Libelous E-mail politics disrespectful to you and damaging to America.

My name is Brad and I certainly do not want anyone to misunderstand me, I am NOT pro Obama even though I use him in my point below, also I am not chastising anyone for forwarding political e-mails to me.  I simply want to be able to make a point and say my opinion, luckily enough for me I have a blog and can do just that.  If you give me a few moments of your time I think you might agree with me, if not, please leave a comment below telling me where I went wrong. : )
I do not support Obama, McCain or Palin…  I am a Ron Paul supporter all the way.   BUT, even though I do not care for certain candidates, I absolutely would defend them if I heard what I knew to be lies being spread about them.  I find it very disheartening when I see so many untruthful (sometimes ridiculous) tidbits, morsels and items being spread by people who do not know the truth, but since it either supports their candidate or is detrimental to the opponent(s), they believe it, but of course they also get furious when the same thing happens to their corner.
I enjoy getting all these political e-mails, some are informative and some are clever, some hilarious,… but are they truthful?  The truth is out there and I try to find it before I believe something and before I “pass it on” to others.
I sincerely belive that McCain, Palin, Paul, Obama and any other “competitors” (sic) would agree with me that these types of disingenuous schoolyard tactics are harmful to the way of life Americans enjoy.
Please do not cast your valuable vote based on opinions drawn from the dirty tactics and lies that these silly e-mails so often are full of…  I have received e-mails about Palin machine gunning down wolves in Alaska by the dozens from a plane and leaving the carcasses where they lay, McCain of course is the Anti Christ, Ron Paul is a communist, Obama is a terrorist,  etc etc etc..  It’s all quite ridiculous.  Let’s not turn political debates into religious debates, let’s not use the same low brow slander tactics that many other countries are famous for… This is America, let’s show some common respectful courtesies, what ever happened to the “may the best man win” attitude?  I for one will not vote BECAUSE a candidate is republican, democratic, libertarian (which is what I am), black, white, female, religious, etc… I will only vote for whomever I belive will crusade the causes I feel are important, one who I belive and hope will do the best job for our country and I urge you to do the same thing.
Apparently whomever invents these libelous e-mails has no respect for you, the reader.  The writer of these must belive that you are all ditto-heads that will never check into anything and will just repeat verbatim these “facts” about our political prospects.  I hope this “novelist” will be proven incorrect.
Let’s cast our vote because we are informed, tuned-in, questioning and intelligent about our decision.
If you have an opinion, please share it, if you have a creative mind and want to bash someone’s public appearance through slander, please do not think I am ignorant enough to follow blinding bleating out like a sheep.  I do not belive anything just because I hear it; if it is important enough to repeat, it is important enough to investigate.
Here is MY personal opinion which I will gladly share with you; Obama doesn’t have enough experience, Palin is a Yes person, McCain is more of what we just had, Ron Paul is the only person I even hear mention the Constitution anymore.  He will fight for YOUR rights and he will help this country in a way we have not seen for quite some time.  Many of you may not have hear of Ron Paul, he doesnt fit into the mainstream news media’s grand scheme.  Much of the news on our television is aimed at sheep.   Those “in the know” either fear Ron Paul or love Ron Paul.  For more info about Ron Paul please click HERE, HERE and especially HERE
Here is one example, whomever you support, this should anger you because lies like this are sent out about YOUR candidate also.
Today I receive the same e-mail from about 5 of my friends telling me some quotes from two of Obama’s books.   Many of the quotes were taken out of context and some were just outright lies, as in the following two examples;
1. “I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race”
2. “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
Well I checked and discovered that neither of those quotes exist in any of his books. He never said them.
He was libeled, his words are contorted and invented, and not even cleverly.  Is that the way you want your candidate to win, through deceit, lies and treachery and the bamboozlement of the common people?  Keep in mind, I am not defending Obama, I am simply asking you to take a reality check. We, as Americans have allowed this “game” to become so distorted, nothing is to far out, there are no limits, no boundaries.  If we can not find enough TRUTHFUL ways to make a candidate look bad, then you are just not trying very hard.
Please, let’s start showing some respect to our esteemed candidates, to our friends who we forward these on-to, to ourselves as Americans and to our democracy that so many died to create and preserve.
If you want to comment to me directly you may do so at or please SHARE your comment by leaving it below.
Thank you for listening, My name is Brad and I support this message.