[..YouTube..] of course its fake it has the text at the end. its an ad u idiots, And 1theveyron, what kind of ignorant crap is it to think all swat are good looking
[..YouTube..] hey if it s not fake ,,swat must be fuckin super ugly what kind of words has to say ,,what a UGLY PEOPLE YOU ARE,,FAÄ°L YOU ARE FAÄ°L GET OUT !!FUCK YOU SUCKS
[..YouTube..] @handsomebassman no fkn way Oo are you serious ? So every commercial on TV is fake ? You don’t know where to use that word man, its a Commercial, a scenario, FOR SURE IT DIDNT HAPPENED for real you mighty hero of the incan empire, do your homeworks :) I love you -xox- Big Hug !!!
[..YouTube..] fake or not it is still very very very very funny!
[..YouTube..] fake or not it is still very very very very funny!
[..YouTube..] So true!!!
[..YouTube..] So true!!!
[..YouTube..] hahaha
[..YouTube..] hahaha
[..YouTube..] @padaya19 no shit it’s fake. dumbass
[..YouTube..] @padaya19 no shit it’s fake. dumbass
[..YouTube..] i thought it was reall at first then i realized how stupid i was
[..YouTube..] i thought it was reall at first then i realized how stupid i was
[..YouTube..] lolz! when they busted into the kids place, the swat guys hid their guns behind thier back lol XD
[..YouTube..] lolz! when they busted into the kids place, the swat guys hid their guns behind thier back lol XD
[..YouTube..] what was that a canadian Humor/ad attempt? heard some “eh” in there
[..YouTube..] this is funny as hell
[..YouTube..] fake
[..YouTube..] funny
[..YouTube..] f a k e
[..YouTube..] of course its fake it has the text at the end. its an ad u idiots, And 1theveyron, what kind of ignorant crap is it to think all swat are good looking
[..YouTube..] hey if it s not fake ,,swat must be fuckin super ugly what kind of words has to say ,,what a UGLY PEOPLE YOU ARE,,FAÄ°L YOU ARE FAÄ°L GET OUT !!FUCK YOU SUCKS
[..YouTube..] omg … its a true video?
[..YouTube..] was this real!?
[..YouTube..] @handsomebassman no fkn way Oo are you serious ? So every commercial on TV is fake ? You don’t know where to use that word man, its a Commercial, a scenario, FOR SURE IT DIDNT HAPPENED for real you mighty hero of the incan empire, do your homeworks :) I love you -xox- Big Hug !!!
[..YouTube..] LOL
[..YouTube..] funny how governments worldwide are disarming the people….
while governments are armed to the teeth…
someone is losing big
[..YouTube..] @matrice911 Its fake you moron.
[..YouTube..] rofl at the calm old people
[..YouTube..] what A FAIL!
[..YouTube..] “What about my door , what about my door” xD
[..YouTube..] Its not fake its just a commercial Oo about how sweet research engines are… XD funny as hell the man’s face at the end hahaha
[..YouTube..] hahahahahhahaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha!LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL ………………..BAD INFORMATION:)))
[..YouTube..] LOL
[..YouTube..] haha man that was awesome
[..YouTube..] ahahah!
[..YouTube..] @hheywire lol
[..YouTube..] thats so fake.
[..YouTube..] AHAHAHAHHA~
Wrong again~
[..YouTube..] how does somebody manage to bust down the worng door. thier the police, they have access to lists of adresses for any neighborhood
[..YouTube..] @jimih64 lmfao!!!! XD
[..YouTube..] Lol? Wtf? Wrong again. 3 Times…
[..YouTube..] @hheywire …..? You make men look bad, you fucking moron.
[..YouTube..] @devonnnn93 your mom so lazy that she just dose bjs she to lazy to pull off her pants
[..YouTube..] was that for real?
[..YouTube..] okay, dumbass. you’re just lazy.
[..YouTube..] if it was wrong TWICE y try again
[..YouTube..] LOL
[..YouTube..] Did Anyone notice it said SWAT cause i did =D
[..YouTube..] That’s not funny, my brother died that way
[..YouTube..] Yeah, good luck getting them to be professional about paying for the door…
[..YouTube..] The woman who was watching the kids she is BAD LADY.
[..YouTube..] ha so true