By making a cloud disappear, you prove the Law of Attraction – that your thoughts effect things and that your consciousness is connected to creation. So, try it yourself. Sorry about not getting a haircut first. I had to get this video done and up. And, if you don’t believe I made the cloud disappear (even with two videos), please let me know how I need to do it to make you a believer. If you need to see this with your own eyes then do it yourself or e-mail me and you can come see for yourself. lol That’s right. We are going to tackle the meaning of life. Still, in order to discuss the meaning of life in a world with so many confusing and misleading teachings about right and wrong, we do have to clear up some misdirection. For example, unless atheism is disproven, it makes no sense to have a conversation about the meaning of life with an atheist. Their belief is that there is no God-force and that we are here by circumstance. If someone believes something akin to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (or evolution as it has been taught in American classrooms), then it will be hard for them to think outside of that box. If a person is a steadfast believer that his religion is right and all others are wrong, he will be so concerned with trying to convert you that any truth you speak will be lost on him. So, the best way to proceed is through doing that which can be observed as real. When someone (yourself included) sees that cloud disappear it opens your mind to the possibilities …
We didn’t come from monkeys (0:45) because they are a modern species, but both monkeys and humans certainly evolved from a common ancestor.
Those little squiggly lines you mention at 12:36 are white blood cells in your visual field. It’s known as “blue field entoptic phenomenon”. They are fun to watch!
@bodhisattvaPatty :) i called him African because i consider any African american an African ..why because their ancestors are African most people here whether their Jewish/chinese/austrilian .. they usually claim their original culture .where their mothers and fathers came from you can dispute that up and down everyone has their own opinion.but if you look at most people here they claim there culture they call them jewish but they was born here not in isreal or i’m Irish but never bin to
@bodhisattvaPatty part 2 :) if someone came up to me and said you a African i would agree just because its about unity.making that connection back to our roots like every other culture or group of people on this planet except for some of us and that is my roots thats where my slave ancestors came from.but i’m speaking for the guy on the screen looks African (ask him) and myself.maybe you white cant see the big picture for example if someone calls me brother i dont stop them and say no i aint
@holyunnamed ……. :) Ok, hun but I don’t consider myself african. I am a black american. Everyone who lives in America is an American first, then they can distinguish themselves to whatever group, but the fact is that most black Americans don’t have much “African” in them. Most blacks are mixed with European ancestory. I mean no offense but I feel that the Liberals have taken away unity among Americans by trying to seperate everyone into groups. That is how you perpetuate racism. :)
@bodhisattvaPatty like i said you can argue up and down your opinion unfortunately i don’t agree with your opinion
@holyunnamed ….lol that’s fine………….matters not to me…..and I think it is you who is the one seeing an “argument”. I thought I was having a friendly, civil debate…but whatever…………blessings to you regardless of your agreement or not :) Peace~!
@bodhisattvaPatty yeah sure patty but the context of your responses is no bueno for me to perpetuate a discussion that will not bring us any where .. in which you would need more of an inner-standing or what they call know thyself and unfortunately that can not be achieved threw this forum
Ok you’re doing the cloud thing. I saw it & I actually did see it occur. Now what ? What is the purpose of this ? To just watch these clouds disappear ? Or will this help anyone ? That is to say, will this help the downtrodden ? Yeah it feels amazing watching clouds disappear, does this mean anything or exactly what does this mean sir ? Yea I laughed cause you actually pointed at the wrong clouds on the right. The ones on the left were disappearing first & more so than the arrow on the screen
The cloud to it’s left disappeared before the one you pointed at. Fail.
@Siva3Enthroned Point is…try it yourself. It will work.
@politicalpollution Ok…the cloud was one formation that split. So, when it split, I began to focus on one part. However, I could do this 10 times in 10 different videos. It’s that EASY! The point is – I want the viewers to do this for themselves. So many people believe they are disconnected and are thus forced to listen to ‘authorities’. So, this is the empowering effect of this. If I can get that message over – good enough. I did this last year though.
@ujudkma Thanks for the info. I’ll definitely do a little research and learn more.
@holyunnamed The GOD-force is within us. So, it’s not that the Creator of All is present, but that CREATIVE FORCE is ever-present in the Universal Law and the Forces and Power that governs all life. GOD is a Oneness – more than a physical presence. It is an Understanding that we are all part of the whole and thus cannot be separated from Creation.
@PhilxEulogyx Please try it…mind-opening.
@ZachandBailey1111 Yes. We must all transend these ideas to realize that there is more to it than our little groups. Challenging as it may seem, this is the challenge we must all embrace.
@MsLecia1 It depends on what type of cloud it is. The cloud will disappear and re-collect if there is a purpose for its being. If it’s just hanging there, it will not return. Try it yourself or do a search. I did this same thing on Youtube a year ago. Also, this is my third try at the video. The others were running too long, because of the type of clouds. Also, I did it on no sleep, after running three miles. lol Not the best circumstance, but I had to get the video up. Be blessed.
@MythicalManMoth As serious as life itself. I could do this 10,000 times, but unless you try it yourself there will always be that question. Try it one day…when you have nothing else to do. Watch.
@PsalmsNmyrrh Honestly, I forgot. I gave blood with the Red Cross some years ago (2002 or 03), but I don’t remember anything except that it was one of the more rare types.
@lovenconsciousness No…my eyes were open the whole time.
@MetaChannel I can make my dinner disappear off of my plate, depending on who made it & how well seasoned the dinner is. So what then. Should I make a video sir ? haha. Yes I saw the clouds disappear. So now what is the purpose of doing that ? Can we channel this energy into a positive force to be reckoned with ? Come on man , what’s next ? How can this power be harnessed ?
Really can’t wait to hear your thoughts on duality.
I advise you to read about confirmation bias, if you don’t know what that is!
I tried this the other day, and it did work! I concentrated on making the cloud dissapear. it slowly dissapated
this might sound weird, but on the topic of smoking, marijuana actually makes the energy in your body so intense i feel like im in the deepest meditation i could be in, even when im not meditaing…this might be the reason american culture/gov. links it to violence and other drugs when really it is a very spiritual activity! NOW GO GET HIGH LOL