Love him or hate him, you certainly can not accuse him of being boring.
Below are some quotes from James Manning, a man who really, REALLY hates Obama.
“White Folk Ain’t Gonna Take It No More, and Thank God for that!”
“there’s gonna be a peace embargo by white folks, they not gonna take it no more”
“Ya’ll thought it was something when the black folk rioted, hold on, wait till you see the white folks come to town, I don’t blame em…. I wanna join ’em!”
“Y’all gonna push these white folk till they can’t take it no more!”
“Obama and Larry Sinclaire had a steamy love affair in the back of a limo and in the Holiday Inn…”
“If this emissary of the devil, vice president of genocide in hell, long legged mac daddy, half breed, illegal alien, two tongued, lying, quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak usurper called Barrack Hussein Obama doesnt resign, white people are going to riot in the street”
He then calls Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews homosexual Obama idolaters.
Oh man, this video is too much! Hope you get a kick out of it.
[..YouTube..] H1MLA, I totally agree with you. When I fraudulent and loud talking fraudsters like this ex-convict punk spewing his garbage on air, I am just watch knowing that his time will soon come to an end. All his grand standing and self aggrandizement will catch up with him soon. The same white people he panders to and tries to impress will be the ones to hang his turkey neck. When that day comes, if he ventures near black people for cover, we’ll cast him out to languish in hell where be belongs.
[..YouTube..] Manning understands government and economic matters than President Obama, then he should run for office and get elected. What is he waiting for? What are you waiting for? Why not organize and chair his campaign committee so he can contest a Presidential election under the Republican ticket, win, and then ‘deliver’ America from your perceived “chaos” ?
[..YouTube..] Americans need to wake up. Look at the laws set up by the Bush Admin and prior. Who has the power to enforce those laws like Presidential Directive 51, Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, and Rex 84 now? The government is unconstitutional, and they do a damn good job with the mainstream bias media to keep you brainwashed Congress doesn’t even read proposals anymore. There all in on it together. Im not antigov. Just Anti Police State and anti Big Gov telling individuals whats ok and whats not
[..YouTube..] Listen People-Blacks and Whites TOGETHER!THIS IS NOT ABOUT BLACK OR WHITE-IT IS ABOUT RED!WE have COMMUNISTS in our Gov.t! We have People that are TRYING TO TAKE US ALL OUT! KEEP US ALL DOWN- Conquer & DIVIDE! And HML1MA if you are BLACK or WHITE and and have ‘GOD’ in your LIFE (no matter WHAT religion) you have LOVE for #1 GOD #2 Yourself (because you are his son #3 for People ‘the Spirit’ in ALL of us -You will NOT commit Crimes &In THIS Country YOU CAN GET AHEAD! You have to WANT IT!
[..YouTube..] Manning 2012 !! He clearly understands government & economic matters much better than BHO !!
[..YouTube..] it doesnt matter what i think or you,,,,he is right it is coming,,,,,,,,whether you like it or not,,,,,,,its on auto piolt,,,,talk the trash back and forth,,,,,,doesnt matter,,,,what you goin to do when it happens,,,,,twitter somebody,,,ha ha,,,,,
[..YouTube..] You don’t say. U know what even more funny, its often White racists posters & his discredited occult Church members on YT who agreed with this UNCLE RUCKUS Manning cretin. But then again, JDM is an ex-convict, so the church hustle is another way for him to get money.
[..YouTube..] Manning author of – ‘Jiggin for the KKK’ and ‘1000 ways to plant yo tongue firmly in Massa’s ass’ is set to present his next ‘sermon’ in a white hood.
[..YouTube..] i really despise this motherfucker.. i would love to get him into the ring and jab his bitch ass to death.. sounds like hes got phlegm in his throat when he talks ..or is that massas cum caught in his throat.
[..YouTube..] hussein is a luciferian and so is bush
[..YouTube..] Amen Brother God bless you
[..YouTube..] See if you can find time in your busy research schedule to look into the “social construction of reality” as well as Emile Durkheims thoughts on institutions.
[..YouTube..] The riot is here already.
White folks dont have to riot with guns and death to make a point nor is there any burning desire by white people to want to bring harm to anyone without reason.
[..YouTube..] Do U honestly think,millions of Black African Americans from the day they were born, decided that,they want to live in poverty? commit crimes & end up in jail?Go to college/University & still find themselves jobless?Fall prey to the ignorance of the street corner & start killing one another?If you are NOT a white supremacists as you clasim,then I insist your research the White & non-Black people institutionalise racism agenda against African Americands & U will see,things are NOT what they seem
[..YouTube..] Manning is pretty eccentric, but you have to admit that the black community is completely Dependant on big daddy government. The man is dead on when he states that government nanny programs are the death of black America.
I’m not a supremacist. I welcome the day when African Americans can achieve there goals and dreams, but that wont happen if blacks keep following leaders like sharpton and jackson. everything they promote simply keeps you enslaved to big daddy government.
[..YouTube..] You need to stop believing all that Hollywood matrix movie stuff that you spend your time watching. I take it that you are a white male. So this coconut self hating Black man (ex-criminal convict, fake PHD holder, James David Manning) is your good kind of cotton picking house slave that you like. But Blacks who stand up to your oppressive White supremacist ideals, you hate.
[..YouTube..] long legged mack daddy. You think you’ve seen rioting? You haven’t seen anything yet.
[..YouTube..] you are right,,,,rev,,,,,,,,,,,,,,im viet vet,,,and it is coming,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no one can stop it,,,,it will be the bloodiest thing the has ever seen,,,because this has been the place,where mankind has had the most freedom,,,tks to all who have given their lives,,,so i can live in this country,,,free,,,,this man is telling you the truth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,put 2 and 2 together,,,,,,,,,,you youngsters have been brainwashed,,,,,,,,,,listen to your elders and you might survive this,,
[..YouTube..] Manning calls Obama a Mack daddy
for pimping the Men, Women and the world for his own personal gain. Manning is trying to pimp YOU for his own personal gain. Listen for his keywords: I want YOU to tell Obama to show a birth certificate! I want YOU to rise up against Obama! I want YOU to tell the government that the public option for healthcare is not necessary! Manning wants YOU to follows his orders.
[..YouTube..] Manning wants to instill racial hatred into Black and White people throughout his videos. The key word is hate, something that a terrorist would do (Bin laden, Hitler, etc.). I thought preachers where uplifting and practice the word of God through positive insights and not through hate.
[..YouTube..] “Rise up White people!” “Obama is a prolific killer, liar and a murderer!” This is nothing but pure propaganda being broadcasted over youtube. Ive watched countless videos from Atlah worldwide, searching for what Manning believes the truth is behind Obama, and to sum it all up, this man has NO PROOF about the things he accuses Obama of. Quite frankly, Pastor Manning could care less. Manning is more concerned with calling Obama a Long legged Mack daddy, and a half white boy. Just name calling.
[..YouTube..] mannn…i wish a cracker would try somethin…hold up,let me git my gat
[..YouTube..] wake up america
[..YouTube..] go watch some more cartoons and keep living in the matrix
[..YouTube..] Oboingo is a homo.
[..YouTube..] God bless this guy !!
[..YouTube..] It s off to Camp 1391 for all you would be rioters. Don’t try to google 1391, because if the Israeli’s have done their jobs, and they are very thorough -usually – you won’t find it.
[..YouTube..] Pastor Manning author of ‘Why oh why wasn’t I born white?’, ‘Plantations – the solution to America’s economic problems’ and current bestseller ‘Massa and me – a true love story’
[..YouTube..] This cretin wife is Bi-Racial, partly White & his daughter is clearly bi-racial with her White grandparents features in her i.e pale white skin tone & curly Black hair. Yet, her racist dad uncle ruckus James David Manning had the cheek 2 call Obama a half *****. This guy is a vile racist. I swear 2 U, boondocks Uncle Ruckus was modeled on him. I wonder how much his White Supremacists masters are paying him 2 spout this SH!T?
[..YouTube..] Fellow Americans, the Constitutions calling you…
[..YouTube..] borat4thawin if you are one of the three hundred million people in this beautiful country we call USA , you have every reason to challenge the obama administration; if that means riots, God help us, and i believe he will.
[..YouTube..] Amen Brother!
[..YouTube..] I wish Dave Chapelle or some other comic genious could get a hold of this guy and do a skit; well they wouldn’t have to even write any new script. Who IS THIS GUY? He’s bloody hilarious-very ballsy and expressive but I can’t say I agree with what he’s saying – he’s definitely interesting to listen to, though, quite unique. Remember Chapelles black, blind klans man: “white power.” Well this guy is beyond anything we could imagine.
[..YouTube..] realize it’s a shadow government or become a puppet. the ‘obama’ you despise isn’t a singular human being……
[..YouTube..] Its amazing to me that people still stick up for Obama after all the promises he made during his campaign that he never intended to bring to fruition. The more you learn about him the creepier he becomes. I think the masses who still praise Obama never had any political or idealogical ideas anyway,its just a popularity contest,the same people who fell for his b.s are prey to telemarketers and car salesmen,its all hype and lies.
[..YouTube..] Manning author of ‘I be jiggin for Massa’ , ‘From the pulpit to the plantation’ and ‘ Why I deserve a white sheet for my hate’
[..YouTube..] Racist pecker wood
[..YouTube..] I love this guy James Manning!
He says what most white people are afraid to say, and he’s absolutely right!
Manning for President!
[..YouTube..] Anyone who got inspired by this video is an idiot. Whites have no reason to riot.
[..YouTube..] This guy is a moron. I bet he wears tin hats. LOL.
[..YouTube..] TRUTH
[..YouTube..] White people don’t riot, they war.
[..YouTube..] Then the elite are the leaders of the government and government agencies?
I am quite awake, I just have no idea how you define elite.
So I am assuming you are saying to do away with those agencies? You have a Libertarian viewpoint? If so, I am in agreement with you and believe, as the founding fathers wrote, that government should have a very limited role in our nation.
[..YouTube..] god help lol
[..YouTube..] look for video called – Chris Rock – How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
[..YouTube..] THis guy is right. I’m white and proud of it. I am the most color blind person you’ll ever meet, but I’m sick and tired of the NAACP calling me racist because I don’t agree with Obama. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I voted for the fool. I’m tired of them putting racism on everything. Every one thought it was funny when G. Bush was made into Curious George, try that w/Obama. Put a clown face on Obama and all of a sudden you just made a racial remark against every black in the free world.
[..YouTube..] I don’t think it will be riots. White people have been making a list for more than 7 months as to who the Social Communists are, and are checking it twice. Just to find out who is naughty or nice.
[..YouTube..] boo hoo, poor white folks. get serious
[..YouTube..] Fuck Barack Obama. He is a terrible president. This guy is 100% correct we need that long-legged mack-daddy out of the damn white house or else white people gunna riot and take over. Obama dont run this country the people do, dammit. Obama is ruining this country as we have made it ours.
[..YouTube..] Demopublican and repubicrats are the same lump of shit. They are all chiken hawk piles of dung. Ron Paul is the only person who walks his talk. There are few others that believe in a government limited by the constitution. Never trust the government…they are NOT your friend. Most of them would sell their own parents if they thought it would get them re-elected.