US President Barack Obama conferred America’s highest civilian honour the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Joe Medicine Crow received the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the nation’s highest civilian honor) from President Barack Obama on August 12, 2009.
Medicine Crow broke tradition and briefly spoke after Obama gave him the medal, telling the president he was “highly honored” to receive it.
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(Above photo credits: AP photo by Alex Brandon / August 12, 2009)
Chief Joseph Medicine Crow looks at his 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom after President Barack Obama placed it around his neck, Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2009, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington.
Joe Medicine Crow was born near Lodge Grass on the Crow reservation in Montana. He is a cousin to Pauline Small, the first woman elected to the Crow Tribe of Indians. His step-grandfather, White Man Runs Him, was a scout for George Armstrong Custer and an eyewitness to the battle. He grew up hearing stories of the momentous event. The first member of his tribe to attend college, his graduate studies were interrupted by World War II.
Joe Medicine Crow joined the army, becoming a scout in the 103rd Infantry Division. Whenever he went into battle, he wore his war paint beneath his uniform and a sacred eagle feather beneath his helmet. Without realizing it, Medicine Crow completed all four tasks required to become a war chief. He touched a living enemy soldier and disarmed an enemy when he turned a corner and found himself face to face with a young German soldier:
“ The collision knocked the German’s weapon to the ground. Mr. Crow lowered his own weapon and the two fought hand-to-hand. In the end Mr. Crow got the best of the German, grabbing him by the neck and choking him. He was going to kill the German soldier on the spot when the man screamed out “momma.” Mr. Crow then let him go.â€
He also led a successful war party and stole an enemy horse, making a midnight raid to steal the horses from a battalion of German officers (as he rode off, he sang a traditional Crow honor song.) He is the last member of the Crow tribe to become a war chief. Of his story, noted documentarian Ken Burns said, “The story of Joseph Medicine Crow is something I’ve wanted to tell for 20 years.” Mr. Crow was interviewed and appeared in the 2007 Ken Burns PBS series The War, describing his World War II service.
A young Joe Medicine Crow. His grandfather was a chief of the Crow tribe.
Tribal Spokesman
After serving in the army, he returned to the Crow Agency. In 1948, he was appointed tribal historian and anthropologist. Now well into his 90s, he remains active writing and lecturing. In 1999, he addressed the United Nations. He is a frequent guest speaker at Little Bighorn College and the Little Big Horn Battlefield Museum and has appeared in several documentaries about the battle. A noted author, his books have included Crow Migration Story, Medicine Crow, the Handbook of the Crow Indians Law and Treaties, Crow Indian Buffalo Jump Techniques, and From the Heart of Crow Country. He also authored a children’s book entitled Brave Wolf and the Thunderbird.
He received a bachelor degree from Linfield College in 1938. He attended the University of Southern California, earning a master’s degree in anthropology in 1939. He was the first member of the Crow tribe to obtain a master’s degree. His thesis, The Effects of European Culture Contact upon the Economic, Social, and Religious Life of the Crow Indians, has become one of the most widely cited documents concerning Crow culture. He received an honorary doctorate from Rocky Mountain College in 1999. He received an honorary doctorate at USC in 2003.
On June 25, 2008, he received two military decorations, the Bronze Star and the Légion d’honneur.On July 17, 2008, Senators Max Baucus, Jon Tester, and Mike Enzi introduced a bill to award him the Congressional Gold Medal.
His book Counting Coup: Becoming a Crow Chief on the Reservation and Beyond, written about his life, was chosen by the National Council for the Social Studies as a “Notable Tradebook for Young People” in 2007.
Joe Medicine Crow received the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the nation’s highest civilian honor) from President Barack Obama on August 12, 2009. Medicine Crow broke tradition and briefly spoke after Obama gave him the medal, telling the president he was “highly honored” to receive it.
When asked about war: “No one wins. Both sides lose. The Indians, so called hostiles, won the battle of the day, but lost their way of life.â€
Many Native Americans came to the war steeped in age-old warrior traditions. “I was ready to go overseas, and a cousin of mine had just come back from Europe, you know. He was a tail gunner,†remembered Joe Medicine Crow of the Crow Nation. “And before he left, a medicine man, a Sun Dance medicine man called Sacred Powers, gave my cousin an eagle feather, a fluffy feather painted yellow. ‘All right,’ he said, ‘Put that inside of your helmet, then she’ll protect you.’ So long as that, that sacred, protective feather was in my helmet, why, I was never afraid of anything.â€
Joe Medicine Crow’s life and work
Joe Medicine Crow’s biography, photos, film clips, online articles, slideshows, links, and more
“This is a very sacred time”?? If it’s so sacred why is it being filmed?
“This is a very sacred time”?? If it’s so sacred why is it being filmed?
[..YouTube..] “This is a very sacred time”?? If it’s so sacred why is it being filmed?
[..YouTube..] “This is a very sacred time”?? If it’s so sacred why is it being filmed?
[..YouTube..] “This is a very sacred time”?? If it’s so sacred why is it being filmed?
[..YouTube..] “This is a very sacred time”?? If it’s so sacred why is it being filmed?
[..YouTube..] please visit : sundanceceremonies
[..YouTube..] please visit : sundanceceremonies
[..YouTube..] oh, haha.
[..YouTube..] The video blew me away as well. sooo great. And what I truely loved in your comment is, that you are going to teach or daughter the traditions and the “right” way.
Well. done.. And to all of the Tribes out there. Not every white person is bad. I hate it what is still happening in the US. Giving you all a hint..The Black Hills. I bet I don´t have to say more. *lol* Keep up the fight may the Great Mother bless you all and give you lota strength. Lots of Love from Germany. Morgaine
[..YouTube..] The video blew me away as well. sooo great. And what I truely loved in your comment is, that you are going to teach or daughter the traditions and the “right” way.
Well. done.. And to all of the Tribes out there. Not every white person is bad. I hate it what is still happening in the US. Giving you all a hint..The Black Hills. I bet I don´t have to say more. *lol* Keep up the fight may the Great Mother bless you all and give you lota strength. Lots of Love from Germany. Morgaine
[..YouTube..] HOLY COWS…this video blows my mind! cuz all the people in it…are my relatives!!! i myself just finished up my third sundance! and plan on teaching the tradition to my daughter!!!
[..YouTube..] I participated in this sundance on the crow Reservation. It was the second of the four I went in. Being friends with some of the yellowtails at the time ,I was honored to have Thomas Yellowtail do my ” body painting” for me there. I will say is that the sun dance is as alive , sacred and spiritually powerful as it ever was.I was blessed by it in many ways.aho
[..YouTube..] I participated in this sundance on the crow Reservation. It was the second of the four I went in. Being friends with some of the yellowtails at the time ,I was honored to have Thomas Yellowtail do my ” body painting” for me there. I will say is that the sun dance is as alive , sacred and spiritually powerful as it ever was.I was blessed by it in many ways.aho
Congratulations to Chief Joe Medicine Crow on the Presidential Medal of Freedom!
My mother is Apache/English & dad was Irish (now, THAT’S a combo…lol!); I’ve always been proud of my Native American heritage. =D
[..YouTube..] If you’re white and have native blood, like me, you can usually dance. Most of us have at least a little white blood in us.
[..YouTube..] If you’re white and have native blood, like me, you can usually dance. Most of us have at least a little white blood in us.
[..YouTube..] Thank you Native Crows they helped my mother guide me to the truth of my mothers death! And saved mine in the process! I invite the crows to guide me and always be by my side, my mother Michele Lou Neill the Queen of the Suns!!
Im her messenger crow, im here to say my own brother killed my mother! Thank you crows for opening my eyes to nature and truth!! Peace to us all and peace in the Middle East! Luvs ya all, “No Matter What”!! Marinda Michele Neill “Bird” !! Sunflowers and Crows!! Ya!!
[..YouTube..] Thank you Native Crows they helped my mother guide me to the truth of my mothers death! And saved mine in the process! I invite the crows to guide me and always be by my side, my mother Michele Lou Neill the Queen of the Suns!!
Im her messenger crow, im here to say my own brother killed my mother! Thank you crows for opening my eyes to nature and truth!! Peace to us all and peace in the Middle East! Luvs ya all, “No Matter What”!! Marinda Michele Neill “Bird” !! Sunflowers and Crows!! Ya!!
[..YouTube..] respect and feeling of admiration makes me feel this video.
[..YouTube..] respect and feeling of admiration makes me feel this video.
[..YouTube..] Hi there, we have a Sundance here in New Zealand, where most of the people who dance are white. I myself am white and female and have danced three times! As far as I know, only the intercessor from our tribe has native american blood. I have heard that there are some tribes in America that will not allow white people to sundance, and others that will.
[..YouTube..] Hi there, we have a Sundance here in New Zealand, where most of the people who dance are white. I myself am white and female and have danced three times! As far as I know, only the intercessor from our tribe has native american blood. I have heard that there are some tribes in America that will not allow white people to sundance, and others that will.
[..YouTube..] great video. how do native american’s view whites participating in sundances or any ceremony for that matter. I am white myself and am extremely interested in native american culture and beliefs.
[..YouTube..] great video. how do native american’s view whites participating in sundances or any ceremony for that matter. I am white myself and am extremely interested in native american culture and beliefs.
[..YouTube..] thank you for getting back to me personally with the information as to why you posted this and permission to do so. This is truly a blessing for us all especially for those of us who have never attended a SunDance Ceremony. I know that I will go when Spirit calls me to it an that whatever happens there will be healing for everyone involved and beyond. I appreciate your work and the love this was done with. Tlazcamatl wel miak Ome teotl! In Tlanezi In Tonatieuh! Tiahui!
[..YouTube..] thank you for getting back to me personally with the information as to why you posted this and permission to do so. This is truly a blessing for us all especially for those of us who have never attended a SunDance Ceremony. I know that I will go when Spirit calls me to it an that whatever happens there will be healing for everyone involved and beyond. I appreciate your work and the love this was done with. Tlazcamatl wel miak Ome teotl! In Tlanezi In Tonatieuh! Tiahui!
[..YouTube..] xotzinome,
This project, was produced with the blessing of the Sun Dance Chiefs of the Crow and Shoshone tribes. The footage came from a special Sun Dance ceremony honoring Thomas Yellowtail in 1989. He allowed the videotaping to occur because he had been told by his medicine fathers that he should preserve the ceremony for future generations. We will receive no money from this project. Over 400 copies have been donated to educational programs on the reservations to help preserve the ceremony.
[..YouTube..] xotzinome,
This project, was produced with the blessing of the Sun Dance Chiefs of the Crow and Shoshone tribes. The footage came from a special Sun Dance ceremony honoring Thomas Yellowtail in 1989. He allowed the videotaping to occur because he had been told by his medicine fathers that he should preserve the ceremony for future generations. We will receive no money from this project. Over 400 copies have been donated to educational programs on the reservations to help preserve the ceremony.
[..YouTube..] I don’t know about the sundance personally, I have brothers and friends who are sundancers but I have never been. That is something sacred, this video shows the people praying …. I don’t know how I feel about it being posted on the internet but something told you to do this for a reason so I respect that. It sent something through me, lit me on fire on the inside. So Tlazcamatl Wopila Wa’doh! Thank you with my whole self for giving me this glimpse into the Sacred.
[..YouTube..] I don’t know about the sundance personally, I have brothers and friends who are sundancers but I have never been. That is something sacred, this video shows the people praying …. I don’t know how I feel about it being posted on the internet but something told you to do this for a reason so I respect that. It sent something through me, lit me on fire on the inside. So Tlazcamatl Wopila Wa’doh! Thank you with my whole self for giving me this glimpse into the Sacred.
[..YouTube..] My Plains Indian Family. P/s The Dine from sf,ca.
[..YouTube..] My Plains Indian Family. P/s The Dine from sf,ca.
[..YouTube..] same here read his book “counting Coup”
[..YouTube..] same here read his book “counting Coup”
[..YouTube..] hey shoo da
[..YouTube..] hey shoo da
[..YouTube..] this video made me feel good :) thanks
[..YouTube..] this video made me feel good :) thanks
[..YouTube..] We appreciate the praise. To address the other concerns you raised:
This filming was allowed to preserve the ways of the Crow and Shoshone Sun Dance and was asked for my the Sun Dance Chiefs of those tribes. The producers of the film paid to produce and distribute the video & will never receive any monetary compensation from the sales,all royalties go to the tribes to provide materials for educational programs on the reservations. To date 400 copies of the DV have been donated for this purpose.
[..YouTube..] We appreciate the praise. To address the other concerns you raised:
This filming was allowed to preserve the ways of the Crow and Shoshone Sun Dance and was asked for my the Sun Dance Chiefs of those tribes. The producers of the film paid to produce and distribute the video & will never receive any monetary compensation from the sales,all royalties go to the tribes to provide materials for educational programs on the reservations. To date 400 copies of the DV have been donated for this purpose.
[..YouTube..] Good documentary. There should’ve been no filming of the lodge and its dancers tho. What is up with the dancers wearing shades and laying down?? Your there to sacrifice-sorry i dont mean to preach-thats just what I was taught never to do at the lodge. Aw well to each his own. Sundance is a beautiful thing for the people-I pray it doesnt get exploited on this website!!
[..YouTube..] Good documentary. There should’ve been no filming of the lodge and its dancers tho. What is up with the dancers wearing shades and laying down?? Your there to sacrifice-sorry i dont mean to preach-thats just what I was taught never to do at the lodge. Aw well to each his own. Sundance is a beautiful thing for the people-I pray it doesnt get exploited on this website!!
[..YouTube..] Joe Medicine Crow is my grampa we are from the Crow Reservation and one thing that I will never forget is, Never Ever brag about how many times you have been in or at a sundance…it is has never been in our traditions, bragging about something just means that you are foolish of yourself. Be proud of yourself and our traditions.
[..YouTube..] Joe Medicine Crow is my grampa we are from the Crow Reservation and one thing that I will never forget is, Never Ever brag about how many times you have been in or at a sundance…it is has never been in our traditions, bragging about something just means that you are foolish of yourself. Be proud of yourself and our traditions.
[..YouTube..] great video!
i myself am a sundancer. this year will be my ninth year. it gives me strength to go on!
toksa ake, lil sunka kangi
[..YouTube..] great video!
i myself am a sundancer. this year will be my ninth year. it gives me strength to go on!
toksa ake, lil sunka kangi
[..YouTube..] cutting the hair is supposed to be a symbol or mourning. Like when a loved one passes, you cut your hair.
most people dont really do that anymore. that is their choice you know?
[..YouTube..] cutting the hair is supposed to be a symbol or mourning. Like when a loved one passes, you cut your hair.
most people dont really do that anymore. that is their choice you know?