Julian Assange: Is WikiLeaks Biased?

Complete video at: fora.tv WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange responds to charges that his website presents information in a politically biased way. Assange explains that the organization provides text summaries of raw data and edits of raw video to provide context to the material, without which most content would simply “fall into the gutter” and be overlooked by most users. —– A panel of experts from the press, government, and academia discuss their new and upcoming projects. They discuss different methods of promoting investigative journalism, ranging from building non-profit institutions to converting the country of Iceland into a “free press haven.” The panel features Gavin MacFadyen (The Bureau for Investigative Journalism, UK), Chuck Lewis (American University), Julian Assange (WikiLeaks), Birgitta Jónsdóttir (Member of Parliament, Iceland) and Jon Weber (The Bay Citizen). Lowell Bergman moderates. – Berkeley School of Journalism Julian Assange is an Australian journalist, programmer and Internet activist, best known for his involvement with Wikileaks, a whistleblower website.