If women in America get paid less than men, why don’t more businesses just hire women and save money?

Lars Larson: I have too many questions, and not enough answers. Lives in Chicago

Look at it this way: If you have 100 business owners, and 25 are liberal women, 25 are conservative women, 25 are liberal men, and 25 are conservative men, exactly how is it that women make $0.77 for every $1.00 that men make? We would have to assume that no female business owners would pay women less than men, right? And we would also have to assume that the liberal male business owners would also pay $1:$1, as liberals are all about equal outcome. So guess what? That would mean that the conservative male business owners are only paying women $0.08 for every $1.00 that men make.

Here is the math, broken down:

  • Liberal female business owners pay women: $1 for every $1 that men make
  • Conservative female business owners pay women: $1 for every $1 that men make
  • Liberal male business owners pay women: $1 for every $1 that men make
  • Conservative male business owners pay women: $0.08 for every $1 that men make
  • And if we add it all up, it comes to $3.08. And $3.08 divided by 4 is $0.77.

Questions to ask yourself:

How is it that conservative male business owners are getting away with only paying female employees $0.08 for every $1.00 that the male employees make?

Why hire men when you can hire 12 women for every man?

Are you starting to see the problem with the $0.77 myth?

If women in America get paid less than men, why don’t more businesses just hire women and save money?
