No guests today. Alex covers a wide range of topics, including law enforcement in DC using pre-crime software, the latest developments on the economy and the IMF, and the continued militarization of society. Phones will be wide open for your calls.
@MaximusProteus Social Darwinism is not a science, it’s a worldview.. same with eugenics.
I don’t “believe” in evolution. I have learnt about it and find the evidence overwhelmingly points to evolution. Actually I will have to reiterate – evolution is a FACT (we know for certain life on earth has common ancestry and changes over time). The THEORY of evolution by natural selection is an explanation of HOW evolution occurs (by positing that environmental selective pressures drive change in gene frequency).
A 100% complete timeline – that is just BS and you know it. The chances of having fossils of all the generations of our ancestors are minimal. of the billions of species that have existed on the planet, only a fraction is available for study in fossil forms and only a fraction of that has been unearthed. Nevertheless the sheer number of fossils, along with their location and the geological time-period they are from, without exception confirm evolution to be correct.
@8DX Then try not making statements like “there are – no – parts of evolution not completely understood.”
Or such absurd claims as that every single contrary hypothesis has been disproved.
I doubt you have ever opened a journal let alone read every contrary theory and rebuttal to make such a statement.
Your claims go beyond what is accepted science despite you referring to yourself as “We”.
Your being obnoxious and as pig headed as the creationists who ignore evidence of evolution.
@JimboTHC I don’t think I made that statement. My main point is that evolution is a fact, explained by the theory of evolution by natural selection.
Contrary hypothesis? I’m sorry remind me I don’t know any. If you mean the various hypothesis about things like “accurate fossil dating methods” or “does only dna mutation provide material for evolutionary change?” – yes of course there are many competing theories – but all of them today essentially take evolution = common ancestry to be a fact.
I’m sorry but I find your claim that one would need a 100% accurate timeline or to understand everything about evolution to call it a fact – much more absurd.
What is pig-headed about the statement “we know for certain life on earth has common ancestry and changes over time”? Yes – we = me and all the scientists I have heard on the subject. It’s like saying: “we know for certain that atoms are attracted to each other by gravity, which accounts for our not falling of the planet”.
8DX 1 week ago – “there is not a single critique of evolution that has not been debunked/explained/understood.”
Proclamations like these are as obnoxious as creationists and go beyond what Science claims.
August 24 2010 Prof Stenton and Burns published a peer reviewed paper in Biology letters that says habitat most likely spurred evolution as opposed to competition.
You were being a absolutist who claims Science has engraved all this in stone when that is simply not case.
@JimboTHC Oh that.. well I think I’ve made it clear what I mean by evolution (common descent and change in gene frequency) and that IS a fact and it there is really no critique of this point that is valid today.
Of course the exact methods of evolution are a topic of fierce scientific debate – as well as the precise history of life on Earth.
But I can still state “I share a common ancestor with that chimp in the zoo” as fact without it being in anyway arrogant or a mere “theory”.
Alex Jones is a traitor to the US people,he helps keep the focus off zionist jews who control the US govt.and who r destroying US by putting all the blame on US govt. therefore turning US citizens against their own govt. colapse US$,BP oilspill & many other ways,jews beleive their messiah is coming soon and will rule the world and monetary system from jerusalem,google or youtube ‘third temple mount’,jews beleive any one who is not a jew has no soul,we’re animals to them. nowarforisraeldotcom
search on youtube for ‘Alex Jones exposed’, his wife is jewish, his sponsors are jewish,he is a zionist disinformer and the zionist jews are destroying America for a greater israel to rule the world.The truth is getting out so jews get Alex Jones to tell half truths to confuse you and keep focus off jews.HELP SPREAD THE TRUTH. nowarforisraeldotcom
search Youtube for ‘David Icke exposed’ & ‘zionist control America’&’zionist control media’&’israel did 911’, they do terrorism & turn christian’s against muslim’s.Mel Gibson was right jews are behind all the war’s, wakeup America zionist jews are scum.Search for the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.HELP SPREAD THE TRUTH.nowarforisraeldotcom
Well done for wearing the yellow occultist masonic tee-shirt!
Your cover has been blown,as a CIA/Zionist shill agent,for ages,too!!!!
Check out who owns his radio station(a zionist!!!).
am surprised you can read….you sound rather stupid…typical stupid american idiot….u lot are so below us British people
@masonwatcher68 Is station is related to ABC wich is Disney.
@gutlover33uk fuck the americans and fuck you to …there are only stupid people and there are humans you are one of the stupid people gutlover33uk
I’m british, and i’m insulted!
Just when you think fat stupid Americans are a stereotype .
Hess was not locked up in the tower – if he can’t even get that right then there’s no hope that the other bullshit he’s spouting is remotely true.
way to wear that same shirt fag
half the people who call in are inbred dumb fucks
your just rant cause your dad touched you when you were a kid
@drugwhore thank you!!
The most stupid video in YouTube history. my best bit been this idiot claiming edward viii was german lol
Alex, you are still missing information… you are only saying half truths, I´m not surprised….
book Secret Agent 666 by R. Spence recently published.
book Secret Agent 666 by R. Spence published 2009.
Oh dear, the effor/i to find out for yourself; does not equal: perhaps just believe anything you are told..
Is Ignorant rabble rousing what it has come to?