Love him or hate him, you certainly can not accuse him of being boring.
Below are some quotes from James Manning, a man who really, REALLY hates Obama.
“White Folk Ain’t Gonna Take It No More, and Thank God for that!”
“there’s gonna be a peace embargo by white folks, they not gonna take it no more”
“Ya’ll thought it was something when the black folk rioted, hold on, wait till you see the white folks come to town, I don’t blame em…. I wanna join ’em!”
“Y’all gonna push these white folk till they can’t take it no more!”
“Obama and Larry Sinclaire had a steamy love affair in the back of a limo and in the Holiday Inn…”
“If this emissary of the devil, vice president of genocide in hell, long legged mac daddy, half breed, illegal alien, two tongued, lying, quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak usurper called Barrack Hussein Obama doesnt resign, white people are going to riot in the street”
He then calls Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews homosexual Obama idolaters.
Oh man, this video is too much! Hope you get a kick out of it.
[..YouTube..] Rev Manning keep em honest…..Thank you for fighting for America…
[..YouTube..] Manning can SANG!
[..YouTube..] funny!
[..YouTube..] OH MY GOD! that was so funny and at the same time I do take this very serious, I am a white man and I love what your doing for the God fearing Christian-, God bless you my friend, keep up the good fight!
[..YouTube..] 4:47 Is the Greatest moment in the history of mankind
[..YouTube..] dude i totally agree with you, this guy is 1000% correct and knows exactly what he is talking about everything that came out of his mouth was recorded and everything he said was known to be true and i find it such bullshit that like 99.9% oof african americans voted for obama just because he is black they had no political knowledge or anything they are lazy bums and just want free money from the rich people that work their asses off its fucking bullshit
[..YouTube..] why the fuck cant more black americans be more like this man ?
[..YouTube..] This guy is a racist…oh wait.
[..YouTube..] Preacher you are welcome in our bunker. Where will the urbanites get there food?
[..YouTube..] Maybe mack daddy wants riots???
[..YouTube..] I LOVE THIS GUY.
[..YouTube..] Maybe he’s from Uranus..
[..YouTube..] Rev, your right.White, black ,brown etc who love God and America are truely not gonna take it no more but we won’t riot in the streets we will go and VOTE this fool and his cronies out .
[..YouTube..] long-legged macdaddy…. ha i love that…
[..YouTube..] thismanis paid by the CIA
he is there tp rile up white folks…
[..YouTube..] Illegal alien? Even if he weren’t a natural born citizen (as the birthers allege) that does not make him an illegal alien.
[..YouTube..] HALLELUJAH!!! Your my hero
[..YouTube..] I’M JOINING ‘EM hahahahahahaha
[..YouTube..] heh and here come the left wing loons to chime in! what happened? did “Media Matters” take note of all the views that Manning was getting and then tell you drones to come in here and praise this puke piece of shit dragged out of the sewers of Chicago called Obama? go watch your distorted PMSNBC or network news you ignorant obadomized morons!!!
[..YouTube..] Get the fuck outta here
[..YouTube..] “the long legged mack daddy” get the fuck outta here.
[..YouTube..] Is this guy for real? He sounds like the white Rush Limbaugh
[..YouTube..] lmao!
[..YouTube..] This man is one of the best Obama supporters I’ve ever seen. Nothing could help our President more than a ridiculous rant like this one. It’s long on name-calling and short on facts.
I happen to believe that Obama DID lie in his campaign. He said “no back-room deals” and then made one with the health care industry. He said “no more failed policies” and then appointed to his cabinet people who were instrumental in failed policies.
Crap like this, though, isn’t going to help my cause.
[..YouTube..] This is sooooooooooooooo funny. I could watch 4:47 all day. I’m amazed people can take this seriously
[..YouTube..] As a black Conservative Christian, I agree 100% with Dr. Manning. I too am sick of all this BS. No one should be dissed like this. Amen. Blacks forget that Reps(Conservatives) were created to end slavery. Dems were the Rebs, slave holders, Jim Crows, KKK etc. W/O Reps, LBJ couldn’t pass the Civil Rights Acts-Al Gore’s dad stood in the way. They’re still of the slave master mentality-through marxist-commie views. I’ll be standing with those patriots who oppose this unConstitutional mess.
[..YouTube..] God bless Dr. Manning! If we would have had more people like Dr. Manning who dared to speak the truth in the face of adversity, we would be a lot better off today. Keep up the great work, Pastor!
[..YouTube..] you mean Hispanic or Latino instead of Mexican, right? no offense, but there are also Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans and the rest of Latin America. Not all Hispanics are Mexican, have a nice day. no disrespect.
[..YouTube..] This is GREAT! And, apparently, many here don’t know how TRUE it is…unfortunately, I think they will find out the hard way.
[..YouTube..] They’re not gonna do anything, but frown and bare it. This guy is wasting his breath and your time.
[..YouTube..] I will pray for your strength to keep preaching. God Bless you!
[..YouTube..] Black,white,asian,mexican,arabs, all of us need to join up and revolt and take our country back!!
If you think he is a nut job I would hate to see who you would consider smart.
[..YouTube..] ok clearly this man is a nut job… but whats with all this white approval?
are white americans still this racist in 2009?
[..YouTube..] Finally, someone who cares about the white minority. What? Did you say ‘White minority?’ YES I DID! I teach at a completely Hispanic school full of illegal imigrants and trust me I AM A MINORITY! I care about truth and the truth is….WRONG is wrong no matter what color you are!
[..YouTube..] The brother’s right!!! I’m a straight, White Christian male and I’m sick of all the BS in this country!
[..YouTube..] excuse me??you support obama? why….? i could go on for a loonggg time about things you wouldn’t like that he’s doing. trust me. ask me, shit…
[..YouTube..] you can ride with me…
[..YouTube..] Standing Ovation
[..YouTube..] It takes a lot for white people to take up arms. But when they do get to that point, really bad things happen. Things so bad that they are written about in history books for hundreds of years.
[..YouTube..] This is in fact bullshit! If you listen to him, you will notice that 91 % of this is untrue. Therefore you can’t believe nothing he says. If you have something against the President of whom I support, at least be educated and fair with your report. This guy says the President is an illegal aliean, yet no illegal person would be allowed into the white house. This man is insane and should be locked up in a mental hospital.
[..YouTube..] *applause*
[..YouTube..] Only time will tell the outcome of these events. Maybe whites want blacks to rise up and join the whiteman against this tranny. Heed the call
[..YouTube..] um. now the population is 15%
[..YouTube..] dont make up sterotypes
[..YouTube..] That post is exactly what is racist.I don’t know if u r black looking to make whites look racistor an agenda by you, BUT IF U ARE FOR REAL< You suck. THERE IS NO NEED FOR THIS TYPE OF RACISM. NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE HATE AMERICA, MOST ARE JUST AS CONFUSED W/THIS ADMINISTRATION AS WE ARE, BUT THEY FEEL PRESSURE FRO M THEIR PIERS TO STAY SILENT.
[..YouTube..] He may use spicy over the top words, for effect, but the main point is very real.
His web site says that millions of hits have gone there in the last few weeks
[..YouTube..] this is some bullshit people, he is the dude off of Bondocks
[..YouTube..] These guy really tells it how it is. I heard Obama wants to take “In God We Trust” off all the currency. Not good!
[..YouTube..] Not sure how I feel about this…a lot of what he says is generally true (how the government is robbing us all and Obama is a fraud), but he unnecessarily politicizes and racializes the argument. It is not just “white folks” who are becoming angry with the way things are going, and it is not just “black folks” who are ruining things or are complicit with the bastardization of our country. Some people of every race are fed up, and some people of every race are making it worse.