This is Yours Truly with author and investigative reporter Casey Sherman (recall: Boston Strangler investigations) discussing his new book, Bad Blood: Freedom and Death in the White Mountains” with retired are LE Brad Whipple, who successfully performed Franconia and Sugar Hill rotations without major incident or citizen complaint. In one of the videos recorded this evening at Concord New Hampshire’s Gibson’s bookstore, Brad notes that he told Bruce McKay’s Franconia police superiors that he should be fired and discusses some of the reasons why. I’ll post that in Due Course. Actually WKXL 1450 Concord has it right here for you. The three of us said a lot of things that the viewers and store staff are thinking about right now, of that I am certain. My other YouTube video: ….features Casey Sherman and his commentary regarding Kelly Ayotte’s investigation of Gregory Floyd vis a vis Mr. Floyd’s contemporaneous statements under investigation. Says Sherman, after discussing the 43 kills Floyd claims to have made for the government: “Floyd may have wanted to feel what it felt like to kill somebody, here was an opportunity to do it…..” whereupon he continues to discuss how Floyd told Caleb to pick up Liko’s gun and “kept on urging him to pick up the gun…” Whereupon Floyd would have murdered Caleb Macaulay and then he could have told any kind of tall tale he desired and got away even cleaner than he did. As to Floyd …
@maciverandy kingcast is a douche that doesn’t strongly back up his case with liko. liko got what his actions dictated he get. I hate cops as much as the rest, but I don’t care where you live, when you act like a douche with an officer, you’re gonna lose. A lot of cops are bullies and dickheads, but I don’t see where Mckay murdered anyone in cold blood and if he was as bad as you all say he is, then go look in the mirror and consider yourselves partially guilty in liko’s death. You just stated
that in northern new hampshire people don’t put up with being pushed around, and yet you all were to chicken shit to do anything about mckay. So which is it you tough liberal east coaster’s??? It sounds to me like you all talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. Or it could be that you all act like liko and expect that when law enforcement puts you in your place that they are “infringing” on your rights. Everyone hated mckay, and yet he still had a job. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
@KingCast65 Wow dude… huge turn out. What was there like four of you there having a circle jerk and telling each other how right you all were. It amazes me how you make liko the poor innocent victim… who carried an illegal handgun and acted like a spoiled rotten little child and then expected to be treated with respect. It comes down to this, this entire community is to blame for the situation. liko was a douche, mckay was a douche and the community, a bunch of crybaby cowards. Next subject.
@ANDE71 That was the very first event and not publicized. Since then of course the book became a best seller and Dorothy Aufiero is the producer of the Hollywood movie, and the lawsuit on behalf of Liko Kenney has been filed, 2010 -CV- 181.
Jerk that.
@KingCast65 Oh yeah you got me there. Fist off, best seller… by who’s standards. That statement is used very loosely in the publishing world and would be considered very subjective. Not to mention the fact that if you were to read the reviews of the book, although good, the book is filled with tons of editing errors and actually argues against many of the things that you keep shoving down peoples throats. When it comes down to it… you have no proof of anything. Other than liko was a douche.
@ANDE71 Yah, best seller is kinda vague…. and there were typos and such in the book, perhaps Producer Aufiero will clarify that for the Big Screen. Proof of Bruce McKay’s douchebaggery is self-evident in the failure to get SB154 or HB1428 passed.
Stick around and see the files that major media didn’t produce as 2010-CV-181 proceeds.
Your door prizes are on the left.
@ANDE71 i think you are confused and you need to find something better to do…this is our issue not yours. at least this kingcast guy is here doing something, picking a side…you are just sitting in yer house spouting your boring garbage on the page cuz people responded to you…why don’t you find a cause where you live? why don’t you get a hobby?
@ANDE71 Everybody complained vigorously to the AG and the town and they didn’t do a goddamn fucking thing, so Liko did. As noted in my video on KingCast the townspeople said “if it wasn’t Liko it would have been somebody else.”
I see you offer no substantive comment as to the issues countenanced in the video whatsoever, because you don’t have anything intelligent to say.
But thanks for reminding me about this video so I can post it up again, douchebag.
@KingCast65 You will never, I repeat never get any justice for liko… you know why??? Cuz liko is fucking dead! And you know why, cuz he was a whiny little douche. Once again I take your buddies best selling book. Those have actually read it say the same thing… liko was a nut job with major issues, mental issues. Not to mention that his own townspeople felt he had bats in his belfry. Once again, where is your proof? You keep going on and on like there was some huge conspiracy, where is it?
@ANDE71 Hey you stupid asshole read the blog, Cal-Record called me yesterday and I gave them a copy of the lawsuit, jackass Floyd can’t even get a lawyer and Davey has 2 top notch counsel, so fuck you.
Too late for Liko and all other peeps that McKay abused, you are correct, now go take a drive down Bruce McKay Highway, whoops you can’t ‘cuz it will never happen.
@maciverandy You sound just like the rednecks from South Park… “they took r jeeobs”. Your issue, so you agree with me that your town played it’s part in liko dying… that was all I wanted you to admit. Oh yeah, I do have a side… liko put himself in the position to get shot, so he’s dead, and mckay did the same thing. Other than that… my hobby it fucking with kingcast, because he is a douche and a leach. I could make just as strong of a case against his information if I was as bias as him.
@KingCast65 Yep… bias much? For somebody that is supposed to be educated and cares about people so much, you sure act like a little bitch. And once again what does floyd have to do with liko being a douche. Oh yeah that’s right, because he was parked on top of mckay when he caught that bullet with his face. Floyd has nothing to do with this case. He is secondary to the the primary case of liko fleeing and eluding, having an illegal handgun, not knowing the law, or thinking he was above it.
@ANDE71 Go back and read my blog from the beginning, I was totally neutral, then I read all of the unanswered complaints about Bruce McKay. And I interviewed people, professional, grown people, like the firefighters that Bruce McKay threatened who were scared of him. So no, I am no longer neutral, Bruce McKay was a dickhead cop who was asking to get shot, and one day he got what he asked for.
And Greg Floyd is a murderer and Kelly Ayotte covered up for it.
Later hater.
@ANDE71 ” I could make just as strong of a case against his information if I was as bias as him.”
You can’t make shit. I made it possible for a book to be written and for a lawsuit to be filed and I helped get Bruce McKay Highway shut down, three (3) tangible things.
You have shown up here and trash talked and called me “a bitch.”
Who’s the bitch now?
@ANDE71 Hey asshole, didja see the fucking advertisement last night on Sunday Night football for Dorothy Aufiero’s new film “The Fighter?”
Now she’s on to finish “Bad Blood: Freedom and Death in the White Mountains” so yah, I reckon there will be a “huge turn ou.t”
Read about it here fuckface:
04 December 2010
KingCast laughs as scumbag murderer (IMO) Gregory Floyd can’t find a lawyer in Estate of Liko Kenney v. Greg Floyd, Bruce McKay, Town of Franconia, Chief Montminy, 2010-CV-181
@KingCast65 Ewwwww, you got me again. Dude you’re just a whore like any other lie… oops I mean lawyer. You like to take credit for all of this, yet the book you supposedly helped get written contradicts you. Who gives a shit about the highway, I never said mckay was a good guy, but no matter how you try to spin it, no matter how many minor procedures mckay possibly violated, and how terrible he was, he didn’t kill liko that day, liko killed him. I don’t care what you are sellin, I’m not buyin’
@ANDE71 Hey you dumb motherfucker, Casey Sherman himself said that he wanted to thank people “without whom I could not have written the book” and identified me as one of those persons, it is in this video:
KingCast video of Casey Sherman’s Bad Blood book launch
And we agree much more than we disagree.
And you don’t have to buy anything from me, everybody in North Country knows that Bruce McKay terrorized people, the town did nothing about it and let him run amok until somebody killed him.
@ANDE71 you are just a boring asshole…go fuck your sister, or whatever it is you do for fun…
@KingCast65 Here it is folks, from the source itself “the town did nothing about it and let him run amok”. Right there is the problem, the town, the entire town did nothing. So they were a bunch of cowards that were to stupid to do something about it and let mckay keep acting in a “threatening” manner. If his attitude was as far and wide as you claim, there should have been a few people with the balls to fix it. And I like how you keep skipping over the fact that liko was an unstable nut job..
@ANDE71 Well shit for brains first you stated that there should have been complaints issued by people from the town, I showed you all over my journal pages that there were complaints, even from the goddamn firefighters, the town did nothing, even though it has a legal duty to address the concerns, now you are blaming the citizens and Liko Kenney for the town and AG’s negligence.
You got hit with a stupid stick when your momma spat your dumb ass out, but keep on coming in and wasting bandwidth.
@KingCast65 Wow dude… really is that all you got is profanity to prove how right you are? I like how tell me what I said, when I never said it. Must have learned that at lawyerin’ school. Check the definition of a town in the New England states and you will find that every single person in that community had a forum to voice concerns and to do something about it. Once again you avoid liko’s issue’s things his own family established. liko got pepper sprayed, not beaten, this case will fail.
@ANDE71 Oh, I’ve got much more than profanity for anyone who deserves it, but you don’t because you are one stupid motherfucker, got that?
You wrote:
Check the definition of a town in the New England states and you will find that every single person in that community had a forum to voice concerns and to do something about it.
……….and time and time again, you stupid motherfucker, they did just that, and got IGNORED.
Ewwww… you got more really like what? You gonna take your nerdy black ass and go file some paper at the court? Hmmm I’m stupid, yet you keep dancing around liko and his mental problems. Voicing ones concern and doing something are two different things. So what you are saying is that the city council and every citizen knew that mckay was crazy, and still did nothing. Your conspiracy is getting very far fetched. It would be nice if you kept your story straight. And keep your mother out of this
@ANDE71 Well you will have to talk to the white assed lawyers Charles O’Leary and Harold Burbank who have the case, 2010-CV-181 you stupid jackass. The entire town knew Bruce McKay was dangerous, they issued formal and informal complaints and were ignored.
Have a nice day.
And oh, yah, my story is straight. It’s Kelly Ayotte and Greg Floyd’s stories that keep changing.
“Nerdy black ass” huh, you would rather I be a gang-banger with no law degree, no journalism experience and no experience as an AAG, and somehow whom Casey Sherman did NOT credit with helping him write the book.
But that ain’t what I am, I’m a motorcycle-ridin’ nerd and you’re stuck with me, you close-set-eyed dumb assed-stupid hater of linear family tree ;)