Extradition of Brian Howes Kerry-Ann Shanks to the USA through Cleveland Police Corruption. Becky Driscol and Gillian Mathews who have persecuted my family for several years have already received commendations for their role in Bringing about Extradition proceedings before we have even been charged or been found guilty of anything. Becky and Gillian both received their commendations in Denver USA. Cleveland Police should be investigated again for their corruption and there so called statistics. PF David Dickson Supplied false information to get us remanded and should be made to answer to his dealings in this case. A PF is supposed to get justice, not self satisfaction by telling lies and causing severe misery for a whole family that have done NO WRONG.
Brian was a chemical salesman who did not break any UK laws whatsoever. All he is guilty of is naivety of US importing laws and the results of failing to research the,m properly.
I am truly shocked at this extradition and wish and hope that the government will come to your families rescue. Extradition without evidence is unbelievable.
The US are crazy, The UK government do not protect our citizens. The Justice Minister should get involved for the families sake.
Well I have looked at this case and I am completely surprised how it has been allowed to get this far. The government should step in and put an end to these proceedings for this family.
The reporter is a quite bias and ive been told will not tackle the real issues of cleveland police corruption.
Arizona police are as corrupt as Cleveland Police in the UK.
Tyne Tees are afraid to report the truth about Cleveland Police.
Can somebody help me here? How can these people be brought to the US if the chemicals they were selling were legal in the UK? And surely evidence must be shown before so many lives are affected. What happened to innocent until proven guilty hey people?
This is terrible and this sort of thing should stop.