube..] “…push these white folk they gonna come out of tennessee, oklahoma, mississipi, alabama…”
I believe they did that once and got their asses kicked!!!
[..YouTube..] Typical. Call him a racist and a homophobe because he questions the religon of political correctness. I agree with Manning and if that makes me a “racist”, so be it!
[..YouTube..] i hate the fact that some people believe that racists and homophobes like this guy represent conservatives.
[..YouTube..] A well thought out plan? Are you out of your freakin mind? I really doubt anyone here wishes America to fail either. Go read a book. A well thought out plan. Heh!!