Jason & Alex talk about Gordon Brown writing the agreement between top nations, and what the FDA is now doing to your food.All in the name of SAFETY!! prisonplanet.tv Gordon Brown calls for new group to police global environment issues Ben Webster, Francis Elliott Times Online December 21, 2009 A new global body dedicated to environmental stewardship is needed to prevent a repeat of the deadlock which undermined the Copenhagen climate change summit, Gordon Brown will say tomorrow. The UNs consensual method of negotiation, which requires all 192 countries to reach agreement, needs to be reformed to ensure that the will of the majority prevails, he feels. The Prime Minister will say: Never again should we face the deadlock that threatened to pull down those talks. Never again should we let a global deal to move towards a greener future be held to ransom by only a handful of countries. One of the frustrations for me was the lack of a global body with the sole responsibility for environmental stewardship. www.infowars.com
You’re right because the only reason that they would irradiate meat is to kill E. coli. But all you really need to do is cook your meat properly and you don’t have to worry about E. coli.
i wish jason took part in the conversation.
Bermas is gettin fatter – Aj is gettin slimmer.
He said I feel violated LOL. Alex just ate nuclear waste and then gave a lecture about it. Hey folks don’t eat food because it’s all poisoned but look at me eating Papa Johns pizza. Alex you still have some sauce on the side of your mouth btw. I thought Alex ate special food and drank special water not Papa Johns.
“Global government is here but it doesn’t exist if you don’t like it!” – HAHAHAAAHAHA
Very good!
That’s the schizo mindstate, we’re dealing with!
Ha ha ha funny you should say that, I was thinking the same.
I think the whole crew is jacked up on coke.
Both these boys are let the coke do the talking…
Jason looks fucking wasted, I think he was rushing!!!
I wonder if one day this defecated screaming pile of excrement will see how much he has wasted his life with all these wild and baseless accusations.
Why are you trolls on adding to the viewer count if you do not like what you see? Can’t get dumber than that, losers.
You’re not paying any attention at all.
well any nice guys out there who want to chat and talk on the phone
Another useless troll with 666 in his name criticizing Jones….lol. Satanism is still mega cool to little punk bitches.
Starved for attention kid??
@geneftw Just ignore him I looked at his channel…that douche bag is in a digital dream world if it’s not in a video game he’ll NEVER know!!! LMAO!
@guysmyly He must be…I peeked at his channel…all video games crap…he probabley has very little human contact, whatsoever. I’ve had some experience with “trolls” so I am not going to even waste time on him! Thanx for the laughs you got that little twirp pegged!!! LOL!
@vman996 wow you are retared lol have you ever even taken drugs? its not like it is in the movies you know. and why be here? why even talk it means nothing to anyone but your self. 15 year olds should not be aloud on the internet grown folks here talking shut up boy
@nandatebayo666 lol you the one wasting your so called life giving him hits listening and watching his videos GO you bayo is the man woo whoo keep the dream alive your tard :)
Bravo Alex & Jason!!! Soon those who deny the existence of the New (Old) World Order will be just has irrelevant as the morons who deny the Halacaust!!!
is food irradiation the same as uht, ultra heat treated food? like that rubbish milk.
No, irradiation is the process by which an item is exposed to radiation. Food irradiation is by means of Ionizing radiation as in detaching electrons, destroying microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or insects that might be present in the food. In simpler terms it kills, now when you eat that food, the electrons stripped from the atoms will be taken back from your body, and hello health problems and cancer.
sounds great! Thanks for the explain my friend.
This Jason kid has done so well for himself.
I.Q < 90 Completely misinformed Not to mention, ugly. Yet, has managed to make millions with his scams. I guess it doesn't matter how stupid someone is, there is always someone more beef-headed to scam.
Alex, I’m quite sure you make more than enough money to buy a better quality pizza. At least buy it from Whole Foods. I’m not saying Whole Foods is God but it sure is better than Papa Johns.
Maybe its just me but I can’t laugh about what they are doing to the food and still partake in eating it.
Try buying your food from a farm if possible or at least organic food products.
Your right Alex Jones. Look up GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and see if you are very selective about what you eat from now on. To stay healthy all you need to do is eat everything 100% organic. Just make sure its says 100% oraganic because you might be eating something with GMOs in it.
Is it me or does he sometimes sound like Forest Gump?
Go to the BNP web site and download the Manifesto.
This will be the answer to Gillian Duffys questions, the one’s that Brown, Clegg, Cameron dare not and can not answer.